Author Topic: Anyone use a plugin to keep their toon logged in for passup purposes?
Title: Pika! Pika!

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Subject: Anyone use a plugin to keep their toon logged in for passup purposes?
I tried the old "run against a wall and alt-tab" trick, but that old-school method didn't work as AC merrily logged me out after the normal time. happy

I guess I could fire up Catch It! or something. Anyone else do this? I know there used to be a KeepAlive plugin...


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Subject: Anyone use a plugin to keep their toon logged in for passup purposes?
A LOT of the plugins have keep alive features, Catch It! is one of the smaller.

Then you have a choice...sit in a corner and meditate on why you want to pass up all this xp to a less than appreciative patron like Buff al-Obob, or stand in a stream fishing until your toes wrinkle up entirely.

I switch back and forth, but just one more week in-game time before I can spend those non-active minutes in sweet oblivion.


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Title: Pika! Pika!

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Subject: Anyone use a plugin to keep their toon logged in for passup purposes?
I pass xp up to my patron because he sends me Made In Iowa vodka.

Oh, yes. No joke.


WoW - Dawnbringer - Horde
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Subject: Anyone use a plugin to keep their toon logged in for passup purposes?
I run my mage as a buff bot at our mansion, using Castaway bot. Whenever I set him up as a bot I turn off all other plugins except castaway. Often when passing the screen later on I see someone I want to talk to and so I sit down, turn off the bot (to avoid the bot spam in private tells) and chat. On numerous occasions now I have gottem up and left without remembering to turn the bot back on. It's on in decal, but the on/off check box in the Castaway GUID is off. Despite being off, and doing nothing, the bot never seems to get logged out by the game. I have no idea what keeps me in the game, but something does, it's happened many times now. sometimes he has stood there all night. It's sort of a nuisance, cause while he stands there clanmates wander by looking for buffs lol.

Perhaps you can use that.


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Subject: Anyone use a plugin to keep their toon logged in for passup purposes?
What does being logged in do for passup exactly?


None of us know everything, therefore we are all ignorant.
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Title: The Lord of Chaos
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Subject: Anyone use a plugin to keep their toon logged in for passup purposes?
azraelthelost posted:
What does being logged in do for passup exactly?

Passup is based on many factors ... Buffed Leader skill of patron, Buffed Loyalty skill of vassal, Real time sworn to Patron, as well as 2 other factors which apply here ... In Game time sworn for both the patron and vassal.

Even if you log in, swear to someone, then that patron never logs in again (or only every other day for 30 seconds) that will not drive up the timer for that part of the caculation. The vassal may be in alot, but if the patron isn't, then the passup won't be as good.

The ideal passup is someone who has max'd spec'd leader and loyalty with majors, buffs, etc. who has been sworn together for many months, and are both on alot (not sure of the exact numbers, but it is over 100 hours).

Thus, people do things like this to drive up the XPs they will get when they do hunt.


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