Title: FF's Hyssop Vendor
Oct 12, '00
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User ID: 49,097
I really feel bad for people sometimes.
17:32:04 Plutonium Golem tells you, "100 mmds for them all?"
17:32:14 You tell Plutonium Golem, "oh no thanks..."
17:32:26 Plutonium Golem tells you, "what are you looking for"
17:32:32 You tell Plutonium Golem, "I'll buy some off of you if you have some for sale that cheap over max melee"
17:34:31 [Allegiance] Mr Escobar says, "wow"
17:34:41 [Allegiance] Mr Escobar says, "someone offered me a whole 100 mmds for 8 wands that are over max melee"
17:34:45 [Allegiance] Plutonium Golem says, "rude"
17:34:55 [Allegiance] Mr Escobar says, "^cheap"
17:35:18 [Allegiance] Plutonium Golem says, "So,insetad of being a rude ***hole,you could have told me how much they go for,i just came back...."
17:35:27 [Allegiance] Plutonium Golem says, "so go **** yourself"
17:35:30 [Allegiance] Mr Escobar says, "nice"
17:35:43 [Allegiance] Mr Escobar says, "Should I log in Zui to boot you or will you just break on your own?"
17:36:18 [Allegiance] Closure says, "lol"
17:36:32 [Allegiance] Plutonium Golem says, "I'll leave,wouldnt want to be in the same allegiance with you anyhow."
17:36:37 [Allegiance] Mr Escobar says, "Right on."
17:37:44 [Allegiance] Mr Escobar says, "what a douchebag"
17:37:57 [Allegiance] Closure says, "lol"
17:38:02 [Allegiance] Mr Escobar says, "It's amazing how people act when they don't realize who you are."
17:38:23 [Allegiance] Mr Escobar says, "Was no need for him to say all that. I was about to GIVE them all to him when I saw he was in /a"
17:38:33 [Allegiance] Mr Escobar says, "But then he had to call me an ***hole and tell me to go **** myself."
17:38:35 [Allegiance] Mr Escobar says, "Nice guy."
Zuizide ~ Exhibitionist ~ The Hood Store Sid Deuce ~ Chumlee ~ Wykid Mystik
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Title: Keeper of the Monkey
Jun 14, '01
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I really feel bad for people sometimes.
You're a *#%(# and a %(#)@, go !*%(!@ yourself!
Calin Moritan - retired "I don't mean I actually want Ryker's weenie." - Bhutthed it takes longer for the horomone to get in the pee if you're bigger - Vielka http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=105296&TabID=900795 - Home of SBT!
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Dec 10, '10
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I really feel bad for people sometimes.
Kuldar_Moritan posted: You're a *#%(# and a %(#)@, go !*%(!@ yourself!
But it is funny when a monkey says it.
Borwych / Borwyson / Kuku 1999 "None of us want to see your rectal facility basically destroyed" - Bhutt "Just look for me spamming in /ct for stuff that doesn't exist." - Rhesus "i want more booby type looking armor!!!" - Tika "Wrong hole." - Rhesus
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Title: Moderator You got banned by a Candyass
Dec 18, '00
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I really feel bad for people sometimes.
Kuldar_Moritan posted: You're a *#%(# and a %(#)@, go !*%(!@ yourself!
Rudypu Candyass Lvl 250 3 School Tank UA "Talking to you is like watching a movie that doesn't make any sense"-Aimee Michael Scott LVL 103 Bow, Dwight K Schrute Lv 89UA Dexter Morgan LVL 64 Bill Compton LVL 27
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Oct 26, '04
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I really feel bad for people sometimes.
So let me get this straight. A guy has just returned and wants to buy some wands from you, apparently very good wands. Pulls a number out and instead of counter offering, you take it to allegiance chat to make fun of him. He ends up in your monarchy and sees you trying to talk behind his back, and says a simple comment "rude" which it was. Your answer is to call him cheap, sounds like an insult to me. While his reaction is out of bounds, so is yours. You are obviously affected enough to bring this crap to VN grats buddy you're a grade A douche.
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Title: FF's Hyssop Vendor
Oct 12, '00
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Real Post Cnt: 48,802
User ID: 49,097
I really feel bad for people sometimes.
Hehe, you're right. I'm such a douche. So much so if his reaction was that of a different type he would have gotten them all free for being my follower.
Point is, he didn't know I was his Monarch and cursed me out. I'm glad it was to me and not someone else and that this happened before he did something worse to someone else.
