Author Topic: So, did the Decal Devs and Turbine plot this together?
Title: The Lord of Chaos
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Subject: So, did the Decal Devs and Turbine plot this together?
I'm talking about the "Ninja's" in EO? Early reports are that they don't show up on radar and that they plugins don't detect them. Which baits the question ... Did the Decal Devs finally change it so that certain monsters can't be detected by plugins, and thus help to get rid of UCMing via "gimping" Decal?

I really don't mind it, but you know people are gonna be asking it. May as well put the question out there now.


I tend to think so, because Drak had the memlocks up 90 minutes before the worlds even came up, so that sort of hints that had access to the worlds BEFORE they were released to the General Population.


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Subject: So, did the Decal Devs and Turbine plot this together?
Drakier and the Decal Devs have had the memlocs up early in the past.


Logan Conrad -MT- 221st Level Combat Archer
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Subject: So, did the Decal Devs and Turbine plot this together?
You would think that ACVault staff would adhere to the rules here, but I guess not. This is pretty clearly a trolling thread. Way to go, Arch-Magi!

Also, you at least should know that all we need is the client to get the memlocs. We don't need the worlds to be up, since memloc generation is mostly automated.



Hazridi of WE, VT, HG, SC
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Subject: So, did the Decal Devs and Turbine plot this together?
Who is trolling? I'm just asking a question that relates directly to Decal.

I wasn't the first person to speculate on this, I was just the first person to ask on this board.


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Subject: So, did the Decal Devs and Turbine plot this together?
You're trolling. Please.



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Subject: So, did the Decal Devs and Turbine plot this together?
I logged into the Tubine Launcher (ACLauncher) and downloaded the acclient.exe exactly as you could have done if you attempted to at the same time. Anyone could have just as easily logged into the launcher and downloaded the acclient.exe the same way I did.

I also happen to have written a lot of killer tools that make most of the monthly memloc stuff pretty much fully automated. Only once in a while do I actually have to disassemble the acclient to get any memlocs anymore. And usually that is only with significant changes.

way to troll Arch_Magi.


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Subject: So, did the Decal Devs and Turbine plot this together?
*munch munch*


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Subject: So, did the Decal Devs and Turbine plot this together?
Listen, all you had to do is answer the question with a simple "No, we did not conspire with Turbine to nerf Decal, the rumors aren't true."

If you want to keep on with the "baiting" and "personal attacks", then you will only make yourselves too look like paranoid fools.

I came here, to the source, to either confirm or dispel a rumor, and you jump down my throat. Classy.


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Subject: So, did the Decal Devs and Turbine plot this together?
Seriously, we would have had to have a new version of Decal to do what you're describing. Who's paranoid now?



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Subject: So, did the Decal Devs and Turbine plot this together?
The new critters are simply a monster with a different flag (I think). Nothing special, just one that plugins are not configured to recognize.


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Subject: So, did the Decal Devs and Turbine plot this together?
Arch_Magi said:

"I came here, to the source, to either confirm or dispel a rumor, and you jump down my throat. Classy."

Maybe that would be true if you would have stated this just once in one place. But, I saw that you copied and pasted your initial response (or partial response) in at least 3 (4) different places...

Not only on this thread, but...




If I was just asking a question, I'd ask it here or maybe even send a PM to Drakier and/or the Decal Devs. You said that you weren't spreading any rumors, but you sure did a good job of it. wink


Logan Conrad -MT- 221st Level Combat Archer
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Subject: So, did the Decal Devs and Turbine plot this together?
Tested, and they are normal monsters. Nothing special. But lvl 7 vulns and wars in EO = useless dungeon to anyoen now sad .


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Title: The Lord of Chaos
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Subject: So, did the Decal Devs and Turbine plot this together?
ElgarL posted:
Tested, and they are normal monsters. Nothing special. But lvl 7 vulns and wars in EO = useless dungeon to anyoen now sad

Yeah, IMO, this move was retarded, but that is another dicussion for another thread ... like on the 3 other threads I talked about it. *cough* Logan *cough*


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Title: The Lord of Chaos
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Subject: So, did the Decal Devs and Turbine plot this together?
Hazridi posted:
You're trolling. Please.

Actually, if I was trolling, I would have made a post like this ...

Subject: ISO: UCTM program
Bodey: Unattended Cow Tipping Macro that is.

Dwennon tells you, "Good, those cows will be set for a while, you can take a break. I expect you to report back here tomorrow to continue though, we can't let down our guard. Even better, search out cows around the world and tip them. They must all be stopped."
You've earned 10,000 experience.
You are Obviously Bored, maybe you should check your titles.
Dwennon gives you Tipped Pack Cow.
Dwennon tells you, "Don't tell them I gave that to you, you don't want to see them when they get very mad."

Tip a cow 300 times and you get a tipped pack cow and the title "Obviously Bored"


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Subject: So, did the Decal Devs and Turbine plot this together?

you're killing me.

your negativity is really getting old.

Conspiracy theories, whacking down the game after you've left, you have become the quintessential board troll.



Neat, clever way to kill UCM !!

Thank God if the Decal Devs and Turbine are working together!


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Subject: So, did the Decal Devs and Turbine plot this together?
try a little more cry baby calls to Turbine and they will nerf the ninjas next patch


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Title: The Lord of Chaos
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Subject: So, did the Decal Devs and Turbine plot this together?
I give it a 50/50 chance they nerf the ninjas next month.


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Subject: So, did the Decal Devs and Turbine plot this together?

I hope they don't grin


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Subject: So, did the Decal Devs and Turbine plot this together?
Unattended cow tipping macro? Arch, what the hell? You used to at least post interesting replies.



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Subject: So, did the Decal Devs and Turbine plot this together?
I heard a rumor that Turbine, stationed in the bowels of Mount Weather, transmitted certain lines of code to the Decal developers stationed in Area 51, and a secret base in Vostok Lake, Antarctica!


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Subject: So, did the Decal Devs and Turbine plot this together?
Hazridi posted:
Unattended cow tipping macro? Arch, what the hell? You used to at least post interesting replies.

I am doing a job, keeping people informed. I gave up my "trolling" when I hit 50k and when I joined the AC Vault.

But don't worry, I won't be a member of AC Vault much longer. I have already turned in my notice and will be transferring to another staff once Vanguard Vault goes live.

If you want "interesting replies", you can head over to the insider boards where I debate politics and other things not game related, and where my "status" means nothing.



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Subject: So, did the Decal Devs and Turbine plot this together?
<< I am doing a job, keeping people informed. >>

Posting misinformed rumors is informing people?

You could have posted "Is it true the Ninjas don't show up on radar and are endectab;e by plugins"? For the record, Castaway will never detect them.


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Subject: So, did the Decal Devs and Turbine plot this together?
"endectab;e" = undectable, what I get for typing before coffee. tongue


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Subject: So, did the Decal Devs and Turbine plot this together?
I have heard reports that Lifetank already targets them. Still havent tested it myself ,but it should.


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Title: Pika! Pika!

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Subject: So, did the Decal Devs and Turbine plot this together?
How many phat xps are the ninjas worth? If they are a major pain in the arse (level 7 vulns in EO would be unfortunate!) then some nice reward would be kewl! I'll have to go check it out. This is great since Egg Orchard was one of those insanely boring, risk-free dungeons that bored people liked to camp out in -- now it might be a bit fun.


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Subject: So, did the Decal Devs and Turbine plot this together?
I have heard rumors also that the actual radar "blip" color is black.

Anyone care to confirm this? happy That would explain the "not on radar" part.

Lifetank is seeing these. Been testing it recently. batting


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