Title: Total Mad Ownage
Dec 20, '01
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Make It! and the 3 new Brews
That add +50 to str, end, self.
Anyone have the recipes for the .xml?
I'm stupid and not sure how to write up the recipes properly...
Owned by Authority: Wussy_Woy, whose unruly behavior attracted 3 moderator edits. Total Mad Ownage :: Thunder Toyota http://total-mad-ownage.minitroopers.com http://total-mad-ownage.mybrute.com
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Make It! and the 3 new Brews
<Item name="Moarsmuck" keep="false" burden="20" resttype="NA" restore="0" cost="0" desc="??" verified="??"/>
Add this to the Catagory Beverages section -
<Recipe name="Apothecary Zongo's Stout" list="Apothecary Zongo's Stout" use="Empty Bottles" on="Keg of Apothecary Zongo's Stout" skill="Cooking" diff="??" burden="??" resttype="??" restore="??" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
<Recipe name="Duke Raoul's Distillation" list="Duke Raoul's Distillation" use="Empty Bottles" on="Keg of Duke Raoul's Distillation" skill="Cooking" diff="??" burden="??" resttype="??" restore="??" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
<Recipe name="Hunter's Stock Amber" list="Hunter's Stock Amber" use="Empty Bottles" on="Keg of Hunter's Stock Amber" skill="Cooking" diff="??" burden="??" resttype="??" restore="??" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
Add under cooking ingrediants -
<Recipe name="Apothecary Zongo's Stout Brew" list="Apothecary Zongo's Stout Brew" use="Moarsmuck" on="Glorious Dark Brew" skill="Cooking" diff="??" burden="??" resttype="??" restore="??" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
<Recipe name="Keg of Apothecary Zongo's Stout" list="Keg of Apothecary Zongo's Stout" use="Empty Stopped Keg" on="Apothecary Zongo's Stout Brew" skill="Cooking" diff="??" burden="??" resttype="??" restore="??" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
<Recipe name="Hunter's Stock Amber Brew" list="Hunter's Stock Amber Brew" use="Moarsmuck" on="Glorious Amber Brew" skill="Cooking" diff="??" burden="??" resttype="??" restore="??" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
<Recipe name="Keg of Hunter's Stock Amber" list="Keg of Hunter's Stock Amber" use="Empty Stopped Keg" on="Hunter's Stock Amber Brew" skill="Cooking" diff="??" burden="??" resttype="??" restore="??" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
<Recipe name="Duke Raoul's Distillation Brew" list="Duke Raoul's Distillation Brew" use="Moarsmuck" on="Glorious Fermented Brew" skill="Cooking" diff="??" burden="??" resttype="??" restore="??" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
<Recipe name="Keg of Duke Raoul's Distillation" list="Keg of Duke Raoul's Distillation" use="Empty Stopped Keg" on="Duke Raoul's Distillation Brew" skill="Cooking" diff="??" burden="??" resttype="??" restore="??" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
I warn you, this is just a guess...
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Make It! and the 3 new Brews
Good Luck!! I haven't been able to get 'MakeIt' to work at all...
Have no idea why, but for me, it has not ever made one thing for me...
Wish it would... I am Lazy and hate to have to do it manually
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Mar 27, '02
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Make It! and the 3 new Brews
the only make it i can find, will only work with the newer decal ...im using the earlier decal and thus it wont work for me, perhaps your experiencing the same problem
Asherons Call deleted..rip xenophin+ dread walking WoW US-Norgannon-Gaulix70 druid Xenophin 70 hunter- Soliaa 70 Shaman-Lolli 70 hunter .unsubbed WoW EU-Chug80 Paladin Zolli 80 Hunter- Unsubbed Cuurently Playing Life
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Make It! and the 3 new Brews
you may need to find the older version of Make-it... perhaps Gouru will make them both available...
As this is all alpha and beta code, that some things don't work is about a given.
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Make It! and the 3 new Brews
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Make It! and the 3 new Brews
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Make It! and the 3 new Brews
thx much 8)
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Make It! and the 3 new Brews
Tag, thanks.
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Make It! and the 3 new Brews
Good information!!!