Zuizide ~ Exhibitionist ~ The Hood Store Sid Deuce ~ Chumlee ~ Wykid Mystik
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Oct 26, '04
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I really feel bad for people sometimes.
I wouldn't want to not be in your monarchy. Who knows what kind of mockery goes on behind the closed doors of your tag. It's ironic that he got caught "not knowing who he was talking to" When you got caught in the EXACT same problem. Because you thought he wasn't part of your little clique you were going to talk crap about a lowball offer in your opinion, you got caught in that situation attempting to talk crap, and kneejerk reaction of ^cheap is all you have to say for yourself. What you were going to do is two things 1) give him wands 2) talk crap about him. Weird that you can ignore your own downfalls like that.
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Title: FF's Hyssop Vendor
Oct 12, '00
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Real Post Cnt: 48,802
User ID: 49,097
I really feel bad for people sometimes.
You have a very odd take on things, but I know there is nothing I can say to change your mind. Me saying what someone offered for something on /a is not an uncommon event in the least (whether it be a bad or good offer). As far as me not knowing he was under me, that is true. I have been busy in real life with moving and taking over a business. If I had known, I would have told him in tells to keep his mmds and come get the wands. Also, me "picking on" people under me isn't uncommon either. They do it to me as well. What we don't do however is tell each other to eff off because of it. We can take a bit of ribbing from others here and there, if he couldn't then under me isn't the place for him. I was shocked by the reaction and so was his patron. But so be it, it's not that big of a deal. I posted it here because I thought it was amusing, and it is.
Zuizide ~ Exhibitionist ~ The Hood Store Sid Deuce ~ Chumlee ~ Wykid Mystik
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Oct 26, '04
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I really feel bad for people sometimes.
I'll leave it at that. Touche.
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May 31, '01
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I really feel bad for people sometimes.
zuizide posted: I have been busy in real life with moving and taking over a business.
Farewell to Brevard County?
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Title: FF's Hyssop Vendor
Oct 12, '00
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Real Post Cnt: 48,802
User ID: 49,097
I really feel bad for people sometimes.
TalentScam posted:
zuizide posted: I have been busy in real life with moving and taking over a business.
Farewell to Brevard County?
Yep, went from one coast to the other. Now on the Gulf side with all the old people.
Zuizide ~ Exhibitionist ~ The Hood Store Sid Deuce ~ Chumlee ~ Wykid Mystik
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Jan 21, '12
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I really feel bad for people sometimes.
From reading the text I completely agree with arctic. You were also rude and because you think you are special as a monarch, it's fine for you to be rude. No need to post this nonsense on the boards.
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Title: King of the Aholes!
Nov 23, '07
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I really feel bad for people sometimes.
Is this the FF forum or DT?
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Title: Troll Wrangler
Jul 7, '01
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I really feel bad for people sometimes.
zui, zui, zui *wink*
You have entered a dark cave. You see a N00b starting useless threads. Do you want to (F)arm, F(L)ame, (R)eply, (I)gnore, Ra(N)t? > L Your flames easily prove what a moron she is! A Moderator enters from the west! You have been banned! Play again? Y/N
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Apr 29, '02
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I really feel bad for people sometimes.
Funny thread Zuizide! And BTW, just because you've moved to the old folks coast doesn't mean you should be letting all the fussy old ladies living around you post on the boards now.
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Sep 4, '04
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I really feel bad for people sometimes.
shenanigans...the next person who says shenanigans I am going to pistol whip!
EvilKronik quester in AC! I am Jack's... complete lack of surprise. A lie is only a lie if you know the truth! Kronik Dead Head Xbow in progress "Bring me some Stout already, meat puppet!"
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Oct 12, '09
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I really feel bad for people sometimes.
You are such an a**hole.
Frostfell: Slammin' Cleon Salmon- 263 archer You say farm - 275 mage When I say hillshire - 275 sword Hefty-hefty-hefty- level 252 mage Ripped Harvestgain - level 275 mage
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Nov 13, '08
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I really feel bad for people sometimes.
zuizide posted: You have a very odd take on things, but I know there is nothing I can say to change your mind.
Me saying what someone offered for something on /a is not an uncommon event in the least (whether it be a bad or good offer). As far as me not knowing he was under me, that is true. I have been busy in real life with moving and taking over a business. If I had known, I would have told him in tells to keep his mmds and come get the wands. Also, me "picking on" people under me isn't uncommon either. They do it to me as well. What we don't do however is tell each other to eff off because of it. We can take a bit of ribbing from others here and there, if he couldn't then under me isn't the place for him. I was shocked by the reaction and so was his patron. But so be it, it's not that big of a deal. I posted it here because I thought it was amusing, and it is.
