Author Topic: Is there a plug that ...
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Subject: Is there a plug that ...
spams /a with the name of the person attacking you, that can be used when im setup as a buffbot?


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Subject: Is there a plug that ...
Not that I'm aware of, but turn on logging and you should get the person's name that way.


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Subject: Is there a plug that ...
is that an ac ig ui option?


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Subject: Is there a plug that ...
Yes it is.

Type @log filename.txt and the game will copy everything that comes up in your chatwindow to the file filename.txt in your AC folder. It will continue until you log that character out, or type @log which will turn it off.

You can get these directions by typing @help log while ingame.


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Subject: Is there a plug that ...
I already attempted to write a protectin plugin for bots but we discovered that parts of Decal that were re-written now no longer provide a way to stop ELtank, Castaway or any other plugin in order to let a protection plugin take over. Decal 2 allowed you to send command line(commands) between plugins, Decal 3 so far does not.

Without that ability, I trashed the idea.


Killing Farmers since 1999!
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Subject: Is there a plug that ...
There are exposed methods to take control of ELTank via another plugin.

BTW ELTank will notify a fellow that it's under attack. Not to /a though.


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Subject: Is there a plug that ...
ElgarL posted:
There are exposed methods to take control of ELTank via another plugin.

BTW ELTank will notify a fellow that it's under attack. Not to /a though.

Reguardless, LOTS of plugins have command line options which can not be accessed via another plugin. I already discussed this issue with Arkayas, and Para.

For instance, I can not stop Muletrader to make a Portal Bot do some work, and then turn Muletrader back on. Another trashed project...

In Decal 2 it real easy to do with InputBuffer

Public Sub SendTextCommand(ByVal message As String, ByVal KillWindow As Boolean)
Dim commandtext As String

If Hub.ACHook.ChatState Then
commandtext = "{ENTER}{ENTER}" & message & " {ENTER}"
commandtext = "{ENTER}" & message & " {ENTER}"
End If


End Sub

However, In Decal 3, Input Buffer was completely re-wrote with new methods
They look stright forward but I can not get anything into the buffer.
When I asked Arkayas about it, they just spun off into a 2 hour debate about
a new way to allow plugin's to talk to each other.

I never really found out if it was "broken" or "in-complete", and never got it working either.


Killing Farmers since 1999!
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