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Salvage Bot
can someone please post a link to a DECAL plugin...not actool bot, that will salvage other peoples items when they give them to me,
thanks, if one doesnt exist...would be interested in getting one set up
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Salvage Bot
I did consider adding it as an option to ELTank, but I'm alwasy finding space to be a premium on my bot. I decided that it wasn't worth the coding time to write.
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Salvage Bot
so to write the coding to accept salvage from other people and salvage it into one bag is quite long? then give it back to them....
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Title: The Lord of Chaos
Oct 31, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 102,020
User ID: 733,498
Salvage Bot
ElgarL posted: I did consider adding it as an option to ELTank, but I'm alwasy finding space to be a premium on my bot. I decided that it wasn't worth the coding time to write.
PLEASE change your mind.
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Salvage Bot
It's fairly complex. Not in the accepting things to salvage but all the extras.
What ELTank already does.
Tracks all items and monitors pack space.
Accepts items through trade and tracks who gave them.
Salvage code is in there so that wouldn't need to be added.
What ELTank would need added.
Understanding what items can and can't be salvaged. It would need to be able to salvage anything that's handed to it, rather than following it's own salvage rules.
Definitions for combining salvages (customizable by the client).
Tracking what salvage is produced when USTing and being able to differentiate it from items handed to the bot (when an item is UST'ed it's destroyed and a new item is created).
The last point is the complex one and the decider that pushed me away from adding it.
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Title: The Lord of Chaos
Oct 31, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 102,020
User ID: 733,498
Salvage Bot
My thoughts on your thoughts ...
"Definitions for combining salvages (customizable by the client)."
Personally, I wouldn't combine salvage. I would make it so that you type "/t Arch Magi, salvagebot" then hand it ONE (and only one) item then type "/t Arch Magi, go" and the bot would salvage that item and automatically return the item. Forget "multiple item combining", people just want a bot that gives them more than 100% return. They can combine it themselves.
"Tracking what salvage is produced when USTing and being able to differentiate it from items handed to the bot (when an item is UST'ed it's destroyed and a new item is created)."
I don't pretend to know how to do this, but here is my thought. Since salvaging is ALWAYS either a 100% success or 0% success with a return ... if you make it so that you only accept 1 item at a time, reguardless of if the item was successfully salvaged or unabled to be salvaged and needed to be returned ... there would always be an item in the first slot of the main pack. In the case of a success, that item will be the salvage bag. In the case that it couldn't be salvaged, it is the item that you handed the bot. In either case, you could "cheat" and just hand back the first item in the main pack.
"Understanding what items can and can't be salvaged. It would need to be able to salvage anything that's handed to it, rather than following it's own salvage rules."
See above, I wouldn't bother with a table at first. The the user beware.
My 2P.
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Salvage Bot
I started working on a salvage bot several months ago. Unfortunately, my work schedule has been such that I have not had a chance to finish it. It's actually about 95% done right now. Just needs a little tweaking and testing. But I don't think I'll be able to get it done until sometime in late June at the earliest.
I would agree with just about everything ElgarL has said on the complexity. It's not really difficult to do but it is not as easy as one might think initially if you intend to make something good.
As a teaser...
You will be able to give the bot multiple items (up to the bot's free space) and it will salvage only those items which can be salvaged. It warns you if something is already tinked and flatly refuses to salvage anything which is imbued (better safe than sorry I think). Before you return your salvage you can optionally combine the bags according to personalized rules. And obviously it also keeps track of who gave it stuff in case things go wrong.
As I said, it's generally feature complete. Just needs some polish. I've put a lot of time into this thing already so I do intend to finish it...someday.
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Salvage Bot
well, i respect ur decision to not add it on, thanks for taking a look Elgar,
thanks Kyuzo cant wait for it to be cmopleted
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Mar 3, '05
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Salvage Bot
Cant Wait!
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