Haha... i remembered one time where i gagged you. I was curious if it could be done to a monarch, and lo and behold, boom!
Anywho, Zui's one of the most generous individual's i've met on FF. And definately, a very stand up trader, obviously.
Also, Arctic, you can see that Zui wasn't making fun of him or talking "crap", was just astounded at how much he had been offerred. It wasn't necessarily rude of him to talk in /a, he could also be confirming with the allegiance of how much a price has fluctuated and seeing if anyone else has bought/sold/traded at those prices. As Zui mentioned, he has said he has been very busy in r/l, and most likely, little time to wheel and deal in AC.
It sounds like you have a vested interest in this. Possibly, PG ended up under you after this, and this is why you're attacking Zui. Take a step back and look at the facts, bud.
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Title: FF's Hyssop Vendor
Oct 12, '00
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Real Post Cnt: 48,802
User ID: 49,097
I really feel bad for people sometimes.
RhesusFF posted: Funny thread Zuizide! And BTW, just because you've moved to the old folks coast doesn't mean you should be letting all the fussy old ladies living around you post on the boards now.
ISO my fainting goat dammit.
Zuizide ~ Exhibitionist ~ The Hood Store Sid Deuce ~ Chumlee ~ Wykid Mystik
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May 17, '02
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I really feel bad for people sometimes.
kronikjames posted: shenanigans...the next person who says shenanigans I am going to pistol whip!
@james, shenanigans! shenanigans :^P @Zui, there are people that don't get it out there, the best you can do is try and keep in touch with those that DO get it and ignore the hell out of those that do not do so.... Which looks like what you try to do so keep on keeping your in what you keep faith in.
Edits are for spelling :^) Trophy Compendium http://vnboards.ign.com/message.asp?topic=90389010 /a Devil's Saint says, "what we teach our Children we become" June 3, 2008
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Title: His Bhuttness
Aug 9, '04
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I really feel bad for people sometimes.
RhesusFF posted: Funny thread Zuizide!
And BTW, just because you've moved to the old folks coast doesn't mean you should be letting all the fussy old ladies living around you post on the boards now.
Panama City Beach is freakin great, even with old folks. Hope it's that far north!
Also Z eats small children.
pwned irl by Lilly Lamage SBT: the Short Bus Tribe Bhutthed, Twelvepack, Bhutta - re-retired Calin Moritan tells you, "xif" <3 God Bless our troops and their families
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Title: FF's Hyssop Vendor
Oct 12, '00
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Real Post Cnt: 48,802
User ID: 49,097
I really feel bad for people sometimes.
Bhutthed posted:
RhesusFF posted: Funny thread Zuizide! And BTW, just because you've moved to the old folks coast doesn't mean you should be letting all the fussy old ladies living around you post on the boards now.
Panama City Beach is freakin great, even with old folks. Hope it's that far north! Also Z eats small children.
Only 18+ females. And I'm an hour or so north of Tampa/St. Pete. There is a beach about 15 minutes from me still though.
Zuizide ~ Exhibitionist ~ The Hood Store Sid Deuce ~ Chumlee ~ Wykid Mystik
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Oct 26, '04
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Real Post Cnt: 2,213
User ID: 981,576
I really feel bad for people sometimes.
Darth_Sauron_HG posted:
zuizide posted: You have a very odd take on things, but I know there is nothing I can say to change your mind. Me saying what someone offered for something on /a is not an uncommon event in the least (whether it be a bad or good offer). As far as me not knowing he was under me, that is true. I have been busy in real life with moving and taking over a business. If I had known, I would have told him in tells to keep his mmds and come get the wands. Also, me "picking on" people under me isn't uncommon either. They do it to me as well. What we don't do however is tell each other to eff off because of it. We can take a bit of ribbing from others here and there, if he couldn't then under me isn't the place for him. I was shocked by the reaction and so was his patron. But so be it, it's not that big of a deal. I posted it here because I thought it was amusing, and it is.
