Author Topic: Gratz? will it ever come back?
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Subject: Gratz? will it ever come back?
A while ago, there was a plugin called Gratz. If someone lvled in your fellow, it would tell em gratz. If someone died it made some smartsy remark about picking up tapers, or some other text you could change manually. It was a real kick and I was wondering if anyone would revive it. It doesnt seem very complicated, but As I know absolutely nothing about code, I wouldnt know for sure.

If anyone with the knowledge had the time to revive it, you would receive my appreciation, for what its worth


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Subject: Gratz? will it ever come back?
Virindi Chat System

It's listed on Suca's site as being only updated for Decal 3 Alpha 5, but it does still work, and even better then it did originally. It allows you to set any text in any color you want it to look for, and it'll send any text you want to chat in response to that. It's superb!!

[Allegiance]Jack says, "You are now level 17!"
[Allegiance]You say, "Grats!"


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Subject: Gratz? will it ever come back?
Gratz was by far one of the most annoying plugins ever written.. what a way to cheapen an accomplishment by having hundreds of automated messages sent to you. *shrug*

But as already said.. Virindi Chat can do that and more.


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Subject: Gratz? will it ever come back?
I used to use Grats. With combat scrolling by, it was too easy to miss seeing it when someone leveled, and I'd often not see it until I saw other people saying "grats", and then I'd have to scroll up to see who it was. I remember grats as being very easy to use.

I've seen you using VCS when we were fellowed together, Creationist, but I don't know how to set it up to respond the way you have yours. I've read what it says on the VCS website several times but I just don't seem to understand it. I'll have to give it another try.


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Subject: Gratz? will it ever come back?
I'm also of the thinking that having a plugin do it for you cheapens the meaning behind it. VCS and AgentZ can change the color of or play a sound when someone levels. But if you're going to just let a plugin spit out a word when someone levels, theres no meaning behind it.


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Subject: Gratz? will it ever come back?
Zegeger posted:
I'm also of the thinking that having a plugin do it for you cheapens the meaning behind it. VCS and AgentZ can change the color of or play a sound when someone levels. But if you're going to just let a plugin spit out a word when someone levels, theres no meaning behind it.

But then again, it is a fitting plugin to match all the other plugins that automatically level your character for you.



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Subject: Gratz? will it ever come back?
lol Arch_Magi.. truer words were never spoken!

I'll give you a big QFT on that!


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Subject: Gratz? will it ever come back?
I really enjoyed the smart alect remarks when someone died. grin

"MAN DOWN... MEDIC!" - My favorite one.

"While you're gone, can you grab me some tapers..."

"We will erect a statue in your honor."

I understand about the cheapening of the accomplishment if the plugin does it for you, but I also understand when someone levels and you miss the text until everyone else says grats. A future release wouldn't need the can responses for someone getting the kill on the Lady, Gaerlan, etc.


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Subject: Gratz? will it ever come back?
Think of it as a genuine, heartfelt congratulations from the computer that is playing your character for you!


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Subject: Gratz? will it ever come back?
Think of it as being a councel member of an allegiance with 6000+ characters under the monarch. Think of it as also receiving numerous @tells about things in your allegiance from people not in your allegiance, because people know your name and know you're a councel member in that allegiance. Think of it as being in a fellow watching fellow chat, general chat, trade chat, allegiance chat, and all those @tells we just thought about a minute ago.

Anything that helps me reply with a reply I'd have given anyway, while all that's going on, is one of the biggest helps in the game for me. I do like to congratulate people for their accomplishments, but because of how often I'm online, there's a lot of people who actually get upset when I don't congratulate them. I'd rather grat everyone, while they still know I'm there, then piss off some people because I didn't see it at all.

PS- I don't like general messages, so the config I use is 100% from scratch and can be quite comical.

Here's a small snippet from my config. The only thing this will do is automatically say "Grats" when people say "I am now level X!", "Blank is now level X!", or "You are now level X!" in allegiance chat or fellow chat.

