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Topic: Castaway Buff bot profiles.
May 4, '05
Extended Info (if available)
Real Post Cnt: 1,224
User ID: 1,047,109
Castaway Buff bot profiles.
I fixed the Xml for the new weapon Skills, if you want to setup a buff bot
There is still a bug with the dual weild weapons it will only buff main hand
so youll have to put the 2nd weapon in your main hand and say buffweapon.
Here is the file.
was done quick if there is bugs let me know.
(Copy Paste version posted too!)
Mt- Weeping Fatih level 275 - Acclient Error Level 275 - Tinker Willow level 275 - Tenra level 275 Dt- Tenra Level 275 Ua, Blood Diamond Level 250 mage.
Link to this post
May 4, '05
Extended Info (if available)
Real Post Cnt: 1,224
User ID: 1,047,109
Castaway Buff bot profiles.
I set it up and been working on mt so far.
Mt- Weeping Fatih level 275 - Acclient Error Level 275 - Tinker Willow level 275 - Tenra level 275 Dt- Tenra Level 275 Ua, Blood Diamond Level 250 mage.
Link to this post
May 4, '05
Extended Info (if available)
Real Post Cnt: 1,224
User ID: 1,047,109
Castaway Buff bot profiles.
here is the botSpells:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Static array: put your Self Buffs here! -->
<!-- DO NOT change this SpellArray name or buffing will not work -->
<SpellArray Name="buffself" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Name="Adja's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Inner Calm"/>
<Spell Name="Mind Blossom"/>
<Spell Name="Celcynd's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Mystic's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Nuhmudira's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Perseverance"/>
<Spell Name="Harlune's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Unflinching Persistence"/>
<Spell Name="Battlemage's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Might of the Lugians"/>
<Spell Name="Ar-Pei's Blessing"/>
<!-- Static array: put your Stamina to Mana routine here! -->
<!-- DO NOT change this SpellArray name or Stamina to Mana will not work -->
<SpellArray Name="stam2mana" Security="Locked" Type="Any">
<Spell Name="Meditative Trance"/>
<Spell Name="Robustification"/>
<!-- DO NOT change this SpellArray name or Buff Lore will not work -->
<SpellArray Name="bufflore" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Name="Aliester's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Inner Calm"/>
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<!-- Every Profile ======================================================== -->
<!-- Used in all "Full" profiles for Self Buffing================================== -->
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<SpellArray Name="critterself" Security="Locked" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Adja's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Inner Calm"/>
<Spell Name="Mind Blossom"/>
<Spell Name="Harlune's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Celcynd's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Nuhmudira's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Perseverance"/>
<Spell Name="Might of the Lugians"/>
<Spell Name="Honed Control"/>
<Spell Name="Hastening"/>
<Spell Name="Odif's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Ar-Pei's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Aliester's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Jahannan's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Saladur's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Aura of Defense"/>
<Spell Name="Aura of Deflection"/>
<Spell Name="Aura of Resistance"/>
<Spell Name="Avalenne's Blessing"/>
<SpellArray Name="itemself" Security="Locked" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Mystic's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Cragstone's Will"/>
<Spell Name="Infected Spirit Caress"/>
<SpellArray Name="lifeself" Security="Locked" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Executor's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Blessing of the Blade Turner"/>
<Spell Name="Blessing of the Arrow Turner"/>
<Spell Name="Blessing of the Mace Turner"/>
<Spell Name="Fiery Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Caustic Blessing "/>
<Spell Name="Storm's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Robustify"/>
<Spell Name="Unflinching Persistence"/>
<Spell Name="Battlemage's Blessing"/>
<SpellArray Name="wandself" Security="Locked" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Mystic's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Cragstone's Will"/>
<Spell Name="Infected Spirit Caress"/>
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<!-- Self Buffing Spell Arrays Start here ====================================== -->
<!-- ==================================================================== -->
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<SpellArray Name="*Archer" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Array="critterself"/>
<Spell Array="itemself"/>
<Spell Array="lifeself"/>
<Spell Name="Strathelar's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Lilitha's Blessing"/>
<SpellArray Name="*Axe" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Array="critterself"/>
<Spell Array="itemself"/>
<Spell Array="lifeself"/>
<Spell Name="Reenigne's Blessing"/>
<SpellArray Name="*Dagger" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Array="critterself"/>
<Spell Array="itemself"/>
<Spell Array="lifeself"/>
<Spell Name="Gertarh's Blessing"/>
<SpellArray Name="*Mace" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Array="critterself"/>
<Spell Array="itemself"/>
<Spell Array="lifeself"/>
<Spell Name="Mi-Krauli's Blessing"/>
