Author Topic: $$$ for decal devs...
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Subject: $$$ for decal devs...
I have some money set asside for donating to the Decal Project

Where is the donate link?

*** EDIT ***
also i would like to donate to the plugin developers for the plugins i use most.
Mainly Eltank & Lifetank if you could post links to the donation pages for these aswell wink


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Subject: $$$ for decal devs...
try their websites?


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Subject: $$$ for decal devs...
you won't find it on the Decal pages

there isn't a Decal donation link because there isn't a good way to distribute donations between the team-members.

how do you determine the split? I might not work on the decal code daily, but I built a lot of stuff that helps in the day to day maintenence and based on work on the actual decal code, I'd get 0 donations.. but if it weren't for me, memlocs would take a LOT longer to get done each month. If it weren't for Haz, we'd have incorrect memlocs, and a lot of things unfinished in decal. If it weren't for Mekle and d0x, we wouldn't have the .NET Decal Adapter.. If it weren't for Gouru, we wouldn't have the Decal Filters, if it weren't for Checksum, we wouldn't have very good rendering ingame.. If it weren't for kgober and Arkayas, we wouldn't be able to validate the network protocol or fix the errors... you get the point

so to make a long story short, we don't take donations as a group. However, you're free to make donations to any of the developers you want individually based on your own feelings of what you feel they might deserve from you, and you can find most of their paypal information on most of their homepages.... the problem then becomes finding the pages of the individual developers. (check their ACDev Forum profiles)


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