Aug 1, '05
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Wireless connection question... Please help cure my AC withdrawal symptoms
I am doing a bit a traveling at the moment and I am having trouble connecting to AC at RV campgrounds. I have tried AC support and all they have is how to change userpreferences.ini to specify a port between 9000 and 9013. This has not helped at all. On the ACclient screen where you see the 2 blue spiral bars, all I get is the first(connection) bar, the second(update) bar never fills.
Anyone else ever have this trouble at a wifi location such as a campground, truckstop, coffeeshop or whatever?
Any ideas as to what I could do to get connected? I will be away from home for a couple months and I don't think I can stand that long without AC... I can feel the withdrawal symptoms already.
Shikyo ite - lvl 225 Mage Ginsu II - lvl 191 Archer plz pm me if I win your auction "Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber." -- Plato
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Title: Keeper of the Ratings Reg Thread Offendr
Nov 18, '02
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Wireless connection question... Please help cure my AC withdrawal symptoms
There could be a port block at the router on the RV yard.. Any way you can contact the network Admin and see if he could forward the ports you need to your computer?
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Aug 1, '05
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Wireless connection question... Please help cure my AC withdrawal symptoms
thanx, I will check with them in the morning. I wonder if this is going to be a common problem at most places I stop along the way. Would it be possible that they could or would block ALL possible ports?
Shikyo ite - lvl 225 Mage Ginsu II - lvl 191 Archer plz pm me if I win your auction "Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber." -- Plato
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Wireless connection question... Please help cure my AC withdrawal symptoms
By default the routers wont have the correct port forwarding to support AC.
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Aug 1, '05
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Wireless connection question... Please help cure my AC withdrawal symptoms
ok thanx, what port would I need to ask them to forward to me? Any between 9000 and 9013? All these? or another?
any more info would be appreciated
Shikyo ite - lvl 225 Mage Ginsu II - lvl 191 Archer plz pm me if I win your auction "Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber." -- Plato
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Wireless connection question... Please help cure my AC withdrawal symptoms
Sho those are correct, and you can have them forward any between 9000 and 9013 if you change the port in the little text file in your my documents folder,
if you have them just forward the group you won't have to do any tweaking.
On another note, my router's port forwarding sucks, and even when it's not forwarded i can try 10+ times once in a while and get in lol. Random chance of getting through the right port or something like that.
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Wireless connection question... Please help cure my AC withdrawal symptoms
I have the same problem when I stay at most hotels. I've asked about the ports, of course thier network admin says there aren't any blocks and I should have no problem connecting. (ya right) So I just gave up.
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Wireless connection question... Please help cure my AC withdrawal symptoms
It's nothing to do with blocked ports. It's all about port forwarding.
Your machine sends data out on a certain port and your router needs to know that data coming back on another port is for your machine and not another.
You can blindly forward all the required ports to a specific machine, which in turn means only that machine can use AC and no other, or you can do it the correct way and use a port trigger.
The initial port is often called the trigger port.
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Title: The Lord of Chaos
Oct 31, '02
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Wireless connection question... Please help cure my AC withdrawal symptoms
Also, just having the ports opens doesn't do it.
I spent many weeks trying to get a SonicWall firewall/router and a Wireless Access Point running, with no luck.
Apparently the incoming UDP packets range all over the place on the inbound side and a "Commerical" firewall is much to strict to let AC do what it does. A "Resisdential" firewall is pretty "loose" in what it allows, and thus works.
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Wireless connection question... Please help cure my AC withdrawal symptoms
the key term to remember in Firewall Configuration is "Loose UDP".. if your firewall does not support "Loose UDP" in some way, then I'm not sure how effectively it will work with AC. (unless it's just a crappy firewall).
As Arch_Magi said, the UDP transmission ports in AC are all over the palce, and it makes it a little difficult to set up a "good" firewall to allow it.
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Feb 23, '00
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Wireless connection question... Please help cure my AC withdrawal symptoms
<< I wonder if this is going to be a common problem at most places I stop along the way. >>
If they setup their firewalls/routers have way smart then yes. Most places like this tend to liimit many things to port 80, just for security reasons. Heaven forbid you want to run your own email client on your laptop while sitting in a motel room (my own personal expererience).
