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Subject: Open letter to those that feel Robochef is much easier to use than Make It!
I got more private mail today telling me how much easier Robochef is to use than Make It!

Understand that I have nothing against Robochef, and hope that YewWanSum gets a chance to update it someday.

But...In the meantime...

I haven't understood how a program that doesn't even work is 'easier to use' than Make It...

So, in this spirit, I am hereby announcing Make It Version 10. This version is TWICE as easy to use as Robochef.

I will have the download available later today. Unfortunately, it is not compatible with current versions of Decal, or with AC for that matter, but since 'working' is obviously not a criteria used in judging quality, I am happy to know that once again I am the best there is.

You can now all start writing to YewWanSum now and start telling him how much easier Make It! Vsn 10 is to use than Robochef. Hopefully this cuts down on the email I get

Thank you


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Subject: Open letter to those that feel Robochef is much easier to use than Make It!
This is going to be the best version yet!


PS. Why does there have to be haters?


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Subject: Open letter to those that feel Robochef is much easier to use than Make It!
Hah, my plugin, RoboMake, combines the best of both plugins!


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Subject: Open letter to those that feel Robochef is much easier to use than Make It!

You are so second rate. wink I already solved the Make It problem. I created a macro to use Make It! so I don't have to. I call it "Robo Make It!". I thought of calling it MISS (Make It Simple Stupid) but I didn't want to confuse people.

Just so everyone knows I am currently working on a program that will combine all the useful programs that have ever been used in AC. It will combine salvaging, buffing, looting, cooking, trade skills, ust, status bars, locations, shortcuts, ammo loading, macro's and a load of other useful features.

I will revolutionize the game of AC. I am thinking of calling it OB1 (One Button) like Obi-Wan Kenobi in Star Wars. It does not use decal and is also a lot faster than decal running all these features together.

WHAT! I thought we were playing "let's pretend". grin



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Subject: Open letter to those that feel Robochef is much easier to use than Make It!
Hehe happy


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Subject: Open letter to those that feel Robochef is much easier to use than Make It!
I feel it's easier to have someone make everything for me.

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Subject: Open letter to those that feel Robochef is much easier to use than Make It!
Its mostly just UI design and data, Gouru.

1) Robochef had clearly laid out groupings of items that were intuitive and complete. If you remember, much of my early efforts were focused not around making the plugin better(because FF was developing it at the time), but providing a really useful XML file that was clearly laid out. This is the biggest factor. (Yes, I've downloaded the 'complete' XML list. Its...cumbersome and incomplete. Sure, you can add anything you want, but IMO that ability clutters the interface needlessly and shirks the responsibility of providing a comprehensive clearly organized offering.

2) It was immediately obvious how to set up multiple tasks and just hit GO and go to bed. I do not know how to do this in MakeIt, and yes I have tried MakeIt and find it very functional.

3) Robochef didnt try to do too much. It crafts. It doesnt buff, shop, or level you(despite the requests to have it do so). This is yet more clutter and distracts from core functionality.

4) Robochef told you up front what you needed to make the high level object because it recursed the recipe tree, searching for multiple ways to make the same thing. I *wished* it generated a shopping list, but I had not added that functionality. The way the core of theplugin was designed, it wasnt possible to accumulate that information across high-level objects. The new core allows this, but requires a new paradigm to handling multiple actions and tree recursion.

For *me*, these are the largest factors that affect usability. Others undoubtedly have 'pet features' or other things they like and I'll let them speak for themselves.

p.s. Yes, I have updated RoboChef for use with Decal 3(it actually loads and does stuff, but it is not ready for release. I intend on "Adapterizing" it and correcting the mistakes I made wading around in C# land. (Yes, I did exactly what the Decal devs tell you not to do and used plugin development to learn C# =P) Since then I actually got trained in C# so now I know all kind of things that made me look like an idiot at my first attempt.(still have much to learn though)

As soon as the next Decal hits and Mob Tracker is released(its done already but needs the fixes in, I'll be back to work on RoboChef.NET.


