Author Topic: Allegiance Scanner Question (Allegiance Tree Map Plugin)
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Subject: Allegiance Scanner Question (Allegiance Tree Map Plugin)
I'm currently using Allegiance Scanner v1.4 by Gawa_Ibn_Edwas, which works superbly if I might add. It mapped my entire branch of the allegiance, 1300~ toons or so in half a day.

My question is about the output the plugin provides outside of game. It creats an XML file, which can be read by the out of game visual mapper Allegiance Viewer that comes with the plugin. I was wondering if there's a way for me to import this XML into an Excell spreadsheet, or possibly a different visual maping utility so that the tree can be displayed like so:


I love the plugin, and will PM Sucamarto to add this to his site as soon as I finish posting. I know that if I really want this, I should just find a way to do it myself, but I'm not the most technical at times and the only way I can see myself doing something of this magnitude would be by hand. Thanks for taking the time to read this though.

Allegiance Scanner
By Gawa_Ibn_Edwas


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Subject: Allegiance Scanner Question (Allegiance Tree Map Plugin)
Two or three days so I doubt someone will "do this for me" as we all love these kinds of posts anyhow, but one bump here before work. happy


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Subject: Allegiance Scanner Question (Allegiance Tree Map Plugin)
Did you try opening it in Excel to see what you got? The newest versios of Excel can read in an XML file.


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Subject: Allegiance Scanner Question (Allegiance Tree Map Plugin)
LoL, hadn't a clue. Guess I need a newer version of excel. Microsoft Excel 2000 with SP3, can't read it though. Thanks for the suggestion Maddy happy


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Subject: Allegiance Scanner Question (Allegiance Tree Map Plugin)
Hmm, I thought 2000 could...

Is the first line in the file <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


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Subject: Allegiance Scanner Question (Allegiance Tree Map Plugin)
<?xml version="1.0"?>

I checked through all the supported file extensions when I went to open the file, but it's not there. I then just told it to show me all the files and attempted to open it that way. This does give me a conversion system of types:

Text Import Wizard. I can set Delimited or Fixed Width

The one that seemed the most promising was Delimited, as I could set it to begin with > and then the first things appearing on the lines are ranks, races, and names, but it's just a straight line of that info right down the page.

I also tried the Fixed Width, which also "sound" like that would be the option I wanted to go with. Each person's name and info does start at a fixed position. It indents so many spaces for each level down the tree I go in the XML format, but when I tell the Import Wizard that, I can have it start at the first layer (say the first characters name) and once it gets two spaces over from that, it moves over to the next column. Bad part with that is it will move the rest of a connected word over to that second column too.

My st ic al F is ts

The only thing I can figure is that it's delimited, but I haven't found the correct text it as the delimiter.

Thanks for all your help so far Maddy. If I can still get this in Excel, that'd be cool, but my dumb self just realized there's an eaiser way of getting this into a website postable view. I basically wanted it ported to Excel so I could post it on our allegiance website, but Gawa had already made a program to put this into a web view and I was just to stupid to ever read it.

(Yes I'm being a lil harsh this time because I call people "stupid" in my head all the time for not reading stuff)


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Subject: Allegiance Scanner Question (Allegiance Tree Map Plugin)
I could edit my post, but sue me. Here's a link to our branch of the allegiance tree if anyone wants to see how it ended up. You may have to unblock content, but it's just for the jss script I believe. I plan to put our whole allegiances tree on there at some point.

Didn't see that coming, LoL. Bandwidth for my free site is 1mb per hour, and the page is like 800kb, LoL. For now I basically just want to say thanks again to Maddy though happy


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