<SpellArray Name="*Mage" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Array="critterself"/>
<Spell Name="Hieromancer's Blessing"/>
<Spell Array="itemself"/>
<Spell Array="lifeself"/>
<SpellArray Name="*Spear" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Array="critterself"/>
<Spell Array="itemself"/>
<Spell Array="lifeself"/>
<Spell Name="Tibri's Blessing"/>
<SpellArray Name="*Staff" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Array="critterself"/>
<Spell Array="itemself"/>
<Spell Array="lifeself"/>
<Spell Name="Anadil's Blessing"/>
<SpellArray Name="*Sword" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Array="critterself"/>
<Spell Array="itemself"/>
<Spell Array="lifeself"/>
<Spell Name="MacNiall's Blessing"/>
<SpellArray Name="*Thrown" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Array="critterself"/>
<Spell Array="itemself"/>
<Spell Array="lifeself"/>
<Spell Name="Asmolum's Blessing"/>
<SpellArray Name="*UA" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Array="critterself"/>
<Spell Array="itemself"/>
<Spell Array="lifeself"/>
<Spell Name="Hamud's Blessing"/>
<SpellArray Name="*Xbow" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Array="critterself"/>
<Spell Array="itemself"/>
<Spell Array="lifeself"/>
<Spell Name="Barnar's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Lilitha's Blessing"/>
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<!-- Specialty Self Buffing Spell Arrays Start here ============================== -->
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<SpellArray Name="*3School" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Name="Nuhmudira's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Battlemage's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Adja's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Celcynd's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Harlune's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Inner Calm"/>
<Spell Name="Mind Blossom"/>
<SpellArray Name="*Lore" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Name="Aliester's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Inner Calm"/>
<SpellArray Name="*Potions" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Name="Honed Control"/>
<Spell Name="Inner Calm"/>
<Spell Name="Perseverance"/>
<Spell Name="Mind Blossom"/>
<Spell Name="Robustify"/>
<Spell Name="Battlemage's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Silencia's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Avalenne's Blessing"/>
<SpellArray Name="*Salvage" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Name="Arcanum Salvaging VII"/>
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<!-- NOTE: If you are using Salvaging spells from Nuhmidira's Quest, you -->
<!-- should comment out the 3 lines above that begin with SpellArray and -->
<!-- end with /SpellArray. Then uncomment the 3 lines below that begin and -->
<!-- end with the same thing =============================================-->
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<!-- <SpellArray Name="*Salvage" Security="Locked" Type="Self"> -->
<!-- <Spell Name="Nuhmudira's Wisdom VII"/> -->
<!-- </SpellArray> -->
<SpellArray Name="*Tinkers" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Name="Honed Control"/>
<Spell Name="Inner Calm"/>
<Spell Name="Yoshi's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Perseverance"/>
<Spell Name="Jibril's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Might of the Lugians"/>
<Spell Name="Koga's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Celdiseth's Blessing"/>
<SpellArray Name="*Trades" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Name="Honed Control"/>
<Spell Name="Inner Calm"/>
<Spell Name="Silencia's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Lilitha's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Morimoto's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Oswald's Blessing"/>
<!-- Static array: put your Summon Primary Portal routine here! -->
<!-- DO NOT change this SpellArray name or Summoning Portals will not work -->
<SpellArray Name="summon1" Security="Locked" Type="Any">
<Spell Speech="I will be opening a portal to %Primary% on my %PrimaryFaceLR% (to the %PrimaryFaceNSEW%)"/>
<Spell Text="Portal to %Primary% coming up!"/>
<Spell Heading="%PrimaryHeading%"/>
<Spell Delay="1200"/>
<Spell Name="Summon Primary Portal I"/>
<!-- Static array: put your Summon Secondary Portal routine here! -->
<!-- DO NOT change this SpellArray name or Summoning Portals will not work -->
<SpellArray Name="summon2" Security="Locked" Type="Any">
<Spell Speech="I will be opening a portal to %Secondary% on my %SecondaryFaceLR% (to the %SecondaryFaceNSEW%)"/>
<Spell Text="Portal to %Secondary% coming up!"/>
<Spell Heading="%SecondaryHeading%"/>
<Spell Delay="1200"/>
<Spell Name="Summon Secondary Portal I"/>
<!-- Static array: pause and beg for money if option enabled. Use Delay for pausing -->
<!-- DO NOT change this SpellArray name -->
<SpellArray Name="BegForMoney" Security="Locked" Type="Any">
<Spell Text="Pausing 5 seconds for any donations"/>
<Spell Delay="5000"/>
<!-- Static array: events you want to happen upon your death -->
<!-- DO NOT change this SpellArray name -->
<SpellArray Name="OnDeathEvent" Security="Locked" Type="Any">
<Spell Speech="Oh my god I died!"/>
<Spell TypeText="/permit add nobody_special"/>
<Spell TypeText="/t nobody_special,I died at %CorpseLocation% - come get my stuff?"/>
<Spell TypeText="/logout"/>
<Spell TypeText="/logout"/>
<Spell TypeText="/logout"/>
<!-- Static array: events you want to happen when you run below 50 scarabs, 1,000 tapers -->
<!-- DO NOT change this SpellArray name -->
