Author Topic: Need help with Castaway
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Subject: Need help with Castaway
How do you make it send messages to allegiance chat?


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Subject: Need help with Castaway
Depends, why do you want to do this?


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Subject: Need help with Castaway
Some people like to have the bot advertise quests, allegiance meetings, let people know how many comps they have left, let them know if they're being attacked (in PK allegiances), list off officers in the allegiance, etc, etc. Some poeple just like to have their bots spam though.

I don't have my configs for CastAway anymore, but I know it can be done as our allegiance bot reposts to allegiance chat.


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Subject: Need help with Castaway
The allegiance bot will respond to !bot and !whereto over the allegiance channel, but should do so in an @tell. I thought it might do a low comp warning boardcast over the allegiance channel, will have to double-check.

I'll never add the ability to advertise over any chat channel.


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Subject: Need help with Castaway
I thought you were able to do this? unless you changed it.

I have it configd on my old settings, but I wont say what it is, since id rather not want ppl to advertise over general chat ect either.


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Subject: Need help with Castaway
If Maddy's as smart as I'd like to think he is, he's already made CastAway eat (or make do nothing) anything the bot is programmed to say beginning with /cg /ct and so one and so on. I see nothing wrong though with /a.

However, it is nice to see the use of bot tags such as -b- -p- and -t-


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Subject: Need help with Castaway
Correct, we should be eating all the chat channel tags. We don't want bots advertising over the general chat channels. Just too rude. However, it is possible we missed a routine someplace too.


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Subject: Need help with Castaway
Like already said, I want the bot to send the messages to /a (not as often as the 3 minutes though, once every 30 minutes maybe, to let the clan know my comp levels, and any important messages i would normally say that don't fit in the MOTD.


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Subject: Need help with Castaway
I'll probably never add any type of general messaging to Castaway, low comps would be good over the allegiance channel.


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Subject: Need help with Castaway
By general messaging do you mean in the general global channels, or is allegiance chat included in that?

If anything Xp.Passup.System, just go download ACTool. Here's a small walkthrough:

1. Go here to this page:

2. Then click on the "Forums" link on that page. Then click on the "AC Tool Discussion" forum on that page. There's a thread pinned to the top of the page titled, "AC Tool 5.4.0", which is what you need. I'm not sure if the install from the main AC Tool page has been updated to this, even though they both say the same version number. Here's a direct link to that thread:

3. Even after downloading that file, you will need to delete the AC Tool surrogate line from your registry. There's a very basic tutorial for doing this in a link on that same thread. If you'd like a more in depth walkthrough for how to do that, go to this link:

4. Once that is all done, AC Tool will be fully updated and opperation. Start the program outside of game (doesn't matter if you started AC first or not), and use a macro as such:

////// Mystical Fists Crappy Allegiance Spammer 1.0
Constants // Do not edit these
Tapers = 0 // This is where you'll store your taper count
Plats = 0 // This is where you'll store your plat count

While 1=1 // This means the script will always run
Delay 30 Min // This how long it should wait in minutes
DirectChat /a We're doing a quest today!
// Feel free to change that line above
Delay 30 Min // This how long it should wait in minutes
CountMine Taper // This counts your tapers
SetConst Tapers = {PluginResult} // This stores your taper count
CountMine Platinum Scarab // This counts your plats
SetConst Plats = {PluginResult} // This stores your plat count
DirectChat /a I currently have $Tapers Tapers and $Plats Platinum Scarabs!!
// Feel free to change that line above

With all of that you'll then say whatever you want in allegiance chat every 30 minutes, and in another 30 minutes you'll also tell people how many tapers and plats you have left. Read the help files and check the forums and you'll know how to make this do so much more, your head'll spin happy


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Subject: Need help with Castaway
<< By general messaging do you mean in the general global channels, or is allegiance chat included in that? >>

We have never done anything delibrate to stop chat over the allegiance channel, only the global chat channels. Based onhow Castway does somethings, allegiance chat may be affected at times (especially in advertisements).


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