Author Topic: VCS and Virindi Booter have been released for Alpha 5b.
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Subject: VCS and Virindi Booter have been released for Alpha 5b.

An aesthetic fix was made to Virindi Booter. Just need to run the installers, now.


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Subject: VCS and Virindi Booter have been released for Alpha 5b.
Hiya, ty for an uber plugin love

I installed the new version with the GUI, and then decided i dind't WANT the GUI. I'd prefer to just let my setup file do it's job and not take up space in my decal bar. Any chance you could put pre-GUI version up for me to download again?



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Title: The Lord of Chaos
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Subject: VCS and Virindi Booter have been released for Alpha 5b.
Booter is working fine, and the one "nag" that I had is now fixed.

Good job V.


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Subject: VCS and Virindi Booter have been released for Alpha 5b.
<<I installed the new version with the GUI, and then decided i dind't WANT the GUI. I'd prefer to just let my setup file do it's job and not take up space in my decal bar. Any chance you could put pre-GUI version up for me to download again?>>

Of VCS? Hmm. Not sure if I mentioned before, but at one point I lost the source code to the latest non-gui version of VCS by mistake (it was horrible too, I had to rewrite half the plugin). It would actually be much easier for me to add an option to turn the GUI off and on in the current one. I could also add console commands to reload/save configs. A switchable GUI is definitely something there is demand for out there I think, given how much video memory Decal views take now. Anyway, I'm doing a bunch of stuff this weekend so I haven't had THAT much of a chance to work on plugins, but I plan to have time again sometime quite shortly.

Would it be the end of the world to have to use actions.txt instead of settings.ini? wink


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Subject: VCS and Virindi Booter have been released for Alpha 5b.
Having the option to turn the VCS GUI on/off is even better grin


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Subject: VCS and Virindi Booter have been released for Alpha 5b.
All done.

VCS adds the ability to turn off the new gui, as well as some other simple console commands. Type /vcs to get the list ingame. You will see the following commands:

guion, guioff, loadconfigs, saveconfigs, listrules, listactions

Type: "/vcs command" to use a command.

The GUI on/off state is saved between logins, so if you turn it off it will stay off until you turn it back on again.

Since the logic is still the same as the last version, if you're editing your configs and you want the plugin to see the update, you have to run the command /vcs loadconfigs. Otherwise your changes will not be reloaded (and will be destroyed if you make any changes ingame or run the saveconfigs command).

One final hint: in the true spirit of this plugin, all messages shown by this plugin are filtered by the same rules you set up for other messages. So, if you don't like the color or window choice I've made, feel free to change it tongue


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Subject: VCS and Virindi Booter have been released for Alpha 5b.
Ahhh, u rock. I tried it, it works great <3


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