<SpellArray Name="LowCompsEvent" Security="Locked" Type="Any">
<Spell Speech="Help! I'm low on comps! Tell me COMPS for more information!"/>
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<!-- BuffArmor Profiles ================================================ -->
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<!-- BuffArmor spells are different than regular spells, because we will be buffing armor while they're WEARING IT (yes I'm serious). Notice that these spells have "<Spell BuffArmor" instead of "<Spell Name". Never put Spell Name= on buffarmor commands, or your bot will fail. -->
<SpellArray Name="buffarmor" PointCost="1" Type="Other">
<Spell Text="I'm opening a trade window with you, enable trades now!"/>
<Spell Text="You have 10 seconds to stand on top of me. Come VERY close."/>
<Spell Stance="1"/>
<Spell Delay="9000"/>
<Spell OpenTrade="1"/>
<Spell Text="You have 25 seconds to add armor. DO NOT cancel the trade. DO NOT hand me armor."/>
<Spell Delay="22000"/>
<Spell Text="I found %colBuffArmor% pieces to buff. Equip it, then give me one of these commands:"/>
<Spell Text="Bane commands: allbane, minibane, tuskerbane, olthoibane"/>
<SpellArray Name="allbane" PointCost="50" Type="Armor">
<Spell BuffArmor="Brogard's Defiance"/>
<Spell BuffArmor="Swordsman's Bane"/>
<Spell BuffArmor="Tusker's Bane"/>
<Spell BuffArmor="Archer's Bane"/>
<Spell BuffArmor="Inferno's Bane"/>
<Spell BuffArmor="Gelidite's Bane"/>
<Spell BuffArmor="Olthoi's Bane"/>
<Spell BuffArmor="Astyrrian's Bane"/>
<SpellArray Name="minibane" PointCost="20" Type="Armor">
<Spell BuffArmor="Brogard's Defiance"/>
<SpellArray Name="tuskerbane" PointCost="30" Type="Armor">
<Spell BuffArmor="Brogard's Defiance"/>
<Spell BuffArmor="Tusker's Bane"/>
<SpellArray Name="olthoibane" Name1="bugbane" PointCost="30" Type="Armor">
<Spell BuffArmor="Brogard's Defiance"/>
<Spell BuffArmor="Archer's Bane"/>
<Spell BuffArmor="Swordsman's Bane"/>
<Spell BuffArmor="Olthoi's Bane"/>
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<!-- Every Profile ===================================================== -->
<!-- Used in all "Full" profiles ======================================= -->
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<SpellArray Name="critter" PointCost="50" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Might of the 5 Mules"/>
<Spell Name="Temeritous Touch"/>
<Spell Name="Boon of Refinement"/>
<Spell Name="Ogfoot"/>
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze"/>
<Spell Name="Bolstered Will"/>
<Spell Name="Odif's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Ar-Pei's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Aliester's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Jahannan's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Saladur's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Web of Defense"/>
<Spell Name="Web of Deflection"/>
<Spell Name="Web of Resistance"/>
<Spell Name="Avalenne's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Nuhmudira's Enlightenment"/>
<SpellArray Name="life" PointCost="50" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Executor's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Boon of the Blade Turner"/>
<Spell Name="Boon of the Arrow Turner"/>
<Spell Name="Boon of the Mace Turner"/>
<Spell Name="Fiery Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Icy Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Caustic Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Storm's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Hydra's Head"/>
<Spell Name="Tenaciousness"/>
<!-- ==================================================================== -->
<!-- Full Profiles ====================================================== -->
<!-- ==================================================================== -->
<SpellArray Name="Missile Weapon" Name1="Mw" Name2="fullMissile" Name3="allMissile" Name4="fullarcher" Name5="allarcher" PointCost="100" Type="Other">
<Spell Array="buffbow"/>
<Spell Array="itembuffs"/>
<Spell Name="Strathelar's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Missile Weapon Mastery Other VII"/>
<Spell Array="critter"/>
<Spell Array="life"/>
<SpellArray Name="Finesse Weapon" Name1="Fw" Name2="allfine" PointCost="100" Type="Other">
<Spell Array="buffweapon"/>
<Spell Array="buffshield"/>
<Spell Array="itembuffs"/>
<Spell Name="Finesse Weapon Mastery Other VII"/>
<Spell Array="critter"/>
<Spell Array="life"/>
<SpellArray Name="Light Weapons" Name1="lw" Name2="alllight" PointCost="100" Type="Other">
<Spell Array="buffweapon"/>
<Spell Array="buffshield"/>
<Spell Array="itembuffs"/>
<Spell Name="Light Weapon Mastery Other VII"/>
<Spell Array="critter"/>
<Spell Array="life"/>
<SpellArray Name="2H" Name1="2hand" Name2="2handed" PointCost="100" Type="Other">
<Spell Array="buffweapon"/>
<Spell Array="buffshield"/>
<Spell Array="itembuffs"/>
<Spell Name="Boon of T'ing"/>
<Spell Array="critter"/>
<Spell Array="life"/>
<SpellArray Name="Heavy Weapon" Name1="Hw" Name2="allheavy" Name3="hweapon" PointCost="100" Type="Other">
<Spell Array="buffweapon"/>
<Spell Array="buffshield"/>
<Spell Array="itembuffs"/>
<Spell Name="Heavy Weapon Mastery Other VII"/>
<Spell Array="critter"/>
<Spell Array="life"/>
<SpellArray Name="mage" Name1="fullmage" Name2="allmage" PointCost="100" Type="Other">
<Spell Array="buffwand"/>
<Spell Name="Nuhmudira's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Battlemage's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Adja's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Celcynd's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Harlune's Boon"/>
`` <Spell Name="Hieromancer's Boon"/>
<Spell Array="critter"/>
<Spell Array="life"/>
