Author Topic: Help: AC keeps crashing randomly when I click on any decal program..
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Subject: Help: AC keeps crashing randomly when I click on any decal program..
AC crashes sometimes as soon as I login, sometimes when I just click on a decal program, and other times when I am on AC for a little while then click on a decal program..

No clue whats causing it.

Decal (DenAgent.exe) version:

type, enabled, name, version, clsid
Plugins, 1, AgentZ,, {359E547B-5302-4134-80F2-3BE5C31EC828}
Plugins, 1, ELTank v2.6.0.20-Beta-6c,, {39E9E0F5-85D7-4C38-87D6-3BBCB853357E}
Plugins, 1, MuleShopper,, {43BA1416-2A30-4869-AEC4-5F96F17EC877}
Plugins, 1, GoArrow,, {46BBF551-8578-4A59-B2FB-B5D9F4C719FA}
Plugins, 1, Sort It! Vsn 5.9.5,, {70DDE3AE-5ADD-4003-9600-C2F6830D7670}
Plugins, 1, Mule Trader Beta,, {9D762D6E-6444-485A-B242-C50386013763}
Plugins, 1, Quest Timer,, {BB51962C-2EEE-4E67-A032-EEC1F11E66C8}
Plugins, 1, Target Info,, {BF8C22F4-B172-4922-B3D4-26E6985E87AC}
Network Filters, 1, Echo Filter 2,, {34239EAD-6317-4C40-A405-193BA5232DD8}
Network Filters, 1, Character Stats Filter,, {4540C969-08D1-46BF-97AD-6B19D3C10BEE}
Network Filters, 1, World Object Filter,, {53092D1B-F0B0-46FF-BF11-8F031EC9B137}
Network Filters, 1, Decal FileService,, {5E9B2FC3-C251-4589-8CE3-2BCA542B98B6}
Network Filters, 1, Identify Queue Filter,, {B0C05A9A-273D-4BC4-B7BA-E27CF94C8EF4}
Network Filters, 1, SpellFilter,, {C2D43735-BE7E-4829-AF73-F2E7E820EB16}
Services, 1, Decal .NET Lifetime Service,, {71A69713-6593-47EC-0001-0000000DECA1}
Services, 1, Decal Dat Service,, {37B083F0-276E-43AD-8D26-3F7449B519DC}
Services, 1, Decal Render Service,, {FB3C8286-88ED-4B4D-B413-94B40F346239}
Services, 1, Decal Inject Gateway Service,, {FEFE5CAB-10E4-404F-AD4D-184BCB506099}
Services, 1, Decal Input Service,, {B33307BA-706D-474A-80B9-70BB8D13EF3E}
Services, 1, Decal Networking Service,, {C8C406F8-BA2E-4964-8B04-FF38394A8E0E}
Surrogates, 1, Decal.Adapter Surrogate,, {71A69713-6593-47EC-0002-0000000DECA1}
Surrogates, 1, Prefilter Network Filter Surrogate,, {443D4A68-5422-4E0C-9460-973F8FBDB190}
Surrogates, 1, ActiveX Plugin Surrogate,, {7559F22F-C56F-4621-AE08-9C354D799D4B}
Surrogates, -1, Version 1 Plugin Surrogate,, {3D837F6E-B5CA-4604-885F-7AB45FCFA62A}
Input Actions, 1, Delay Input Action,, {324D76B8-D8C7-4A81-B867-E4E1F874E488}
Input Actions, 1, Mouse Move Input Action,, {57D18578-0BF0-4DE5-A0A9-E7CB531C0429}
Input Actions, 1, Restore Input Action,, {6EE2F682-7129-44BE-84B9-787BAE35EC1C}
Input Actions, 1, Polled Delay Input Action,, {762335B2-2274-4BB4-8B1F-F7286C949FF7}
Input Actions, 1, Typing Input Action,, {9CDCEEDC-F8AC-42D5-9A05-52B9346D00A4}
Input Actions, 1, Event Input Action,, {D6E4BD19-4900-4515-BCE2-A9EA4AAE2699}

Operating System:
Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)

[Protected Storage Service] : Automatic

Decal Settings
[Injection Method] : Timer (Default)
[Portal Path] : C:\Program Files\Turbine\Asheron's Call - Throne of Destiny\
[Launcher App] : acclient.exe
[Update URL] :
[memlocs.xml] : 24464 bytes, Version
[messages.xml] : 52004 bytes, Version 2006.01.01.1
[Video Memory] : 124776448

D3DX Libraries (Only d3dx9_27 is required)
[d3dx9_24.dll] : Installed (
[d3dx9_25.dll] : Installed (
[d3dx9_26.dll] : Installed (
[d3dx9_27.dll] : Installed (

---Support Libraries ---
Note: The following libraries are not necessary for Decal to function and are only provided to be of use to plugin developers.

