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Topic: Returning to AC after a year and a half break, Looking for replacements for a few plugins.
Extended Info (if available) Real Post Cnt: 0 User ID: 0
Subject:Returning to AC after a year and a half break, Looking for replacements for a few plugins.
Hello guys, sorry to abuse your boards, but you all have the knowledge.
I used to use:
Nerfus Buffus for buffing
Bs/2 For Identifying on corpses
Ghud for a HUD and filters
and a few random others that wern't really needed
Are there any good replacements for those 3 that AREN'T Eltank, yet work well? I wasn't good at confuguring Eltank then, and i doubt i would be any better now after i haven't seen a decal plugin in 2 years. Thanks guys.
Extended Info (if available) Real Post Cnt: 965 User ID: 92,000
Subject:Returning to AC after a year and a half break, Looking for replacements for a few plugins.
Try AgentZ for your HUDs and filters.
Zegeger - HG - 246 - Axe AgentZ - "Ambition is a poor excuse for not having sense enough to be lazy." - Edgar Bergen "Imagination is more important then knowledge." - Albert Einstein
Extended Info (if available) Real Post Cnt: 37,802 User ID: 646,317
Subject:Returning to AC after a year and a half break, Looking for replacements for a few plugins.
I like Alinco with Buffme as a back up if you need to use less than 7's
Alinco does n excelent job of replacing B/S and UST has HUD's and some limited filters.
The HUD's are very easy to customise for different toons and the plug keeps them seporate.
The fact that we live at the bottom of a deep gravity well, on the surface of a gas covered planet going around a nuclear fireball 90 million miles away and think this to be normal is obviously some indication of how skewed our perspective tends to b