Author Topic: AgentZ plugin
Title: Not a War Criminal
Posts: 14,900
Registered: Nov 15, '04
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User ID: 991,592
Subject: AgentZ plugin
Is this being devoloped/supported?


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How can they call it common sense when it isn't very common
We have spent the last 40 years in our country celebrating diversity at the expense of unity :Sen. L. Alexa
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Posts: 5,298
Registered: Dec 11, '01
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Subject: AgentZ plugin
I believe the plugin author is active and very on top of this plugin, here's hoping that it gets updated before patch day for Alpha 7.

Very handy plugin.


Chazcon - Aluvian swordsman
You say, "FOR THE VITAE!"
Ru tells you, "CHAZ!"
Simply Red tells you, "I am SO not recovering your body!"
-- Good times.
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Title: Not a War Criminal
Posts: 14,900
Registered: Nov 15, '04
Extended Info (if available)
Real Post Cnt: 13,669
User ID: 991,592
Subject: AgentZ plugin
It is a great plugin and look forward to using it again.


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How can they call it common sense when it isn't very common
We have spent the last 40 years in our country celebrating diversity at the expense of unity :Sen. L. Alexa
A SWTOR guild:
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