Author Topic: can someone make a smarcaster pluggie?
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Subject: can someone make a smarcaster pluggie?
1 button vulning/war/arcs/streaks etc.

ingame editing file, to select proper elements to use for each critter?

With the original SmartCaster by Spax gone, i'm sure mages will greatly appreciate a new one.



=====Aww, did I step on your poor, itty-bitty ego?=====
Beezamen - Level 275 Tank War Mage {AC - Wintersebb}
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Subject: can someone make a smarcaster pluggie?
Einstein It! ?


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Subject: can someone make a smarcaster pluggie?
But I used el tank and life tank, so i cannot use an "it" pluggie.

Thanks anyways


=====Aww, did I step on your poor, itty-bitty ego?=====
Beezamen - Level 275 Tank War Mage {AC - Wintersebb}
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Subject: can someone make a smarcaster pluggie?
If you are using either of the tank programs, why do you need a smartcaster plugin?


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Subject: can someone make a smarcaster pluggie?
PK/PKL I bet wink


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Subject: can someone make a smarcaster pluggie?
"If you are using either of the tank programs, why do you need a smartcaster plugin?"

Because I use the tanks (eithor/or) for buffing/looting/mild ACM.

I need a smartcaster pluggie when I'm hunting, and not running a "helper". I really hate clicking back and forth between spell tabs, finding all the correct vulns, wars, imp, etc. for the variety of critters I hunt.


=====Aww, did I step on your poor, itty-bitty ego?=====
Beezamen - Level 275 Tank War Mage {AC - Wintersebb}
Beezamen - Level 85 Warlock {WoW - Blackwater Raiders}
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Subject: can someone make a smarcaster pluggie?
Stop using the tanks, use the IT functions if a smartcaster is more important to you then doing mild ACM'ing.


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Subject: can someone make a smarcaster pluggie?
I'd say his request is a valid one. More so than telling him to stop using tank.
He's making a request for someone to write a plugin so he can abide by Gouru's wishes and adhere to his EULA.

Post details of exactly what smartcaster did and what you need. I'll add its functionality to ELTank.


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Subject: can someone make a smarcaster pluggie?
<< I'd say his request is a valid one. More so than telling him to stop using tank. >>

And I gave him a valid option, which he can use or not use.


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Subject: can someone make a smarcaster pluggie?
Because I use the tanks (eithor/or) for buffing/looting/mild ACM.

Stop using the tanks, use the IT functions if a smartcaster is more important to you then doing mild ACM'ing.

I'd say his request is a valid one. More so than telling him to stop using tank.
He's making a request for someone to write a plugin so he can abide by Gouru's wishes and adhere to his EULA.

1) he is saying he also uses the tanks for other functions. turning them off would therefore not be an option
2) he is trying to abide by gouru's wishes
3) he is asking politely

dont see a problem


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Subject: can someone make a smarcaster pluggie?
The Stoic was perfect for this. It's too bad it won't be brought back to life. Einstein IT sucks pond scum to the original einstein, add that on top of that the scwreball EULA, malicious "joke" code, and it's lack of functionality why would anyone put it on their comp. confused

Elgar, Stoic (homepage?) in it's most basic form (not taking into account the way it let you play with a controller and such) simply used a mob database for vuln info(which was user cuastomizable). The user set their own rend weapons in a weapon or wand tab with the click of a button.
Then it allowed a few different options as for using the rends. One was use a default rend, this could be any wand, another was use database rend info.
This one would actually automatically switch rend weapons as you would select different targets.
It also had an option to automatically select the next closest target, I believe.

Next to the original Einstein, it was perfect in every way.

If I can think of anything else it did I'll post it. It's been a long time since I've been able to use a decent smartcaster. This is where you can find information on what this great utility did.


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Subject: can someone make a smarcaster pluggie?
FWIW, Einstein It! is nowhere NEAR complete. It is being totally rewritten, and has the play features most important to me in the early release versions. I understand peoples issues with my EULA, and other peoples lack of sense of humor, and those are valid criticisms of the It! series. Judging code that is nowhere near completion is not.

I appreciate the original poster staying within my EULA. I was not aware he was using Tank programs when I made my suggestion.

The ultimate goal of It! is to be an alternative to Tank for those that do not want to support combat macroing. It has a long way to go before I believe it has reached that point, but as time permits, I keep working on it.


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Subject: can someone make a smarcaster pluggie?
I would just like to see a plugin with one touch healing, vun detection(so u can see targets vun even though u didn't vun), spellword translation, and mabey away to filter everyones spells but who you are targeting.


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Subject: can someone make a smarcaster pluggie?
Stoic did that as well if I remember correctly. I believe the vuln detection was upon id's of mobs. As for filtering, the only reason I can see for wanting that is for DT. Translation isn't really needed is it?

Cruath = vuln
Zojak = war

Not really that difficult.

Also, Elgar, you gave me some wood when you said you'd add smartcasting!

LOL laugh grin


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Subject: can someone make a smarcaster pluggie?
Thanks for the support....I appreciate the respect.

The 2 pluggies that did this, for the casual hunter...who was at the keyboard. Running through Cauln/OP/etc. Where there are a lot of spawns, consisting of different critters (with different elemental weaknesses)

I could id the critter, decide which element to use (ie. fire on shadows, lightning on bandies, etc.)....equip the correct element wand.

Press "F" for fire, "S" for arc, "W" for wall, etc.

These were SmartCaster (The only one I ever used), and Stoic.

Both of which went bye-bye with ToD.

I m yself dislike dungeon camping, and frefer outdoors hunting...where there are a variety of critters to hunt.

What I liked about SmartCaster, is that it was totally configurable in game...for autodetecting critters, to being able to adjust the types of attack, to setting up the keys to do the "one-click casting" that works best for each user.

again Thanks


=====Aww, did I step on your poor, itty-bitty ego?=====
Beezamen - Level 275 Tank War Mage {AC - Wintersebb}
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Subject: can someone make a smarcaster pluggie?
Whats wrong with wanting a pk plugin?? The Filtering is more for duels then anything else. Its something I enjoy grin


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Title: Protectorate
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Subject: can someone make a smarcaster pluggie?
There's nothing worng with it at all. Isn't that what pkhunter was all about?


Expert Bassist, Guitarist and Drummer: Krackâ„¢
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