Author Topic: Q: Why do people always ask for ...
Title: The Lord of Chaos
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Subject: Q: Why do people always ask for ...
... a "non-Tank" answer for "so and so"?

I mean if it works, use it. What is the big deal?


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Subject: Q: Why do people always ask for ...
And if they don't want to use Tank what's the big deal in them asking?


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Subject: Q: Why do people always ask for ...
I'm just curious.


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Subject: Q: Why do people always ask for ...
There are functions in those plugins that can't be turned off, or if they can, can't be done easily, and those functions either duplicate or conflict with other plugins those people may be using.

Also, some people just don't like the stigma they feel using plugins known for UCM. Whether you or I agree with this is irrelevant, some people feel that way and don't want to use El Tank or Lifetank.

Edit #3: Some people also like having an array of specialized plugins that can do more than an all-in-one (jack of all trades, master of none).


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Subject: Q: Why do people always ask for ...
I prefer an al-la-carte setup to using one persons view of how every plugin should function. My feeling is that an all in one plugin is more likely to have critical bugs because it's just more code for the developer to maintain. Just my opinion though, not based on any concrete evidence.


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Subject: Q: Why do people always ask for ...
I like the ala cart as well, i used to run 22 plugins. I do run el tank just to get *some* of it's features - but I would rather not have all that overhead going. And, it's too much tempation to set it on ACM, it doesn't feel wrong so much as lazy.

Having said all that, it is a great plugin, well written and supported. A model for all plugin authors to follow.


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Title: The Lord of Chaos
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Subject: Q: Why do people always ask for ...
22 plugins? Sheeze

I run 1 or 2 ... ElTank if I'm hunting ... LifeTank if I'm camping. The only other one I bother with is Treestats (when it is working).

For the buff bot, ElTank and Virindi Booter.


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Subject: Q: Why do people always ask for ...
I find tank makes a bit of lag, espeacilly on slow connections.

IT does so much, whisch is great, but i only use 10% of it

IMHO its faster to use infinity and BS/2. Thats all i use,.. all i want.

But i use tank, because right now its the best thing out there.... just wish it would make looting profiles!


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Subject: Q: Why do people always ask for ...
...and buffing profiles...and macro profiles

Because I'm THAT damn lazy.


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Subject: Q: Why do people always ask for ...
Arch_Magi posted:
... a "non-Tank" answer for "so and so"?

I mean if it works, use it. What is the big deal?

Because we can


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Subject: Q: Why do people always ask for ...
Don't worry. It's the same people that the graphics got turned way down for. The people on win98 systems. rolling_eyes



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Subject: Q: Why do people always ask for ...
El Tank, is a good tool, however it has alot of macroing options.
Many folk don't want that.
I use Tank, for botting, and for self buff, and thats all.
But I have some friends that wont even use it for self buff, because they forget to turn it off, or something, and end up getting themselves killed.

Tank has so many features, that it isn't user friendly to the low tech AC player.

Most of the folk wanting a alternative to tank, just miss the days of Nerus buffus.

I know Elgar doesn't macro and doesn't support unattended macro.
But many of the people that use his plugin does.

Elgar, if you could mimick up a Nerfus Buffus clone, i am sure you would appease a ton of players wink


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Subject: Q: Why do people always ask for ...
Because Tank does *too* much, trying to be a jack of all trades.

I don't have a need for many plugins - pre-TOD, I used NB, BS/2 and QuestTimer. All I need and/or want, and it does it much better than Tank IMHO

Now I use BuffMe, QuestTimer, and FindIt


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Subject: Q: Why do people always ask for ...
Perhaps they use a plugin that has a no UCM program installed clause in the user agreement? People have the CHOICE of asking about alteratives to whatever they wish. If everyone needs tank why don't you run off and get Turbine to add it the client?


Edits are for spelling :^)
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Subject: Q: Why do people always ask for ...
Tank's overhead is too much for some systems, especially in the video memory department. It wouldn't run on my system until I got a new video card with four times the memory I had before, whereas other plugins, including LifeTankX, ran just fine with the previous video setup.


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Subject: Q: Why do people always ask for ...
I prefer plugins that would do one or two things.

Before ToD I used:

Nerfus Buffus 2
Trophy Hunter

I haven't installed Decal since ToD because I'm waiting for the word "alpha" to be removed from Decal. grin


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