Author Topic: Are plugins that relied heavily on IMPfilter a total loss?
Title: Protectorate
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Subject: Are plugins that relied heavily on IMPfilter a total loss?
First off let me say, I know thw mod squad may frown upon this, but it's for a good cause. IMO the Stoic was the best damn plugin built in a while for smart casting and gamepad play. But since it was heavily dependant on Impfilter, it's DITW and from what I hear not worth trying to save. I'm was really hoping there was a way to keep much plugin functionality withoutm re-writing all the code.

This was my favorite, and I know a lot of other people had really liked it and used it as well...if not for gamepad use, definitely for the awesome smartcaster that was built into it.

I just really want to bring a good plugin like this back. I realize it would be a lot of work...but I'd certainly be willing to make a donation or two for it's redevelopment!


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Subject: Are plugins that relied heavily on IMPfilter a total loss?
Legion stated he wasn't going to updated any of the plugins so I wouldnt get your hopes up.


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Title: Protectorate
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Subject: Are plugins that relied heavily on IMPfilter a total loss?
Oh no, I am not...we spoke briefly via PM and he stated as much. This post is more a hope I get a stoic for christmas likie post! Who knows, maybe someone out who's a plugin dev like as much as I, and would like to see about picking it up or started their own happy .

You never know with the magic of Christmas!


Expert Bassist, Guitarist and Drummer: Krackâ„¢
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Subject: Are plugins that relied heavily on IMPfilter a total loss?
Castaway was a big user of Imp Filter. Still a couple of minor issues in the code that we are addressing (one reason it is alpha still), but overall it works. It did require doing some learning and head bashing. I tried to document things to hep others out that needed to move away from Imp Filter:

Stoic Enchanter was a favorite of mine for buffing.


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Title: Protectorate
Posts: 23,752
Registered: Oct 25, '00
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User ID: 51,083
Subject: Are plugins that relied heavily on IMPfilter a total loss?
I used it in conjunction with my wingman profile for fuly functinoal play with a gamepad. I got too used to it though and now I can't pk for nothing. Even mbs get me now. But with the 3 extra spell keys now, I might be able to work somehing out...just need a "smart caster" that works.

Man if I had one wish for an ac related thing, it'd be for Stoic to come back happy


Expert Bassist, Guitarist and Drummer: Krackâ„¢
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