Author Topic: Name of a specific plugin that helped you find quest items?
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Subject: Name of a specific plugin that helped you find quest items?
Havent played in years, just trying to get myself sorted out.

I remember a plugin that would help you find specific quest items like Mattaker Paws, or Nifis Pearls. You would type in the name of an item and it would tell you which monster dropped it, and give you coordinates on where you would most likely find those creatures.

Anyone know what im talking about?


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Subject: Name of a specific plugin that helped you find quest items?
I use eltank's built in tracking.


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Subject: Name of a specific plugin that helped you find quest items?
Well sure you can run around randomly until El Tanks tracker notifies you that your near the creature your looking for. But this plugin had a database of the most likely place you would find the creature in the first place.


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Subject: Name of a specific plugin that helped you find quest items?
Maybe it was Trophy hunter?

seems the site is down atm,

I have this written down tho

for later maybe


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Subject: Name of a specific plugin that helped you find quest items?
Hey cool, thanks, ill check it out when the site comes back online.


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Subject: Name of a specific plugin that helped you find quest items?
ElTrack in ElTank for the WIN... since (sniff) Bandit Sight has gone the way of the Mastodon....


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Subject: Name of a specific plugin that helped you find quest items?
No, I know what he's talking about. But can't remember the name of it.

It used to save info on items looted and monsters killed to an online database then you could search for an item, say a diamond powder, then it would tell you what dropped it and where the most d golems have been found.

Also let you find items that people have looted along with when they looted it.


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Subject: Name of a specific plugin that helped you find quest items?
Ok, so chances are the plug in doesnt exist anymore.

Is there a website that can do the same thing? You know, type in an item, find out which critter drops it, and the best places to go looking for said critter.


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Title: Wu Fez 4 Life!
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Subject: Name of a specific plugin that helped you find quest items?
did you check that link? posted:

This version is the first version of TH2 that supports location tracking as well! In this version, kills in outdoor locations also submit location information, so you can find where monsters are killed! For an example, see Drudge Sneaker locations. The map is a resized version of Gawa Ibn Edwas of Solclaim's map, that you can find here in is 6000x6000 pixel glory! i'm just using a 800x800 version!

can show where, and what critters drop that item you are looking for


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Subject: Name of a specific plugin that helped you find quest items?
Yeah I did, I didnt install the plugin because I did various searches for trophies and the critter that drops them and nothing came up. It seems to work in the way I want it to work, but only for the most popular trophies.


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