<SpellArray Name="3school" Name1="magic" PointCost="50" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Nuhmudira's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Battlemage's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Adja's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Celcynd's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Harlune's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze"/>
<Spell Name="Bolstered Will"/>
<SpellArray Name="itembuffs" PointCost="30" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Nuhmudira's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Battlemage's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Celcynd's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze"/>
<Spell Name="Bolstered Will"/>
<SpellArray Name="trades" Name1="alltrades" Name2="fulltrades" Name3="trade" PointCost="50" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Boon of Refinement"/>
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze"/>
<Spell Name="Silencia's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Lilitha's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Morimoto's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Oswald's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="gear" Name1="gearcraft" Name2="tinkgear" Name3="trade" PointCost="50" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Boon of Refinement"/>
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze"/>
<Spell Name="Boon of Tristra"/>
<SpellArray Name="tinkers" Name1="tinker" Name2="fulltinker" Name3="alltinker" PointCost="50" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze"/>
<Spell Name="Boon of Refinement"/>
<Spell Name="Yoshi's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Temeritous Touch"/>
<Spell Name="Jibril's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Might of the 5 Mules"/>
<Spell Name="Koga's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Celdiseth's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="potions" PointCost="50" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Boon of Refinement"/>
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze"/>
<Spell Name="Temeritous Touch"/>
<Spell Name="Bolstered Will"/>
<Spell Name="Hydra's Head"/>
<Spell Name="Battlemage's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Silencia's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Avalenne's Boon"/>
<!-- ==================================================================== -->
<!-- Supplemental Profiles ============================================== -->
<!-- ==================================================================== -->
<SpellArray Name="buffweapon" Name1="weapon" PointCost="30" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Infected Caress"/>
<Spell Name="Elysa's Sight"/>
<Spell Name="Atlan's Alacrity"/>
<Spell Name="Cragstone's Will"/>
<SpellArray Name="buffbow" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Infected Caress"/>
<Spell Name="Cragstone's Will"/>
<SpellArray Name="buffwand" Name1="wand" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Mystic's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Cragstone's Will"/>
<Spell Name="Infected Spirit Caress"/>
<SpellArray Name="buffshieldmini" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Brogard's Defiance"/>
<SpellArray Name="buffshieldfull" Name1="shield" Name2="sheild" PointCost="50" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Brogard's Defiance"/>
<Spell Name="Swordsman's Bane"/>
<Spell Name="Archer's Bane"/>
<Spell Name="Tusker's Bane"/>
<Spell Name="Inferno's Bane"/>
<Spell Name="Gelidite's Bane"/>
<Spell Name="Olthoi's Bane"/>
<Spell Name="Astyrrian's Bane"/>
<SpellArray Name="buffshield" PointCost="30" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Brogard's Defiance"/>
<Spell Name="Swordsman's Bane"/>
<Spell Name="Archer's Bane"/>
<Spell Name="Tusker's Bane"/>
<SpellArray Name="xpchain" Name1="allegiance" Name2="xp" PointCost="30" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Ar-Pei's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Odif's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="tinkarmor" PointCost="30" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Jibril's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Temeritous Touch"/>
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze"/>
<SpellArray Name="tinkitem" PointCost="30" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Yoshi's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze"/>
<Spell Name="Bolstered Will"/>
<SpellArray Name="tinkmagic" PointCost="30" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Celdiseth's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze"/>
<SpellArray Name="tinkweapon" PointCost="30" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Koga's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze"/>
<Spell Name="Might of the 5 Mules"/>
<SpellArray Name="allrenew" PointCost="30" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Hydra's Head"/>
<Spell Name="Tenaciousness"/>
<Spell Name="Battlemage's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="protects" PointCost="50" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Executor's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Boon of the Blade Turner"/>
<Spell Name="Boon of the Mace Turner"/>
<Spell Name="Boon of the Arrow Turner"/>
<Spell Name="Fiery Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Icy Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Caustic Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Storm's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="buffmule" Name1="buffgimp" Name2="supergimp" PointCost="25" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze"/>