Haha... i remembered one time where i gagged you. I was curious if it could be done to a monarch, and lo and behold, boom! Anywho, Zui's one of the most generous individual's i've met on FF. And definately, a very stand up trader, obviously. Also, Arctic, you can see that Zui wasn't making fun of him or talking "crap", was just astounded at how much he had been offerred. It wasn't necessarily rude of him to talk in /a, he could also be confirming with the allegiance of how much a price has fluctuated and seeing if anyone else has bought/sold/traded at those prices. As Zui mentioned, he has said he has been very busy in r/l, and most likely, little time to wheel and deal in AC. It sounds like you have a vested interest in this. Possibly, PG ended up under you after this, and this is why you're attacking Zui. Take a step back and look at the facts, bud. Darth
Hardly. I quit almost immediately after the patch because they ruined the last parts of the game I found fun. What I'm tired of is monarchs, and there are WAY more than one out there, thinking that they are above common decency. Sure he's generous, I know this for a fact, but he obviously knew the value of the items, or he wouldn't have made a "cheap ^" remark would he? I was just commenting on the fact that it was rude in the first place, and the fact that it was brought here could say a lot of things about a person. The first that comes to my mind is he needed reassurance that he WASNT being a jackass. Seems I'm not totally alone in thinking this was unnecessary.
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Oct 12, '09
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I really feel bad for people sometimes.
Arctic_Blast posted:
Darth_Sauron_HG posted:
zuizide posted: You have a very odd take on things, but I know there is nothing I can say to change your mind. Me saying what someone offered for something on /a is not an uncommon event in the least (whether it be a bad or good offer). As far as me not knowing he was under me, that is true. I have been busy in real life with moving and taking over a business. If I had known, I would have told him in tells to keep his mmds and come get the wands. Also, me "picking on" people under me isn't uncommon either. They do it to me as well. What we don't do however is tell each other to eff off because of it. We can take a bit of ribbing from others here and there, if he couldn't then under me isn't the place for him. I was shocked by the reaction and so was his patron. But so be it, it's not that big of a deal. I posted it here because I thought it was amusing, and it is.
Haha... i remembered one time where i gagged you. I was curious if it could be done to a monarch, and lo and behold, boom! Anywho, Zui's one of the most generous individual's i've met on FF. And definately, a very stand up trader, obviously. Also, Arctic, you can see that Zui wasn't making fun of him or talking "crap", was just astounded at how much he had been offerred. It wasn't necessarily rude of him to talk in /a, he could also be confirming with the allegiance of how much a price has fluctuated and seeing if anyone else has bought/sold/traded at those prices. As Zui mentioned, he has said he has been very busy in r/l, and most likely, little time to wheel and deal in AC. It sounds like you have a vested interest in this. Possibly, PG ended up under you after this, and this is why you're attacking Zui. Take a step back and look at the facts, bud. Darth
Hardly. I quit almost immediately after the patch because they ruined the last parts of the game I found fun. What I'm tired of is monarchs, and there are WAY more than one out there, thinking that they are above common decency. Sure he's generous, I know this for a fact, but he obviously knew the value of the items, or he wouldn't have made a "cheap ^" remark would he? I was just commenting on the fact that it was rude in the first place, and the fact that it was brought here could say a lot of things about a person. The first that comes to my mind is he needed reassurance that he WASNT being a jackass. Seems I'm not totally alone in thinking this was unnecessary.
Not everything that someone says is 100% serious. You don't know his allegiance so you should just stop talking. I think 99% of the crap that is said in allegiance is sarcastic. It is a fairly close group of people who play, they know each other very well and can take criticism from each other because its almost always someone trying to give someone else a hard time for a good laugh. EDIT: Also, it is obvious that Plutonium (whoever that is) was trying to low ball Zui and then when he got caught, played the, I just came back card.
Frostfell: Slammin' Cleon Salmon- 263 archer You say farm - 275 mage When I say hillshire - 275 sword Hefty-hefty-hefty- level 252 mage Ripped Harvestgain - level 275 mage
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Dec 10, '10
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User ID: 1,408,651
I really feel bad for people sometimes.
Go_Meat posted: EDIT: Also, it is obvious that Plutonium (whoever that is) was trying to low ball Zui and then when he got caught, played the, I just came back card.
Unrelated to the broader discussion of who is the bigger asshole here, I am just curious why it is obvious he played the "I just came back card". I see poeple come back all the time that have no clue what things are going for. When I came back a couple of years ago I made a few blind offers that were way off the mark...I just had no idea.