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Make It! and the 3 new Brews
Never Understood why people didn't just create a beer category
<Category name="Beer">
<Recipe name="Amber Ape" list="Amber Ape" use="Empty Bottles" on="Keg of Amber Ape" skill="Cooking" diff="??" burden="??" resttype="??" restore="??" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
<Recipe name="Tusker Spit Ale" list="Tusker Spit Ale" use="Empty Bottles" on="Keg of Tusker Spit Ale" skill="Cooking" diff="??" burden="??" resttype="??" restore="??" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
<Recipe name="Bobo's Stout" list="Bobo's Stout" use="Empty Bottles" on="Keg of Bobo's Stout" skill="Cooking" diff="??" burden="??" resttype="??" restore="??" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
<Recipe name="Apothecary Zongo's Stout" list="Apothecary Zongo's Stout" use="Empty Bottles" on="Keg of Apothecary Zongo's Stout" skill="Cooking" diff="??" burden="??" resttype="??" restore="??" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
<Recipe name="Duke Raoul's Distillation" list="Duke Raoul's Distillation" use="Empty Bottles" on="Keg of Duke Raoul's Distillation" skill="Cooking" diff="??" burden="??" resttype="??" restore="??" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
<Recipe name="Hunter's Stock Amber" list="Hunter's Stock Amber" use="Empty Bottles" on="Keg of Hunter's Stock Amber" skill="Cooking" diff="??" burden="??" resttype="??" restore="??" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
Then put the other stuff under cooking ingredients.
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Make It! and the 3 new Brews
I understand how to add stuff. But I am no programer. I do manual labor for work.
So what does this mean? What Stuff?
Then put the other stuff under cooking ingredients
Sorry I just have no idea.
I have been trying to get Chorizite to work but no luck on that also.
Not to mention Health Elixers.
If someone has some help that would be wonderful
Thank you, Enjoy the night
Cheyne of FF
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Make It! and the 3 new Brews
tag, and thanks
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Make It! and the 3 new Brews
If you start out with the idea that all programming is (when you boil it all down) is a logical progression of steps, figuring these things out becomes easier...
You say you do physical labor... ok, how do you dig a hole?
Just "Dig the Hole" will not work, you need to find out where the hole is to be dug, get the proper tool(s), go to the location, Dig, Remove the dirt, check the depth and so on... if you line up each step, you have a logical progression of steps...
Figure out the step by step process you need to make what you want, the raw materials are either consumed or not... the items that are not used up go in their own section, the ones that are in theirs...
Each step after that uses 2 items... Use "A" on "B" get "C"... If "C" is not the End Product, it goes in the cooking ingredients section... if it is, put it in one of the end products sections (Potions, Arrow heads) or make its own section... (Beer, Goop, Kaa Kaa Dookie)… easy way is to add it to the correct section
What you end up with is a set of:
Use "A" on "B" get "C"
Use "A" on "B" get "C"
Use "A" on "B" get "C"
Use "A" on "B" get "C"
Use "A" on "B" get "C"
Use "A" on "B" get "C"
Use "A" on "B" get "C"
Where "C" may become "A" or "B" in the next step until "C" is the end product
Use "A" on "B" get "C"
Use "A" on "B" get "C"
Use "A" on "B" get "C"
Use "A" on "B" get "C"
Use "A" on "B" get "C"
Use "A" on "B" get "C" <--- this "C" became the "Keg of Amber Ape" ("B") with "A" as the Empty bottles
<Recipe name="Amber Ape" list="Amber Ape" use="Empty Bottles" on="Keg of Amber Ape" skill="Cooking" diff="??" burden="??" resttype="??" restore="??" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
Hope this helps...
Oh, the pattern:
<Recipe name="C" list="C" use="A" on="B" skill="Trade Skill" diff="??" burden="??" resttype="??" restore="??" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
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Make It! and the 3 new Brews
This is the Recipe for ALL 6 of the Beers......
It is complete and works FULLY........
If you try to use this to include the "Roasted Barley", the Whole thing falls to the ground. It just stops after making the 1st Roasted Barley, and will pause for about 20 seconds, AND just make another Roasted Barley.... ="Endless Loop".
If someone can come up with the reason this Recipe does it, You will have my Gratitude for EVER!!!!!!
