Author Topic: Is there a plugin that keeps track of the monster kill quests and how many you have killed?
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Subject: Is there a plugin that keeps track of the monster kill quests and how many you have killed?
And which you are in the process of?


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Lingie Bunny

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Subject: Is there a plugin that keeps track of the monster kill quests and how many you have killed?
Trophy Hunter can keep count of how many of what monsters you kill, but doesn't specifically have kill quests coded into it. You'd have to clear it when you start, and just watch for it to hit whatever number you need.

Link on Suca's site.


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Subject: Is there a plugin that keeps track of the monster kill quests and how many you have killed?
AC does.


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Subject: Is there a plugin that keeps track of the monster kill quests and how many you have killed?
AC doesn't. It doesn't tell you what you have active, when you activated it, and only tells you how many monsters left when you actually kill one of them.


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Subject: Is there a plugin that keeps track of the monster kill quests and how many you have killed?
well, after you kill the number you need and head back to the hunter for your reward, if you click him again he tells you to come back after a specific amount of time. I added some of those as triggers in tank so I know when my waiting period expires and can go back and talk to the guy to get the kill task. THen whether you actively hunt them or just kill them as you go, you will be notified of how many others you have left to kill. The hunter tasks have no time limit so no fear of your kill count resetting.

And the Aun golem hunters have no wait period, so talk to them to see how many you have left ot kill, and once you get your reward talk to them again and you start over for killing them. Again, with this one there is no expiration date or reset time for your number of kills.

Personally I stopped using trophy hunter because it had caused horrible load times when openning a vendor.


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Subject: Is there a plugin that keeps track of the monster kill quests and how many you have killed?
Yeah, I was just hoping for some plug-in that kept a tally of how many of X you have left to kill and what is currently active and all that.

How hard would it be to make this plug-in?


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