Not saying it isn't possible that he knew better...just not sure why it is "obvious", unless you just assume everyone is a liar on general principle. *shrug*
Borwych / Borwyson / Kuku 1999 "None of us want to see your rectal facility basically destroyed" - Bhutt "Just look for me spamming in /ct for stuff that doesn't exist." - Rhesus "i want more booby type looking armor!!!" - Tika "Wrong hole." - Rhesus
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Oct 12, '09
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I really feel bad for people sometimes.
BigBor posted:
Go_Meat posted: EDIT: Also, it is obvious that Plutonium (whoever that is) was trying to low ball Zui and then when he got caught, played the, I just came back card.
Unrelated to the broader discussion of who is the bigger asshole here, I am just curious why it is obvious he played the "I just came back card". I see poeple come back all the time that have no clue what things are going for. When I came back a couple of years ago I made a few blind offers that were way off the mark...I just had no idea. Not saying it isn't possible that he knew better...just not sure why it is "obvious", unless you just assume everyone is a liar on general principle. *shrug*
More of an assumption that most people are liars. But if someone is advertising over max wands, how long do you have to be gone to offer only 100 mmds? Also, maybe this is just me, but I would ask my allegiance what a fair price was before I would throw out an offer, or make sure I had some sort of grip at all on the economy. Would you go to a foreign country where you had no idea about prices and just start offering them money without having any clue about the item's worth? Therefore, I am guessing he had some sort of clue about the economy before he made that offer.
Frostfell: Slammin' Cleon Salmon- 263 archer You say farm - 275 mage When I say hillshire - 275 sword Hefty-hefty-hefty- level 252 mage Ripped Harvestgain - level 275 mage
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Dec 10, '10
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Real Post Cnt: 645
User ID: 1,408,651
I really feel bad for people sometimes.
Go_Meat posted: [quote=BigBor][quote=Go_Meat]Would you go to a foreign country where you had no idea about prices and just start offering them money without having any clue about the item's worth?
I travel to Central and South America on business a few times a year. I get approached by street vendors hocking their wares all the time. Sometimes something catches my eye. I often have no idea the going rate (especially for local crafted items), so I offer what it is worth to me. Sometimes they will haggle and we would reach an agreed upon amount. A few times they just say yes (which tells me I probably offered a bit too much). Many times they would counter offer a price much higher than my offer and I could tell it was more expensive than what I had thought and it wasn't going to be a sale as it wasn't worth that much to me. So yeah, it happens quite a bit.
The AC economy is in such a ragged state these days that prices are all over the board. Just in the past week, I have responded to several "GC keyring for sale - pst". The lowest price I paid was 150, the highest I paid was 225, and I had several other people ask for between 250 up to 500, which I turned down. I bought a +15, +130, +20MD BD8 bow off a bot the other night for 50. I saw an almost identical one later in the week on a different bot asking for 200. There are some ALL OVER THE BOARD prices going on these days. Even Zui, who knows more about AC trading and the AC economy than anyone I know posted a thread a few weeks ago asking for pricing advice as he had been gone for several weeks. So apparantly you don't have to be gone very long to be out of touch with pricing.
The whole idea of someone offering an item or items for trade without naming a price first and then getting offended that the offer isn't up to what they feel it is worth is sad. A simple "no thanks, looking for more" is enough. Yeah, you, Zui, McKay, Gus, and me...sure we trade a lot and probably know the fair price range most of the time...but there are far more players that hardly ever trade or buy off bots and don't have a clue. Long term players in /a are often asking what the going rate is for a fairly common item. It is not that they are stupid, they just are not heavy into the trading side of AC. They don't run tradebots, they don't shop bots much and most of their gear they got from friends or their patron. They just log in to quest or hang out. There really are folks that just don't know. Quite a few actually.
You mileage may vary. No ill will intended. Just sharing my opinion. Peace.
Borwych / Borwyson / Kuku 1999 "None of us want to see your rectal facility basically destroyed" - Bhutt "Just look for me spamming in /ct for stuff that doesn't exist." - Rhesus "i want more booby type looking armor!!!" - Tika "Wrong hole." - Rhesus
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Title: FF's Hyssop Vendor
Oct 12, '00
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Real Post Cnt: 48,802
User ID: 49,097
I really feel bad for people sometimes.
BigBor posted:
Go_Meat posted: EDIT: Also, it is obvious that Plutonium (whoever that is) was trying to low ball Zui and then when he got caught, played the, I just came back card.