*Note: You will need to tell each of these 4 options which number (1, 2, 3) corresponds to the action it should take. Because I don't already know what might be in your config. Once you've added the "Actions" below this and number them, you should then know what numbers to have for these here.

C:\Program Files\Virindi Chat System\

Add this to your Filter.txt file:
[]<102,0>{orange}* says, "*am now level *!"
[]<102,0>{orange}* says, "*are now level *!"
[]<102,0>{orange}* says, "*is now level *!"
[]<102,0>{green}* is now level *!

Add this to your Actions.txt file:
[]</a Grats!>{gong.wav}%^
[]</f Grats!>{gong.wav}%^

You can also set it up to use people's names if you'd like. Each one of those *'s in the filter area can be recalled by your actions. So you could try something like,

[]</f Damn you $1 for leveling without me!>{gong.wav}%^
Then you'd say "Damn you (whoever leveled) for leveling without me!" into fellow.

Here's an example of how it works:
Mystical Fists is now level 275!
* is now level *!
Damn you $1 for leveling without me!
Damn you Mystical Fists for leveling without me.

Note that in the above example, I could also have used $2 and mentioned the 275 somewhere as well. There are a lot of variables like this that can be used in VCS, and they're all great. I don't recommend editing the config by hand unless you know how it works though. You should try to stick with the in game editor until you have more then a few options you've added yourself.

$$ single $
means placing two of those next to each other will allow you to have a normal dollar sign in your text

Where n is a number from 1 to 9 and is explained in the example I just gave above.

$dy Date: Year
$do Date: Month
$dd Date: Day of month
$th Time: Hour
$tm Time: Minute
$ts Time: Second
$is Info: Current server
$ip Info: Server population at last login
$cn My Char: Name
$cm My Char: Monarch
$cr My Char: Race
$cv My Char: Vitae

Taco Belle is a legally blind monarch on LC. Couldn't imagine a better reason to have a plugin like this.


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Subject: Gratz? will it ever come back?


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Subject: Gratz? will it ever come back?
An automated "gratz" that you are not even aware of is worse then saying nothing in my book.

If you have problems seing messages then stup your chat windows better. I keep one window configured for allegiance/fellowship stuff, do filtering on combat, makes it very tough for me to miss any message when sitting at the keyboard.


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Subject: Gratz? will it ever come back?
At times it was annoying, now when the populations are low it's nice for someone that does Aerlinthe for the first time to get spammed with grats.


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Subject: Gratz? will it ever come back?
<< At times it was annoying, now when the populations are low it's nice for someone that does Aerlinthe for the first time to get spammed with grats. >>

That is a personal opinion. I rather not get spammed. Hopefully if someone decides that "Boy, AC really needs this!!" that they will add the -b- tag so others can filter out meaningless spew.


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Subject: Gratz? will it ever come back?
In many ways I think this is a good idea. Not because I want it, but because it is a fitting way to congratulate the PCs that are levelling while the owner sleeps.

I was going to work out what "grats" was in hexadecimal so I could properly congratulate the other PC on its achievement (except when it is standing aimlessly with vitae at a LS and staying in fellow, then I will pour H2SO4 on its delicate circuitry) but I figure it is much better to have my PC congratulate it. I'll congralutate the real players, and it can talk to its buddies. No?



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Subject: Gratz? will it ever come back?
<< At times it was annoying, now when the populations are low it's nice for someone that does Aerlinthe for the first time to get spammed with grats. >>

That is a personal opinion. I rather not get spammed. Hopefully if someone decides that "Boy, AC really needs this!!" that they will add the -b- tag so others can filter out meaningless spew.

That would be an acceptable compromise in my opinion. After all it would be acting like a bot.

Then whenever someone complains about the spam when they level we can tell them hush. No, not shutup, get Hush ! ;P


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Subject: Gratz? will it ever come back?
I like auto-grats because it makes me seem like a warmhearted person, while my AC character is UCM'ing while I work, sleep, or go out to the movies. Toss is a few auto-Wootah!'s when I level, and a list of random generic human-sounding sentences, and I'm good to go!


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