Author Topic: Got a question for anyone who's good with Muletrader
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Subject: Got a question for anyone who's good with Muletrader

i started a thread there, instead of reposting i'll just give you a link, since i answered another question in a reply.

any help would rock



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Subject: Got a question for anyone who's good with Muletrader
The delivery option doesn't work freezes or crashes after 1st delivey is made. (The devs know about this)

If I read your post right, you want someone to be able to get an item for free from the bot....right.

If so, then price the item with a value (10,000 mmds)that is way to high (if you don't want anyone else to buy it). Then in the discount option give the person you want to have it a 100% discount. This would be the only way I could think of to do it.

The problem would be you could only do this one person and one item at a time, or everyone you put on the discount list could get everything there. Plus if you set it this way.... who ever has a discount can get anything from your packs free.

Without the delivery option working this is going to be hard to control and do.

Maybe someone else knows a better way, I don't at the moment.


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