Author Topic: MakeIt Recipes
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Subject: MakeIt Recipes
Could someone PLEASE PM me The WORKING Recipe for the Chorizite Displee potions.... "The one that uses Chorizite Oils" on them selves....

I set up AC and Alpha 4 on another computer to test out the Newest MakeIt on those newly added ability.

Thanks (In Advance) for any help offered.....

I Also appologize, in advance, for asking this, but my ability to make my own recipe is severly limited as is my programming ability....

Thanks Again

Edit:... Sorry... I also need advice to a problem that seems to be "cropping up".
In certain recipies, MakeIt, does great, however in others, it seems to make the first thing, then waits for a LONG time to make the second. It seems also to make the first one, then "Forgets" it made it, cause it doesnt Stack, AND it wont display the stats of the task.... I looked at the Dat file to see if there was something that I missed, and to compare it to the recipes that DO work..... As Far as I am able to see, there isnt a difference. confused


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