.NET Frameworks
[v1.0.3705] (1.0 Final) : Not Installed
[v1.1.4322] (1.1 Final) : Installed (Service Pack 1)
[v2.0.50215] (2.0 Beta 2) : Not Installed
[v2.0.50727] (2.0 Final) : Installed

C++ Libraries
[msvbvm60.dll] : Installed (
[atl70.dll] : Not Installed
[mfc70.dll] : Not Installed
[msvcr70.dll] : Not Installed
[msvcp70.dll] : Not Installed
[atl71.dll] : Installed (7.10.3077.0)
[mfc71.dll] : Installed (7.10.3077.0)
[msvcr71.dll] : Installed (7.10.3052.4)
[msvcp71.dll] : Installed (7.10.3077.0)

Microsoft XML Libraries
[msxml3.dll] : Installed (8.50.2162.0)
[msxml4.dll] : Installed (4.10.9404.0)

---Video Device Information---
[Device] : NVIDIA GeForce 6800
[Device Name] : \\.\DISPLAY1
[KeyDeviceID] : Enum\PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0041&SUBSYS_A3433842&REV_A1
[KeyDeviceKey] : \Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Video\{1B5C2E4E-2525-40F9-A5CA-91B48B12A8FD}\0000
[Manufacturer] : NVIDIA
[ChipType] : GeForce 6800
[DACType] : Integrated RAMDAC
[Revision] :
[MemoryLocalised] : 128.0 MB
[MemoryEnglish] : 128.0 MB
[DisplayLocalised] : 1024 x 768 (32 bit) (75Hz)
[DisplayEnglish] : 1024 x 768 (32 bit) (75Hz)
[DisplayWidth] : 1024
[DisplayHeight] : 768
[DisplayBpp] : 32
[RefreshRate] : 75
[MonitorName] : Plug and Play Monitor
[MonitorMaxRes] : 1600,1200
[DriverName] : nv4_disp.dll
[DriverVersion] : 6.14.0010.7801
[DriverAttributes] : Final Retail
[DriverLangEnglish] : English
[DriverLangLocal] : English
[DriverDateEng] : 8/2/2005 15:35:00
[DriverDateLocal] : 8/2/2005 15:35:00
[DriverSize] : 3908864
[MiniVdd] : nv4_mini.sys
[MiniVddDateEng] : 8/2/2005 15:35:00
[MiniVddDateLocal] : 8/2/2005 15:35:00
[MiniVddSize] : 3198560
[Vdd] : n/a
[RenderWindow] : Yes
[Beta] : No
[Debug] : No
[Signed] : No
[SignValid] : No
[Identifier] : {D7B71E3E-4301-11CF-8B45-498300C2CB35}
[DDIVer] : 9
[DDIVerEng] : 9 (or higher)
[DDIVerLocal] : 9 (or higher)
[iAdapter] : 0
[VendorID] : 0x10DE
[DeviceID] : 0x0041
[SubSystemID] : 0xA3433842
[RevisionID] : 0x00A1
[WHQL Level] : 0
[NoHardware] : 0
[DDAccelEnabled] : Yes
[3DAccelExists] : Yes
[3DAccelEnabled] : Yes
[AGP Enabled] : Yes
[AGPExists] : Yes
[AGPExistsValid] : Yes


Cyrano de Bergerac (Level 275 Grief Tank 3-School/Axer)
Ulgrim the Unmerciful (Trade Mule)
19.8n 53.3w (Cottage)
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Subject: Help: AC keeps crashing randomly when I click on any decal program..
does it happen without any plugins loaded?


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Subject: Help: AC keeps crashing randomly when I click on any decal program..
I've turned some on, some off.. I am going one by one and uninstalling and reinstalling..

Making sure I have all the things required...

I am kind of narrowing it to el tank but I could be wrong tongue


Cyrano de Bergerac (Level 275 Grief Tank 3-School/Axer)
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19.8n 53.3w (Cottage)
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Subject: Help: AC keeps crashing randomly when I click on any decal program..
Generally those crashes are related to Video Memory usage in decal... the less video memory you have, and the larger the memory usage is, the more likely you are to crash decal because of it.

