Author Topic: Spell ID's??? Is there a list for April 06??
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Subject: Spell ID's??? Is there a list for April 06??
spell KetnanEye = 3530;
spell Brighteye = 3533;
spell BoboQuick = 3531;

I am working on making a plugin to drink the ales/stouts every 30 or when spell/s expire.

Could I please get a list of all of them?


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Subject: Spell ID's??? Is there a list for April 06??
NM found them.

spellKetnanEye = 3530;
spellBrighteye = 3533;
spellBoboQuick = 3531;
spellZongoFist = 3864;
spellRaoulPride = 3862;
spellHunterHard = 3863;


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Subject: Spell ID's??? Is there a list for April 06??
Excellent when can we get that plugin!!! dancing


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Subject: Spell ID's??? Is there a list for April 06??
Now that schools about over, I think I'll proboboly add beer drinking to AgentZ. Its been on my to do list.

AgentZ also has a sort of undocumented command /z listspells, which exports the spell list to the chat window. The only particularly useful thing would be to take a log file and then send the commmand. Could then import the log into Excel.


Zegeger - HG - 246 - Axe
AgentZ -
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Subject: Spell ID's??? Is there a list for April 06??
If you run ELTank, enable Spellfilter in decal and once in game type '/elt update spells'.
It will dump a full spell list to a CSV file.


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Subject: Spell ID's??? Is there a list for April 06??
Soon as I decide to release it. happy


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