Author Topic: Hey, Just want to thank all the Decal programmers and plugin writers
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Subject: Hey, Just want to thank all the Decal programmers and plugin writers
I just bought 2 packs of steel for 100 plats, the guy told me he now 'farms' 200 bags a day due to your plugins and ac tool. You guys are great, this really doesn't poil a/c.

Oh I know you will say you are the gun but the person choose to pull the trigger. Doesn't feel good to be innocent...?!!

Thanks againa and I am sure the majority of the ac family feels the same way.

Merry Christmas

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Subject: Hey, Just want to thank all the Decal programmers and plugin writers
Why do you support a player whose methods you disagree with?


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Subject: Hey, Just want to thank all the Decal programmers and plugin writers
<< Why do you support a player whose methods you disagree with? >>

Kind of like complainging about the crime level then buying stolen goods isn't it?


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Subject: Hey, Just want to thank all the Decal programmers and plugin writers
I think he was yanking your chain. 200 bags a day is not possible, not at least with a single account. If he were "farming" it, its only to supply people that will buy it.


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Subject: Hey, Just want to thank all the Decal programmers and plugin writers
--Ciper-- posted:
I think he was yanking your chain. 200 bags a day is not possible, not at least with a single account. If he were "farming" it, its only to supply people that will buy it.

Farming 200 bags a day is easy, even with a single account and only keeping the non-crap salvage.


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Subject: Hey, Just want to thank all the Decal programmers and plugin writers
Helping a fellow player out because he exploits something is nothing wrong.

He exploits it because it's available to him. Most people do...

If you can get anything for free, I know about 95% of the population would do it..

Or if they can go through the yellow light because it's not quite red....

You all do it, so live with it and seriously shut up.


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Subject: Hey, Just want to thank all the Decal programmers and plugin writers
<< Helping a fellow player out because he exploits something is nothing wrong. >>

"helping" this person out and then complaining about the exploiting smacks of hypocrisy to me.


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Subject: Hey, Just want to thank all the Decal programmers and plugin writers
you paid 32 mmds for 48 bags of steel and your complaining?

i can make about 6 bags of avg steel in 1 hour. i sell them for no less than 1 mmd each.

you got a good deal you should be thankful.


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Subject: Hey, Just want to thank all the Decal programmers and plugin writers
" He exploits it because it's available to him. Most people do...

If you can get anything for free, I know about 95% of the population would do it.. "

Actually.. only the ones without Morals and Ethics would do it. (Which seems to be a growing percentage of the population).

And while most people would take something for free, I think you're over calculating the percentage that would do it if the action were unethical, immoral, or illegal.

Exploiting in my opinion is immoral, thus I wouldn't take advantage of that. Then again, I think very highly of people who I can say are moral, ethical, and I hold high value for someone's reputation.


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Subject: Hey, Just want to thank all the Decal programmers and plugin writers
You all miss the point. You developed these plugings so you are responsible, it has nothing to do with my character. You have spoiled the game, if I buy or not makes no difference becuase it is still going to happen.

But I am sure you take no responsibility. You just manufacture the bombs you do not care if they kill people.


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Subject: Hey, Just want to thank all the Decal programmers and plugin writers
What's the problem? If you think low steel prices ruin the game, DON'T BUY STEEL AT LOW PRICES. I'm sure if you offered the guy 10MMDs per bag he would accept.


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Subject: Hey, Just want to thank all the Decal programmers and plugin writers
<< You all miss the point. You developed these plugings so you are responsible, it has nothing to do with my character. >>

So if I go and buy some cocaine it doesn't say anything about the type of person I am but rather is the fault of the drug dealers? Supply and demand: If there was no demand then there won't be a supply.

Ask yourself, are you going to buy salvage from that person again? Take it a step further, do you belong to an allegiance that forbids the use of TPA's? Do you group with people using TPA's?

Plugins are playing aids for many, they take some of the tedium out of the game. Some people will exploit anything they have a chance to, others don't. Place the blame on the people exploting things (and if this person is within the CoC then they are doing nothing wrong).


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