ELTank is a very large plugin with a very large UI. There are many controls on it, and each control uses a bit of memory. The plugins with more controls are more likely to use up more memory, thus increasing the risk of crashing while opening that plugin.

Generally, the crashes should only be when attempting to open the UI of a plugin, but it doesn't have to be.


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Subject: Help: AC keeps crashing randomly when I click on any decal program..
CyranosCottage posted:
I am kind of narrowing it to el tank but I could be wrong tongue

Does it happen when only Tank is enabled? Does it happen without Tank enabled? That'll give you an answer pretty quickly...


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Subject: Help: AC keeps crashing randomly when I click on any decal program..
I've had el tank on decal, but even before I can open it in AC it will crash, but its not just when I click on el tank or any of its other subs like el track..

But AC does crash once and a while with out tank enabled in decal.

My computer I doubt is the issue since it is new. 3 gig, pent 4, 1024 ram, 128MB 6800+ video card.. I think I got that right.. I bought it from my friend and its a coustom built gaming PC..

I redownloaded almost all decal programs I have and redownloaded the requirements.. gonna give that a try.


Cyrano de Bergerac (Level 275 Grief Tank 3-School/Axer)
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Subject: Help: AC keeps crashing randomly when I click on any decal program..
Before uninstalling and reinstalling the plugins wouldn't it be easier to just turn all of them off and then start by enabling 1 plugin at a time till it crashed? jeez...


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Subject: Help: AC keeps crashing randomly when I click on any decal program..
Did that.. didnt work.

I would try one at a time and it crashed.. but I reinstalled each one and sofar so good..

Im guessing there was an error in one of the files or I didn't have all requirements properly installed..

Testing it out now and haven't had a issue yet..


Cyrano de Bergerac (Level 275 Grief Tank 3-School/Axer)
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Subject: Help: AC keeps crashing randomly when I click on any decal program..
You may have issues with one of those plugins, but generally speaking you're just running too many of them at once if you have all of those turned on. Decal is NOT in it's final release, and the Dev's clearly stated in one of their posts that the current version will use a lot of video memory and to only use a few at once. Your 1 gig of RAM and 128mb of Video memory could well be insufficient to run all those plugins at once.

Shoot, you don't need shopping and trade bot plugins running at the same time as hunting plugins like target info. Also I believe that there is a lot of redundant functionality between Tank and Agent Z, though I could be wrong since I don't run either of them. You might try to get by with just one and not both.


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Subject: Help: AC keeps crashing randomly when I click on any decal program..
Sort It! AND ElTank!

It's guilt manifested into your computer crashing.


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Subject: Help: AC keeps crashing randomly when I click on any decal program..
I didn't even notice that, but Stagaform is correct.

It is against the SortIt! End-User License Agreement to have it installed and enabled at the same time ELTank is also installed and enabled. Not that it would cause this issue, but you are in fact in violation of the EULA for SortIt!


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Subject: Help: AC keeps crashing randomly when I click on any decal program..
ah ok happy

I use el tank for the buffing and auto healing (I tend not to pay attention to health).



Cyrano de Bergerac (Level 275 Grief Tank 3-School/Axer)
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Subject: Help: AC keeps crashing randomly when I click on any decal program..
[msxml4.dll] : Installed (4.10.9404.0) You need to update this.

You do have alot of plugins installed but there isn't any reason why you shouldn't be able to run ElTank. Be sure to install ALL the files you need to run the plugin properly. Download page has the list...
or post on the forum. They're pretty good about helping you troubleshoot your setup. wink


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Subject: Help: AC keeps crashing randomly when I click on any decal program..
updated everything.. crashing rarely.. mostly on login..

Turned off Sort it for now..


Cyrano de Bergerac (Level 275 Grief Tank 3-School/Axer)
Ulgrim the Unmerciful (Trade Mule)
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Subject: Help: AC keeps crashing randomly when I click on any decal program..
hi cyrano!!! did you try beating your computer with your home made soul staff yet!!



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Subject: Help: AC keeps crashing randomly when I click on any decal program..
I've been having that exact same problem, but only with ElTank.

I'm pretty sure El Tank is what's doing it for you as well, the funny part is you can still start it and stop it with the Pause button, so it still works. It's probably just the GUI like someone said previously.


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Subject: Help: AC keeps crashing randomly when I click on any decal program..
yeah, I tested all the plugins I had and stuff and its definatly El Tank probably the same reasons said above ;p


Cyrano de Bergerac (Level 275 Grief Tank 3-School/Axer)
Ulgrim the Unmerciful (Trade Mule)
19.8n 53.3w (Cottage)
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