Author Topic: ~*Wave*~
Title: ACVault Staff
Lingie Bunny

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Subject: ~*Wave*~
I haven't logged in in months, lol. I had some serious medical issues that kept me away, but I just want to pop in and say hello.

Digi! love I just want to tell you I'm SO glad you're still here, and that you're still doing Quest Timer, and to thank you for Go Arrow, I can't tell you how wonderful that is for someone as completely inept at directions as I am! (I actually got lost in subway last week! Seriously, lol)

Drakier happy *Hugs* As always, you're invaluable and your work on Decal and Dual Client are just amazing and so very much appreciated.

Gouru, you're still keeping me laughing, as always, so thank you for that! And I really am glad to see Find It! and all other "It!" plug-ins are still here, wonderful as always! Good luck with the Trade It! work as well.

Suca, always excellent to see you and your site is wonderful, as it always has been happy

And for Haz, Arkayas, Keba, and all the decal devs, whether they be prominant or behind the scenes, thank you for all the hard work you do, there are so many people who appreciate you without whining or complaining, and who are patient each patch day, I hope that keeps your spirits up when all the "OMG Decal doesn't work!" posts turn up happy

Stay well everyone, and safe Travels!



rose Ling Mei - Veteran Swordswoman
rose Lingie - Abu's Health-Addicted Support Mage
Directionally Impaired in AC since 1999
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Subject: ~*Wave*~
Hi Ling! love
Good to see you again hugs Was wondering where you'd been -- hope things get better <3

I've been having some fun with GoArrow -- the next version is going to have surface and dungeon maps that you can look at in game (just in case you get lost in sub tongue )

Keep in touch! happy


[LotRO] Digero (Guardian), Digrim (Burglar), Dignite (LM), Azrea (Hunter) - Landroval
[AC] Digero, Lyera, Draxxe - Leafcull (Retired)
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Posts: 20,839
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Subject: ~*Wave*~
Good to see your still around ~*Lingie*~


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