<Item name="Baking Pan" keep="True" burden="150" resttype="NA" restore="0" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
<Item name="Empty Stopped Keg" keep="false" burden="1000" resttype="NA" restore="0" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
<Item name="Empty Bottles" keep="false" burden="150" resttype="NA" restore="0" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
<Item name="Brew Kettle" keep="true" burden="100" resttype="NA" restore="0" cost="0" desc="??" verified="??"/>
<Item name="Tusker Spit" keep="false" burden="20" resttype="NA" restore="0" cost="0" desc="??" verified="??"/>
<Item name="Moarsmuck" keep="false" burden="20" resttype="NA" restore="0" cost="0" desc="??" verified="??"/>
<Item name="Rancid Yeast" keep="false" burden="5" resttype="NA" restore="0" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
<Item name="Dried Yeast" keep="false" burden="5" resttype="NA" restore="0" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
<Item name="Liquid Yeast" keep="false" burden="5" resttype="NA" restore="0" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
<Item name="Spoiled Barley" keep="false" burden="20" resttype="NA" restore="0" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
<Item name="Amber Barley" keep="false" burden="20" resttype="NA" restore="0" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
<Item name="Plain Barley" keep="false" burden="20" resttype="NA" restore="0" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
<Item name="Ruined Hops" keep="false" burden="20" resttype="NA" restore="0" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
<Item name="Brown Hops" keep="false" burden="20" resttype="NA" restore="0" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
<Item name="Green Hops" keep="false" burden="20" resttype="NA" restore="0" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
<Item name="Vibrant Green Hops" keep="false" burden="20" resttype="NA" restore="0" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
<Item name="Ultra Green Hops" keep="false" burden="20" resttype="NA" restore="0" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
<Category name="Bottled Beer">
<Recipe name="Amber Ape" list="Amber Ape" use="Empty Bottles" on="Keg of Amber Ape" skill="Cooking" diff="??" burden="??" resttype="??" restore="??" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
<Recipe name="Tusker Spit Ale" list="Tusker Spit Ale" use="Empty Bottles" on="Keg of Tusker Spit Ale" skill="Cooking" diff="??" burden="??" resttype="??" restore="??" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
<Recipe name="Bobo's Stout" list="Bobo's Stout" use="Empty Bottles" on="Keg of Bobo's Stout" skill="Cooking" diff="??" burden="??" resttype="??" restore="??" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
<Recipe name="Hunter's Stock Amber" list="Hunter's Stock Amber" use="Empty Bottles" on="Keg of Hunter's Stock Amber" skill="Cooking" diff="??" burden="??" resttype="??" restore="??" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
<Recipe name="Duke Raoul's Distillation" list="Duke Raoul's Distillation" use="Empty Bottles" on="Keg of Duke Raoul's Distillation" skill="Cooking" diff="??" burden="??" resttype="??" restore="??" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
<Recipe name="Apothecary Zongo's Stout" list="Apothecary Zongo's Stout" use="Empty Bottles" on="Keg of Apothecary Zongo's Stout" skill="Cooking" diff="??" burden="??" resttype="??" restore="??" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
<Category name="Cooking Ingredients">
<Recipe name="Full Brew Kettle" list="Full Brew Kettle" use="Brew Kettle" on="Water" skill="Cooking" diff="??" burden="??" resttype="??" restore="??" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
<Recipe name="Roasted Barley" list="Roasted Barley" use="Baking Pan" on="Plain Barley" skill="Cooking" diff="??" burden="??" resttype="??" restore="??" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
<Recipe name="Dark Wort" list="Dark Wort" use="Roasted Barley" on="Full Brew Kettle" skill="Cooking" diff="??" burden="??" resttype="??" restore="??" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
<Recipe name="Aromatic Dark Wort" list="Aromatic Dark Wort" use="Ultra Green Hops" on="Dark Wort" skill="Cooking" diff="??" burden="??" resttype="??" restore="??" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
<Recipe name="Glorious Dark Brew" list="Glorious Dark Brew" use="Dried Yeast" on="Aromatic Dark Wort" skill="Cooking" diff="??" burden="??" resttype="??" restore="??" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
<Recipe name="Bobo's Stout Brew" list="Bobo's Stout Brew" use="Tusker Spit" on="Glorious Dark Brew" skill="Cooking" diff="??" burden="??" resttype="??" restore="??" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
<Recipe name="Keg of Bobo's Stout" list="Keg of Bobo's Stout" use="Empty Stopped Keg" on="Bobo's Stout Brew" skill="Cooking" diff="??" burden="??" resttype="??" restore="??" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
<Recipe name="Sweet Wort" list="Sweet Wort" use="Plain Barley" on="Full Brew Kettle" skill="Cooking" diff="??" burden="??" resttype="??" restore="??" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
<Recipe name="Aromatic Finished Wort" list="Aromatic Finished Wort" use="Ultra Green Hops" on="Sweet Wort" skill="Cooking" diff="??" burden="??" resttype="??" restore="??" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
<Recipe name="Glorious Fermented Brew" list="Glorious Fermented Brew" use="Dried Yeast" on="Aromatic Finished Wort" skill="Cooking" diff="??" burden="??" resttype="??" restore="??" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