<Spell Name="Bolstered Will"/>
<Spell Name="Temeritous Touch"/>
<Spell Name="Might of the 5 Mules"/>
<Spell Name="Celdiseth's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Ar-Pei's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Odif's Boon"/>
<!--Below is a VERY nice bit of work on the part of OZ-PK that he said we could steal. THANK YOU!-->
<SpellArray Name="megamule" Name1="SuperMule" PointCost="50" Type="Other">
<Spell Text="This is an All-inclusive Trade/Tinker mule profile"/>
<Spell Name="Might of the 5 Mules"/>
<Spell Name="Temeritous Touch"/>
<Spell Name="Boon of Refinement"/>
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze"/>
<Spell Name="Bolstered Will"/>
<Spell Name="Avalenne's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Morimoto's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Silencia's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Lilitha's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Oswald's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Jibril's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Yoshi's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Celdiseth's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Koga's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Celcynd's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Odif's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Ar-Pei's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Aliester's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Hydra's Head"/>
<Spell Name="Tenaciousness"/>
<Spell Name="Battlemage's Boon"/>
<!-- *********************************************** -->
<!-- ************** PORTAL GEMS ******************** -->
<!-- *********************************************** -->
<!-- Castaway can use portal gems to summon locations elsewhere. -->
<!-- This however can be bad if you use gems for death items. -->
<!-- Allow this section with caution. -->
<!-- Use portal gem to Summon to Master Mages-->
<SpellArray Name="sho master mage" Name1="shoyanen" Name2="mayoi mage" PointCost="2500">
<Spell Text="Using the master mage gem now!"/>
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Shoyanen Kenchu, master mage"/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Shoyanen's Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="gharu master mage" Name1="fadsahil" Name2="desert mage" PointCost="2500">
<Spell Text="Using the master mage gem now!"/>
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Fadsahil al-Tashbi, master mage"/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Fadsahil al-Tashbi's Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="aluvian master mage" Name1="celdiseth" Name2="north mage" PointCost="2500">
<Spell Text="Using the master mage gem now!"/>
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Celdiseth, master mage"/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Celdiseth's Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="summon nanto" Name1="nanto" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!"/>
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Nanto"/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Nanto Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="summon yanshi" Name1="yanshi" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!"/>
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Yanshi"/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Yanshi Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="summon shoushi" Name1="shoushi" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!"/>
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Shoushi"/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Shoushi Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="summon yaraq" Name1="yaraq" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!"/>
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Yaraq"/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Yaraq Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="summon rithwic" Name1="summon rith" Name2="rith" Name3="rithwic" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!"/>
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Rithwic"/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Rithwic Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="summon al-arqas" Name1="al-araqas" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!"/>
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Al-Arqas"/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Al-Arqas Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="summon samsur" Name1="samsur" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!"/>
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Samsur"/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Samsur Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="summon holtburg" Name1="summon holt" Name2="holt" Name3="holtburg" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!"/>
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Holtburg"/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Holtburg Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="summon lytelthorpe" Name1="lytelthorpe" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!"/>
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Lytelthorpe"/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Lytelthorpe Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="summon xarabydun" Name1="summon xara" Name2="xara" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!"/>
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Xarabydun"/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Xarabydun Portal Summoning Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="summon silyun" Name1="silyun" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!"/>
