Author Topic: if there was only one old plugin to be updated this would be my choice
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Subject: if there was only one old plugin to be updated this would be my choice
amo wiz it was a very simple plugin you just set what ammow to what bow you wanted so if you were open range hunting and shooting drudges you would be uesing a fire bow and fire arrows but if you come up on a golem you switch to blunt bow AMOW WIZ would auto switch your arrows for you and put you back in combat mode and also what ever arrow you were useing if you ran out it would auto fletch mmore for you and load them and put you again back in combat mode

tank does a lot of this for you and i think tank is a totaly great plugin but it will not let you tell it what bow to go with whant arrow but it will flech and load the corect arrow for what ever you are shooting at but then unless you are carefull you start shooting blunt arrows with a fire bow


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Subject: if there was only one old plugin to be updated this would be my choice
I wouldn't like it automatically switching weapons on me...switching weapons drops your melee, which could be bad in some situations. Wouldn't it be better to have a 'switch to this creature weapon' hotkey? tongue


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Subject: if there was only one old plugin to be updated this would be my choice
A similar plugin, Valet, did the same thing, and it allowed you to decide what caused what to switch. If you set it to change the ammo according to what bow you were using you wouldn't drop out of combat, and it automatically reloaded arrows if you ran out in the middle of a fight. I really hope it gets updated sooner or later.


Imowyn, level 14X bazooka happy
Anomie, level 10X bazooka in training (still)
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Subject: if there was only one old plugin to be updated this would be my choice


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