Author Topic: Agent Z love
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Subject: Agent Z love
Yep, I love this plugin!

I've been running Agent Z and VCS side by side for some time now, but over the weekend I decided to 'clean up' my Decal bar because of lag issues - related to Decal being in an Alpha state, nobody's fault really. I transferred all my VCS items into Agent Z. Had to give up some functionality on a few items, which brings me to an Agent Z feature request.

But first I have to say - VCS has been a wonderful program, it has given me SO much enjoyment. Thanks for the fun. But anytime I can find a way to run fewer plugins - so much the better for my overall AC experience.

Now on to Agent Z - here's a feature request related to that ONE thing that VCS does so well:

1) Agent Z does aliases, filters, moves chat, changes color and sound - but it does not allow you to output different text than the 'trigger' text, change color, AND play a sound. Here's an example: I have a VCS rule that works with handing comps to a Temple of Forgetfullness or Enlightenment - the trigger phrase is: "Guardian of the Temple of * tells you, "Bring me the essence of Malar and I will let you pass." The VCS actions are to change the color of that phrase, play a sound file, and output the text "THE EVIL HYSSOP!". When I moved this over to Agent Z, I had to give up the output phrase and just use the sound file. Picky I know, I can live with that, but just a thought on some additional functionality.

Now, one feature request gets the ol' mind spinning, and here's a few more for Agent Z I've been thinking about:

2) Alinco does a really neat thing with it's HUDs - it maintains the relationship between the HUD and the edge of the main chat window. When you resize the MCW, the hud moves with it. This simple but very convienent feature prevents the HUD from blocking text in the MCW, very nice.

3) How about the ability to toggle each HUD item for off/always on/peace mode/combat mode, so that a certain set will display when your character is in peace mode, and a different set when you go into combat mode?

4) A toggle to auto-expand the main chat window under certain conditions: auto-expand off/marketplace/peace mode

5) Trade mode options - when you open trade with a person, a) the main chat window auto-expands, b) your main pack inventory panel opens, and c) the person you are trading with is selected and the chat option "Tell to ..." is toggled on

6) Those lovely floating chat windows. How I wish we could set the position, size, opacity sliders, and titles of them globally so that I never have to mess with them again. Sure you only have to set them up once per character - but I have 6 accounts and they do easily get resized and moved around during normal game play. The config for these is saved server-side (I believe) which is odd and may make this feature a tough one. EDIT: Also, a way to toggle each window tied to certain states - no control(default)/peace mode/combat mode/in fellowship/in marketplace

7) Since day one of playing AC there is one thing I always do when I log in a character - I click the health/stamina/mana bars to turn off the 'numbers'. They bug the heck out of me and add to the immersion if they are 'off' imho. Any way to add this option to Agent Z?

OK I'm done, and yes I do feel better! Thanks again for a great plugin that really enhances the fun of playing AC for me, and many others.


Chazcon - Aluvian swordsman
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Ru tells you, "CHAZ!"
Simply Red tells you, "I am SO not recovering your body!"
-- Good times.
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Posts: 974
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Subject: Agent Z love
I will hopefully (*crosses fingers*) finally have some time to put work into the plugin now.
I've already added Beer support finally, and I've been spending some time with the very helpful Ashake in tracking down a few bugs that people have been complaining about.

1, 2, 7 I will add to the list
3, 4, 5 Sound interesting, I'll look at how easy it would be and consider creating a Interface tab for interface related management
6 I'm not sure I could do, I have to look into it

Also on the list is chat logging and possibly adding a simple chat HUD for the last few people who gave you a tell.

Thanks for the ideas happy Hopefully I can get some work in soon.


Zegeger - HG - 246 - Axe
AgentZ -
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Title: Wu Fez 4 Life!
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Subject: Agent Z love
I did the same thing a long time ago

I love AgentZ


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