Author Topic: AC Tool Companion needed
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Subject: AC Tool Companion needed
I need a location for an updated AC Tool companion for decal.. if one isn't available could someone please write one? The reason I am asking is I spent over a week getting a script very similar to BG II's to work for a tinkerbot which I have had posted for many days in Marketplace these last few weeks (his name is Lizardman) and many people of Leafcull have used him. I would like to be able to run the Tinkerbot for leafcull as a free service to that server, but without AC tool I would need someone to write a plugin that works with the new decal that will self buff, tinker items, hand back items, allow my to not have my majors equiped until tinkering time and then only the ones applicable to the tink being done. I thank you guys and Decal Devs keep up the great work, I have always enjoyed using your product.

Lizardman of Leafcull


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Subject: AC Tool Companion needed
AC Tool works with Decal 3 Alpha 7, by simply going to the registry entry for AC Tool, and deleting the Surrogate key.


Chazcon - Aluvian swordsman
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Ru tells you, "CHAZ!"
Simply Red tells you, "I am SO not recovering your body!"
-- Good times.
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Subject: AC Tool Companion needed
did it, thanks, it works now.


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