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Wireless connection question... Please help cure my AC withdrawal symptoms
A scenario probably closer to the truth: Stuff like that isn't normally administered by hotel/RV staff. If you're lucky, you'll be given a tech support number (if you're real lucky, it will be toll free) that will place you on hold. And hold you will!
The hold will finally be answered by a level zero to one tech that (again, if you're lucky) will understand your angst, but will be powerless to help. The best you'll get from him/her is a quick visit of your tcp/ip settings. Tickets will be filed, promises made, but expectations should remain low.
Everything said here is accurate, but one thing that's been overlooked is that all the inbound ports will have to filter to your specific IP. Most wlan setups use dynamic IP addressing (DHCP). Assuming that you convinced the tech support guru to forward everything to get it to work, her/his shift replacement 6 hours later won't relish reforwarding allllll those ports to your new IP. Mac address redirecting should be your friend, but that probably won't happen either.
There's a reason a lot of hotels chains decide to give this 'service' away: if you aren't happy that your setup doesn't work, you aren't being billed for it, and theoretically can't ask for a refund
With the above said, a suprisingly high number of wlan broadband setups do allow for VPN access. A potential workaround is to do a VPN-esque tunnel to a host computer on a dedicated ip, or dynamic dns service. This would be your home computer, and -your- router would be in control!
You'd need XP Pro (home?)/WinNT/2k/2k3 as your 'host' computer. I'm sure there are VPN services that will work on any flavor of operating system you throw at it, but I don't know what they are
I think XP home/pro has a built in VPN client. Setup the Wlan, vpn back to home, and route your ac traffic across your tunnel.
A bit much, I know. Good luck!
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Wireless connection question... Please help cure my AC withdrawal symptoms
AC_Whark, I dunno who u are and at this point I don't care, lol. But if that works for my problem at work I will love you long time! I have asked many many people and while I have recieved several smart ass remarks, noone has come up with a solution...
I am going to set this up tonight on my PC, and try it at work tomorrow...
/e crosses finger, toes and several other painfull appendages...
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Wireless connection question... Please help cure my AC withdrawal symptoms
My suggestion to test the deployment:
Setup your lan to work with two computers running AC successfully. Once that works, setup the 'client' computer as the vpn client, and the other to be your server. Tunnel one to the other, and try again. If everything goes well, you should still be able to play. Once you get that working properly, test from a remote site that you know supports VPN (buddy's house, etc). When you're golden there, it's time to hit the Wlans!
Sometimes, a simple "do you support VPN" will be on the list of quickly answerable questions by the wlan support staff. Some people don't do vpn, and if they don't, there's nothing you can do about it. It's their ballpark, their equipment, and their liability.
I forgot to mention this on the first reply. If your broadband router doesn't do VPN, all bets are off. VPN uses some TCP/IP ports, and it uses the GRE protocol (38?). Some routers bug out when it comes to passing through GRE traffic. Some routers have built in vpn servers. Your mileage will definately vary, depending on what you've got
Good luck!
Please note that the links below have been picked hastily from a generic yahoo search, and may open your computer up to virii, lions, tigers, and/or bears. Oh my!
I really hate offering advice on setting up vpns on remote networks, but in theory, it will work if all the parts allow VPN traffic passthrough. It's the "in theory" part that always seems to bugger something up. Just be sure to use strong passwords, and turn it on -when needed- . If someone hacked it, they'd be on your local lan, and could do anything that you could do (including printing the contents of a dictionary to your lan shared printer
XP VPN Client setup:
XP VPN Server setup:
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Jan 14, '02
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Wireless connection question... Please help cure my AC withdrawal symptoms
Heres a little resource that may help a little bit
just choose your router from the list then the app you want to make work and follow the allmost idiot proof instructions. Not going to help the mobile problem much but you never know.
Asherons Call - Clan Elder - Saints of Solclaim, Pirates Of The Burning Sea - Society Founder - Disciples of Aether (DoA)
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Wireless connection question... Please help cure my AC withdrawal symptoms
ya, everything worked at home but still not working at work...I think I know why, gotta get ahold of the guy running the router...have him turn on PPTP...
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Wireless connection question... Please help cure my AC withdrawal symptoms
Don't forget to disable any firewalls if you have an issue.
Don't forget to re-enable them once it's fixed
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