<Recipe name="Tusker Spit Brew" list="Tusker Spit Brew" use="Tusker Spit" on="Glorious Fermented Brew" skill="Cooking" diff="??" burden="??" resttype="??" restore="??" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
<Recipe name="Keg of Tusker Spit Ale" list="Keg of Tusker Spit Ale" use="Empty Stopped Keg" on="Tusker Spit Brew" skill="Cooking" diff="??" burden="??" resttype="??" restore="??" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
<Recipe name="Amber Wort" list="Amber Wort" use="Amber Barley" on="Full Brew Kettle" skill="Cooking" diff="??" burden="??" resttype="??" restore="??" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
<Recipe name="Aromatic Amber Wort" list="Aromatic Amber Wort" use="Ultra Green Hops" on="Amber Wort" skill="Cooking" diff="??" burden="??" resttype="??" restore="??" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
<Recipe name="Glorious Amber Brew" list="Glorious Amber Brew" use="Dried Yeast" on="Aromatic Amber Wort" skill="Cooking" diff="??" burden="??" resttype="??" restore="??" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
<Recipe name="Amber Ape Brew" list="Amber Ape Brew" use="Tusker Spit" on="Glorious Amber Brew" skill="Cooking" diff="??" burden="??" resttype="??" restore="??" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
<Recipe name="Keg of Amber Ape" list="Keg of Amber Ape" use="Empty Stopped Keg" on="Amber Ape Brew" skill="Cooking" diff="??" burden="??" resttype="??" restore="??" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
<Recipe name="Roasted Barley" list="Roasted Barley" use="Baking Pan" on="Plain Barley" skill="Cooking" diff="??" burden="??" resttype="??" restore="??" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
<Recipe name="Dark Wort" list="Dark Wort" use="Roasted Barley" on="Full Brew Kettle" skill="Cooking" diff="??" burden="??" resttype="??" restore="??" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
<Recipe name="Aromatic Dark Wort" list="Aromatic Dark Wort" use="Ultra Green Hops" on="Dark Wort" skill="Cooking" diff="??" burden="??" resttype="??" restore="??" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
<Recipe name="Glorious Dark Brew" list="Glorious Dark Brew" use="Dried Yeast" on="Aromatic Dark Wort" skill="Cooking" diff="??" burden="??" resttype="??" restore="??" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
<Recipe name="Apothecary Zongo's Stout Brew" list="Apothecary Zongo's Stout Brew" use="Moarsmuck" on="Glorious Dark Brew" skill="Cooking" diff="??" burden="??" resttype="??" restore="??" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
<Recipe name="Keg of Apothecary Zongo's Stout" list="Keg of Apothecary Zongo's Stout" use="Empty Stopped Keg" on="Keg of Apothecary Zongo's Stout Brew" skill="Cooking" diff="??" burden="??" resttype="??" restore="??" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
<Recipe name="Sweet Wort" list="Sweet Wort" use="Plain Barley" on="Full Brew Kettle" skill="Cooking" diff="??" burden="??" resttype="??" restore="??" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
<Recipe name="Aromatic Finished Wort" list="Aromatic Finished Wort" use="Ultra Green Hops" on="Sweet Wort" skill="Cooking" diff="??" burden="??" resttype="??" restore="??" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
<Recipe name="Glorious Fermented Brew" list="Glorious Fermented Brew" use="Dried Yeast" on="Aromatic Finished Wort" skill="Cooking" diff="??" burden="??" resttype="??" restore="??" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
<Recipe name="Duke Raoul's Distillation Brew" list="Duke Raoul's Distillation Brew" use="Moarsmuck" on="Glorious Fermented Brew" skill="Cooking" diff="??" burden="??" resttype="??" restore="??" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
<Recipe name="Keg of Duke Raoul's Distillation" list="Keg of Duke Raoul's Distillation" use="Empty Stopped Keg" on="Duke Raoul's Distillation Brew" skill="Cooking" diff="??" burden="??" resttype="??" restore="??" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
<Recipe name="Amber Wort" list="Amber Wort" use="Amber Barley" on="Full Brew Kettle" skill="Cooking" diff="??" burden="??" resttype="??" restore="??" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
<Recipe name="Aromatic Amber Wort" list="Aromatic Amber Wort" use="Ultra Green Hops" on="Amber Wort" skill="Cooking" diff="??" burden="??" resttype="??" restore="??" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
<Recipe name="Glorious Amber Brew" list="Glorious Amber Brew" use="Dried Yeast" on="Aromatic Amber Wort" skill="Cooking" diff="??" burden="??" resttype="??" restore="??" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
<Recipe name="Hunter's Stock Amber Brew" list="Hunter's Stock Amber Brew" use="Moarsmuck" on="Glorious Amber Brew" skill="Cooking" diff="??" burden="??" resttype="??" restore="??" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
<Recipe name="Keg of Hunter's Stock Amber" list="Keg of Hunter's Stock Amber" use="Empty Stopped Keg" on="Hunter's Stock Amber Brew" skill="Cooking" diff="??" burden="??" resttype="??" restore="??" cost="??" desc="??" verified="??"/>
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Make It! and the 3 new Brews
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Make It! and the 3 new Brews
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Make It! and the 3 new Brews
Read this Thread. I posted a Fully "Bug Free" recepie for all 6 beers.
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