Author Topic: Any idea if this will work?
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Subject: Any idea if this will work?
I have a computers and 2 accounts i need to run on it. 1 of the accounts, i cant log in with Character stats filter enabled, i get booted when i log on my main char, but not other chars for some reason...
Since el tank doesnt work dual logged, but ltx does, can i do this:

turn on el tank without char stats filter, then log in the account that doesnt work. then go back to decal, turn on ltx, and char stats filter, then log in second account which it works on, then run ltx tabbed out(since it works minimized) and keep el tank account as the opened account, and run them both at the same time, with the macros going?

will this cause any problem? just wondering b4 i try it out!


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Posts: 3,945
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Subject: Any idea if this will work?
In theory it should work.

I have to do something similar to run my tinkerbot dual logged.

I start up my tradebot first on my one account with only the muletrader plugin enabled. I then enable the actool companion and start up my tinkerbot character. If I have actool compainion loaded up for both, weird things really start to happen on the tinkerbot fairly quickly. By loading it up separately, it works line a charm.

Now you are talking filters rather than plugins so I can't be 100% sure you would have success, but it certainly doesn't hurt to try I suppose.

Of course, this is going to violate some UCM rules so it is not recommended that you do it, just in theory it could work.


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