Author Topic: Sorry couldnt find anything on how to install missing C++ Libraries
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Subject: Sorry couldnt find anything on how to install missing C++ Libraries
im Missing


these are the ones that im missing between my 2 comps tring to get tings to run the names on top of the toons


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Subject: Sorry couldnt find anything on how to install missing C++ Libraries
Maybe here...;EN-US;q259403


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Title: Lore Master
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Subject: Sorry couldnt find anything on how to install missing C++ Libraries
I do not get why you would need these files. If you are a C or C++ developer, they are installed when you install Microsoft's Visual Studio. If you are not a software developer, then you do not need them.

I suppose someone could release a program that requires one or more of these DLLs to run. To me that is a very poor design to do that and NOT bind the required DLLs into the installer package.


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