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Subject: Open letter to those that feel Robochef is much easier to use than Make It!
Nothing to say bad about Gouru but,

I have authored serveral Plug-ins, Been using both Playing AC(BETA) and using Decal(BETA) as long as anyone could and I couldn't make this plug-in do anything but look at me.

After about (4) 15 minute attempts, I just shooke my head, un-installed it and moved on to Tings worried which worked without any problems.


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Subject: Open letter to those that feel Robochef is much easier to use than Make It!
Like I said, I know what people like about Robochef. Yes, it is easier for people to use.

When I designed Make It! I had a few design goals. One, I did NOT want to provide a complete menu of makeable items, I wanted crafters to explore and learn how to make them themselves. I did NOT want a program that you could set up to run overnight making lots of different types of items, and limited the number you could make of a single item. I did want a program that would make things as quickly, efficiently and reliably as possible, and spent probably the majority of my time working on that area of the program, removing artificial timers that were used by other programs. It was also my first Decal plugin after moving from an earlier script I had used with ACScript.

And, at the end of the day, it works for me. And that has always been the primary design goal of anything I've written. I'm not trying to write software for others, trying to get them to buy my stuff. I do it for myself, not for others. I make it available to those that would like it, but I am in no competition to be the 'best'. If they want to donate a tangible thank you, I appreciate it, but it does not purchase customer support. I use the software myself, and that is why ALL my plugins were converted to ToD as soon as it became available.

Robochef is a great product. Many people like it. I appreciate that. If Robochef had consistent support I would probably be using it. But when I started work on Make It!, Robochef was not working and IIRC was not going to be updated. Sometime after Make It! was working, Robochef came back to life. Since then, Robochef support went away again and now will be coming back in the future. In the meantime, Make It! keeps chugging away, giving me my arrows and beers. And it is doing so for a lot of other users as well.

What I get tired of however is being told that Robochef IS better, or easier to use, or whatever. Until it works it is NOT any of those things. The people that complain to me about how much better Robochef is, should really be complaining to YewWanSum that Robochef doesn't work. Because IMHO, all those people that prefer Robochef should be using it.


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Subject: Open letter to those that feel Robochef is much easier to use than Make It!

I can understand your frustration. It is not fair for people to be comparing Make It! to another non-existant program. You are right if they prefer Robochef they should use Robochef but *snap* Robochef doesn't work so they should zip it.

I am currently working on a program called JEDI (Just Everyone Do It!) which will combine all the features of all your programs. I wonder if by putting the It! at the end if I am breaking any copyright laws. You don't mind do you?

I'm just kidding of course but if I did I would just release it to my friends and to the allegiance. Hmmmm.... thinking



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Subject: Open letter to those that feel Robochef is much easier to use than Make It!
I use MakeIt for bundled arrowheads all the time. Works great and is easy to figure out.

Thanks Gouru happy


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Subject: Open letter to those that feel Robochef is much easier to use than Make It!
My response to anyone that was messaging me, stating that another plugin was more superior... "Then use it and stop PM'n me!"


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Subject: Open letter to those that feel Robochef is much easier to use than Make It!
Plus Robochef used house chests wink


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Subject: Open letter to those that feel Robochef is much easier to use than Make It!
First of all, I just have to say thank you Gouru, for yet again making me laugh, lol. I just love your sense of humor.

Second, while I have never really had any need for convoluted crafting macro plugins, I have used MakeIt! since it came out, and have never once found it to be confusing or hard to use, and in fact, I found it quite simple, and it did every single thing I've ever wanted to make. The maiin things I've used it for are Beer, the simple chorizite potions, and the advanced dispell potions. Occasionally I'll whip up a few wrapped arrowheads, but that is rare.