Unrelated to the broader discussion of who is the bigger asshole here, I am just curious why it is obvious he played the "I just came back card". I see poeple come back all the time that have no clue what things are going for. When I came back a couple of years ago I made a few blind offers that were way off the mark...I just had no idea. Not saying it isn't possible that he knew better...just not sure why it is "obvious", unless you just assume everyone is a liar on general principle. *shrug*
Hell, I play now and I still don't know what many things are worth! LoL!
Zuizide ~ Exhibitionist ~ The Hood Store Sid Deuce ~ Chumlee ~ Wykid Mystik
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Dec 10, '10
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I really feel bad for people sometimes.
zuizide posted: [quote=BigBor]Hell, I play now and I still don't know what many things are worth! LoL!
Haha...yeah bud. That was really my point (as you will see in my follow up post). Not everyone knows prices. Heck there are more than a half dozen returnees in our clan right now that have been gone 4+ years and just came back. They don't even know how to play the game anymore much less the going rate for things.
Borwych / Borwyson / Kuku 1999 "None of us want to see your rectal facility basically destroyed" - Bhutt "Just look for me spamming in /ct for stuff that doesn't exist." - Rhesus "i want more booby type looking armor!!!" - Tika "Wrong hole." - Rhesus
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I really feel bad for people sometimes.
Oh, my. I miss the Frostfell drama threads. Mmmm. Drama.
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Dec 10, '10
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I really feel bad for people sometimes.
Drama Llama approves of this thread!
Borwych / Borwyson / Kuku 1999 "None of us want to see your rectal facility basically destroyed" - Bhutt "Just look for me spamming in /ct for stuff that doesn't exist." - Rhesus "i want more booby type looking armor!!!" - Tika "Wrong hole." - Rhesus
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Title: FF's Hyssop Vendor
Oct 12, '00
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User ID: 49,097
I really feel bad for people sometimes.
Swift-Jake posted: Oh, my. I miss the Frostfell drama threads. Mmmm. Drama.
Lust inspired me.
Zuizide ~ Exhibitionist ~ The Hood Store Sid Deuce ~ Chumlee ~ Wykid Mystik
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Oct 26, '04
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I really feel bad for people sometimes.
Go_Meat posted:
BigBor posted:
Go_Meat posted: EDIT: Also, it is obvious that Plutonium (whoever that is) was trying to low ball Zui and then when he got caught, played the, I just came back card.
Unrelated to the broader discussion of who is the bigger asshole here, I am just curious why it is obvious he played the "I just came back card". I see poeple come back all the time that have no clue what things are going for. When I came back a couple of years ago I made a few blind offers that were way off the mark...I just had no idea. Not saying it isn't possible that he knew better...just not sure why it is "obvious", unless you just assume everyone is a liar on general principle. *shrug*
More of an assumption that most people are liars. But if someone is advertising over max wands, how long do you have to be gone to offer only 100 mmds? Also, maybe this is just me, but I would ask my allegiance what a fair price was before I would throw out an offer, or make sure I had some sort of grip at all on the economy. Would you go to a foreign country where you had no idea about prices and just start offering them money without having any clue about the item's worth? Therefore, I am guessing he had some sort of clue about the economy before he made that offer.
My vote for most retarded argument ever made. 1) The first time I left was right after the release of the expansion, I didn't come back until 2010, people can be gone a LONG time, and when I left 100 MMDs was unheard of for the most part. 2) Usually when you buy something, it has a set price, when was the last time you went to *god forbid* wal-mart and saw something with a price that says "make an offer" then take the item to the cashier and say $1.00 the cashier turns to his manager and just laughs his arse off at you, then kicks you out of the store.
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Title: FF's Hyssop Vendor
Oct 12, '00
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Real Post Cnt: 48,802
User ID: 49,097
I really feel bad for people sometimes.
^That would hold true for a tradebot (more like a store), which has set prices. Dealing with people on /ct is more like a flea market or garage sale where it's quite often that you make an offer.
Zuizide ~ Exhibitionist ~ The Hood Store Sid Deuce ~ Chumlee ~ Wykid Mystik
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Aug 11, '06
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I really feel bad for people sometimes.
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I really feel bad for people sometimes.
amg Z lives minutes from me. - Hi I'm Bladi.
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Title: FF's Hyssop Vendor
Oct 12, '00
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Real Post Cnt: 48,802
User ID: 49,097
I really feel bad for people sometimes.
Why hallow dere.
Zuizide ~ Exhibitionist ~ The Hood Store Sid Deuce ~ Chumlee ~ Wykid Mystik
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I really feel bad for people sometimes.
I live in East Lake/North Pinellas/Tarpon Springs.
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