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Silyun"/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Silyun Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="summon sanamar" Name1="sanamar" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!"/>
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Sanamar"/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Sanamar Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="summon vissidal" Name1="vissidal" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!"/>
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Vissidal Island"/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Vissidal Island Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="summon redspire" Name1="redspire" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!"/>
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Redspire"/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Redspire Portal Gem"/>
<!-- 7 Life Protects -->
<SpellArray Name="armor" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Executor's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="bladep" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Boon of the Blade Turner"/>
<SpellArray Name="bludgep" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Boon of the Mace Turner"/>
<SpellArray Name="piercep" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Boon of the Arrow Turner"/>
<SpellArray Name="firep" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Fiery Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="coldp" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Icy Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="acidp" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Caustic Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="electp" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Storm's Boon"/>
<!-- 7 Life Regens -->
<SpellArray Name="regen" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Hydra's Head"/>
<SpellArray Name="rejuv" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Tenaciousness"/>
<SpellArray Name="manar" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Battlemage's Boon"/>
<!-- 7 Critter Base Attribs -->
<SpellArray Name="strength" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Might of the 5 Mules"/>
<SpellArray Name="endurance" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Temeritous Touch"/>
<SpellArray Name="coord" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Boon of Refinement"/>
<SpellArray Name="quick" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Ogfoot"/>
<SpellArray Name="focus" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze"/>
<SpellArray Name="self" Name1="willpower" Name2="will" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Bolstered Will"/>
<!-- 7 Critter Skills -->
<SpellArray Name="loyalty" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Odif's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="leadership" Name1="leader" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Ar-Pei's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="jump" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Jahannan's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="run" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Saladur's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="meleed" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Web of Defense"/>
<SpellArray Name="missiled" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Web of Deflection"/>
<SpellArray Name="magicd" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Web of Resistance"/>
<SpellArray Name="lore" Name1="arcane" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Aliester's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="healing" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Avalenne's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="manac" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Nuhmudira's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="Fine" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Finesse Weapon Mastery Other VII"/>
<SpellArray Name="Heavy" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Heavy Weapon Mastery Other VII"/>
<SpellArray Name="Missile" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Missile Weapon Mastery Other VII"/>
<SpellArray Name="Light" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Light Weapon Mastery Other VII"/>
<SpellArray Name="daggerm" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Gertarh's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="macem" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Mi-Krauli's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="spearm" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Tibri's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="staffm" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Anadil's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="swordm" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="MacNiall's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="uam" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Hamud's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="critterm" Name1="creaturem" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Adja's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="lifem" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Harlune's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="warm" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Hieromancer's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