Author Topic: Congratulations!
Title: Smells like Hotdogs and Tastes like Bacon
Posts: 15,046
Registered: Jun 23, '03
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Real Post Cnt: 14,756
User ID: 814,942
Subject: Congratulations!
You have a live Internet connection.

You have successfully installed your NETGEAR RangeMax Dual Band Wireless-N router.

(Rain and wind effed with my power and blew up my old Linksys A/B/G band keeps going in reboot mode no matter what I did. Good news is this new one will be great when I get AppleTV or Roku and NetFlix!) dancing


(Hotdogs * Bacon)^CLiKKâ„¢ cool = love
Cutcha Guy, Prevan Duckbuttersun - FF and SC
Robin Sparkles, Barney Stinson - FF
Cutcha, you win with the greatest thread of teh day. - _KidKodiak
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