Robochef could never make the advanced dispell potions, because it lacked the ability to combine oil with oil. While you could edit the xml to add the recipes (they weren't in there by default), you still had to do the one step manually. (At least when I used it they were not there).

MakeIt! has those in the fullrecipelist.xml, and does them without a single hitch. Not once have I had it give me errors, and it can quickly make as many things as you have the components for. I've done 1000 chorizite potions in less than 30 minutes.

Now, granted, I don't do things that require you buff every hour, I don't do anything that requires you regain health or stamina or anything like that, so I have absolutely no reference for the abilities of MakeIt to do those things, and honestly I can't think of any reason why anyone would need something like this. Trade Health Elixirs are pretty obsolete on the server I play on, so *shrug*.

For me, MakeIt is awesome, simple, easy and fast, and I recommend it to anyone who asks what to use. happy


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Subject: Open letter to those that feel Robochef is much easier to use than Make It!
Yes the fullrecipelist.xml works well, now delete those and start entering item manually.

THAT IMHO is where all the difficulty and confusion LIES. Trying to add new receipes.

H*ll i gave up trying to add receipes via the add method and go straight to XML editor and add it as I found that to be the eaiser process (even though that too didn't have any documentation).


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Subject: Open letter to those that feel Robochef is much easier to use than Make It!


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Subject: Open letter to those that feel Robochef is much easier to use than Make It!
There is now documentation on how to add recipes manually.

I agree it's not the easiest to use, however when it is used I don't get email from people asking me why their manually entered recipe doesn't work to which I respond that 'egg' is spelled with 2 'g's.


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Subject: Open letter to those that feel Robochef is much easier to use than Make It!
I used RoboChef when it was available, I liked it a lot. Since I often offer my trademule's services to others in the allegiance for making wrapped bundles of arrowheads, the built in feature of the trademule being able to ask for buffs when needed was VERY helpful. Being able to use chests was also nice, especially when making a LOT of arrowheads.

Before ToD released, I spent hours stocking up on arrowheads for my personal archers, and encouraged the allegiance to do the same. RoboChef worked tirelessly for me making up these arrowheads. The day came when we all ran out ... and there was no RoboChef to make arrowheads for us! With my wrists being what they are, I began to search for a program that could make them for us ... enter Make It!

My first issue was making plain old everyday run of the mill wrapped bundles of deadly heads (yep, the plain ones you turn into barbed heads). I posted here for help, and someone was kind enough to offer the needed entry into the xml for them. For a short while, it did not stack ... Gouru fixed it. I've used Make It! for HOURS at a time to make arrowheads for myself and allegiance mates. My only "complaint" is that I have to keep an eye on my trademule and manually enter the request for buffs at the appropriate time (a small complaint to be sure in the overall scheme of things).

As far as comparing the two? Well, the old RoboChef saved me the problem of having to ask for buffs, which was nice. BOTH programs can make as many arrowheads as I have the comps to do - which is nice. I don't have to sit here pressing keys over and over again to create oils and such ... which is VERY nice. When Yew releases the new and improved Robo, will I take a look at it? Sure, why not? Will I stop using Make It! in favour of RoboChef? Don't know. I may very well use them both. Once I got the recipe list to load properly in Make It! I had no further problems.

My end "take" on the subject? I'm grateful to have a program at ALL that can make arrowheads for me. If it is not quite as easy to use as a program that has been gone for over a year now, that's ok. I read, and figured it out. I appreciate the work Gouru has done to make this plugin work for us all. I appreciate the work Yew is doing to try to get RoboChef back up and running for us all. To all those who are complaining??? Go back to making them manually, without benefit of any plugin to help you. Nobody is forcing you to use the program happy


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Subject: Open letter to those that feel Robochef is much easier to use than Make It!
Nice Humor laugh

To throw my two cents in...
Make It does everything i need. It works and is not really hard to understand.
Think there was a good job done.
Thx G., keep up the good work!


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