Author Topic: I'm having a common problem with Decal/Mule Trade It & Vista.
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Subject: I'm having a common problem with Decal/Mule Trade It & Vista.
Basically no matter where I move the folders/plugins of decal and the plugin muletrade it the folders remain read only. I right click on folder and try to change it from read only to NOT read only and it seems like its working... press apply and read only pops back on it ;(

First decal and all folders were installed just on C: then I tried C:Games now I tried moving all the folders on my desktod and still every time I turn off Read-only it turns back on ;(

I'm sure this has been answered a zillion times so srry for not seeing the info... the sticky at very top about just this issue didn't really help me for my specific problem (moving the folders/plugins decal/muletrade it into the games folder.)

I've been playin 6 months now and vtank and stuff works fine its just routes/nav and muletrade it info has never saved upon logout, hopin to fix this ^^


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Subject: I'm having a common problem with Decal/Mule Trade It & Vista.
lol awesome... now i screwed up decal/acclient where it wont even work at all.

Guess this is why I didn't bother trying to fix this problem for 6 moths lmao

fml im going to bed


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