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Spells known plugin - crossing accounts?
Is there a plugin that allows you to track the spells known to a character logged onto that PC, so another character can view and collect scrolls for them?
E.g. I've got a warrior on account #1 who would like to collect scrolls for the mage on account #2 without collecting and transferring dozens of duplicate spells... Both accounts can be logged onto the same PC (not at the same time), so a plugin can "memorize" both character's spells.
Anything like that exist?
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Spells known plugin - crossing accounts?
ScrollManager did that, but is not updated for ToD yet.
I have plans to get the same feature into ScrollReader3, but no ETA yet. Work is keeping my quite busy, I am completly new to Decal and C#.NET and sometimes I just want to play AC of course too. Maybe Digeron will have ScrollReader working faster, maybe I will be faster.
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Spells known plugin - crossing accounts?
ScrollWatcher kind of does that, but it doesn't do anything about duplicates. that is, if your mage needs a specific spell, and your warrior sees three scrolls for that same spell, ScrollWatcher will alert you for all three of them (it doesn't keep track of how many of each scroll you need, nor does it count how many you've picked up so far). it will only stop alerting you for a spell when it sees that the mage has learned it.
of course, ScrollWatcher won't display an alert for spells that your mage already knows. so if that's what you meant by "duplicate" spells, then I suppose it will work fine for you.
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Spells known plugin - crossing accounts?
I found an alternative - level the mage over 50 and hunt in Abayar's Laboratory. Now he can look for his own spells. ;P
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