Author Topic: So How do you get tank to actually ust?
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Subject: So How do you get tank to actually ust?
It says It says "6 items ready for testing" or something to that effect. How do I get it to actually ust the main pack?


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Subject: So How do you get tank to actually ust?
Gotta make sure no monsters are in your "danger zone" and that there are no bodies in ElTank that you haven't looted.


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Subject: So How do you get tank to actually ust?
and it's running wink .


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Subject: So How do you get tank to actually ust?
And no buffs due....

and it's running...


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Subject: So How do you get tank to actually ust?
Where is your UST located?? Main pack Side pack?? Mine wouldn't ust unless it was in the main pack.


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Subject: So How do you get tank to actually ust?
figured out that I needed buffs for it to work. Now it works like a charm. Thanks for the help happy


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Subject: So How do you get tank to actually ust?

Melee buffs with Eltank then presses the Main panel Stop button.
Melee kills critters
Melee picks up items to be salvaged from critter corpse
Melee recalls home
Melee drops items to be salvaged on the floor
Melee logs off
Mule logs in
Mule picks up items to salvage from floor

How do you get Eltank UST to work for the mule to salvage the itmes?

Please provide a step by step diescription of Eltank menus, tabs, buttons, boxes, etc to produce salvage on the mule.



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Subject: So How do you get tank to actually ust?
on mule...

(Options - Settings tab)

Set rebuff to never (if he doesn't buff with ELTank)

(Main tab)

set mode to *buff only*
Enable ELTrack

ELTrack...setup however you want your salvaging done.

Press start on ELTank main tab and then press UST main pack in ELTrack.


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Subject: So How do you get tank to actually ust?

My mule can now UST my warrior's items to salvage.

Thanks so much for the instructions.


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Subject: So How do you get tank to actually ust?
wile running it will quit picking up corpses so it does not count them or loot them and for no reason (just like it did going out)it picks them up again.
wile it is not picking up corpses..if i click them,traking and ust work only happens wile using auto did this with the last and new tank.


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