Author Topic: Scroll Identifier
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Subject: Scroll Identifier
Having just used up a fair number of SIKs, I would prefer to have a plug-in quickly scan an inventory and identify the scrolls I require rather than doing it myself manually (as it gets TEDIOUS after a while.)

Is there a plug-in out there that will do this easily/simply? If there is, please tell me which one and what precisely I need to do to get it to do so. (I've tried looking myself without much success.)



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Subject: Scroll Identifier


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Subject: Scroll Identifier
Thanks for the reply.

I *did* find that one through AC Heaven, but there is no manual and I wasn't sure how to use it. There appears to be a need to specify what schools of scrolls should be identified for individual toons.

How does this work? It seems to identify some automatically, but I'm not sure if I have it working right...


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Subject: Scroll Identifier
Yeah, it's pretty basic. I don't think you can select levels of spells, and when you exclude a char. it doesn't seem to take effect until the next startup.

use /scrollwatcher help

If you only care about scrolls for the currently logged char. and want to select spell levels, take a look at FindIt!


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Subject: Scroll Identifier
Thanks - I *ssem* to have it working for now.

As you log in a toon it figures out the spells needed for that toom.
When you log in a toon with scrolls it lists the sscrolls needed for each toon as of their last long-in.


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Subject: Scroll Identifier
sorry about the lack of documentation. scrollwatcher is meant to be as useful as possible, while at the same time requiring both you and I to have to do as little as possible.

on your end, this means there's not much in the way of configuration to worry about, you just have to log all of your characters on, so scrollwatcher becomes aware of them.

on my end, this means there's not much in the way of documentation to worry about, or glitzy features that look nice but take far more time to code than they're actually worth.

the one thing you will probably have to do, above and beyond just logging on, is to exclude certain schools for characters you don't care about. this is useful, for example, if you have a portal mule with item magic and all the portal spells, but none of the banes or weapon buffs. otherwise, every time you open a chest or corpse, scroll watcher will tell you that your portal mule needs that blade bane 3 scroll, or blood loather 2, or some other scroll you really don't care about.



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