="itemm" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Celcynd's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="fletch" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Lilitha's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="alchey" Name1="alchemy" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Silencia's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="cooking" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Morimoto's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="lockpick" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Oswald's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="itemt" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Yoshi's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="armort" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Jibril's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="weapont" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Koga's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="magict" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Celdiseth's Boon"/>
<!-- 7 Item Weapons -->
<SpellArray Name="bd" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Infected Caress"/>
<SpellArray Name="sk" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Atlan's Alacrity"/>
<SpellArray Name="defender" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Cragstone's Will"/>
<SpellArray Name="hs" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Elysa's Sight"/>
<SpellArray Name="hl" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Mystic's Blessing"/>
<!-- 7 Item Armor -->
<SpellArray Name="imp" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Brogard's Defiance"/>
<SpellArray Name="bladeb" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Swordsman's Bane"/>
<SpellArray Name="bludgeb" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Tusker's Bane"/>
<SpellArray Name="pierceb" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Archer's Bane"/>
<SpellArray Name="fireb" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Inferno's Bane"/>
<SpellArray Name="coldb" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Gelidite's Bane"/>
<SpellArray Name="acidb" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Olthoi's Bane"/>
<SpellArray Name="electb" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Astyrrian's Bane"/>
<SpellArray Name="salvage" Name1="salvaging" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Arcanum Enlightenment VII"/>
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<!-- NOTE: If you are using Salvaging spells from Nuhmidira's Quest, you -->
<!-- should comment out the 3 lines above that begin with SpellArray and -->
<!-- end with /SpellArray. Then uncomment the 3 lines below that begin and -->
<!-- end with the same thing =============================================-->
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<!-- <SpellArray Name="salvage" Name1="salvaging" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> -->
<!-- <Spell Name="Nuhmudira's Enlightenment"/> -->
<!-- </SpellArray> -->
Mt- Weeping Fatih level 275 - Acclient Error Level 275 - Tinker Willow level 275 - Tenra level 275 Dt- Tenra Level 275 Ua, Blood Diamond Level 250 mage.
Link to this post
May 4, '05
Extended Info (if available)
Real Post Cnt: 1,224
User ID: 1,047,109
Castaway Buff bot profiles.
Speech :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- ************************************************** -->
<!-- *************** Specific Commands **************** -->
<!-- ************************************************** -->
<!-- Replacement wildcards Function -->
<!-- ************************************************************************************************* -->
<!-- %Primary% - Primary Portal Location -->
<!-- %Secondary% - Secondary Portal Location -->
<!-- %PrimaryWord% - Primary Portal summon word -->
<!-- %SecondaryWord% - Secondary Portal summon word -->
<!-- %LineCount% - Line size -->
<!-- %BotName% - The bot's name -->
<!-- %PyrealScarabsLeft% - Pyreal Scarab count -->
<!-- %GoldScarabsLeft% - Gold Scarab count -->
<!-- %SilverScarabsLeft% - Silver Scarab count -->
<!-- %CopperScarabsLeft% - Copper Scarab count -->
<!-- %IronScarabsLeft% - Iron Scarab count -->
<!-- %LeadScarabsLeft% - Lead Scarab count -->
<!-- %PlatinumScarabsLeft% - Platinum Scarab count -->
<!-- %PrismaticLeft% - Prismatic Taper count -->
<!-- %CurrentSpell% - Spell currently being cast -->
<!-- %CurrCoords% - Bot's '0.0N 0.0E' location -->
<!-- %MoneyLeft% - Cash on hand -->
<!-- %GiftName% - Gift Received item name -->
<!-- %GiftGiver% - Gift given by -->
<!-- %colBuffArmor% - Amount of items in Armor Collection -->
<!-- %BaneCommands% - Armor bane commands the bot knows from BotSpells.xml -->
<!-- %Buffee% - Current person receiving buffs or requests -->
<!-- %TotalSpells% - Number of spells cast -->
<!-- %TotalRequest% - Number of profile requests -->
<!-- %TotalFizzle% - Number of failed spell casts -->
<!-- %TotalOutOfRange% - Number of people who left the bot mid casting -->
<!-- %QueueSize% - Number of items in queue -->
<!-- %CurrentUserBuffCount% - Number of items remaning in curent profile -->
<!-- %CurrentUserBuffTotal% - Number of items total in current profile -->
<!-- %ResistArmor% - Armor item that failed to be cast on -->
<!-- %CorpseLocation% - Where the bot died -->
<!-- %LastAttacker% - Last thing/person to attack the bot and cause harm -->
<!-- %NoTargetEquipped% - Username of the person who doesn't have the item equiped. -->
<!-- %MinPrismatics% - Minimum amount of Prismatic Tapers in inventory before the bot complains -->
<!-- %MinPlatinums% - Minimum amount of Platinum Scarabs in inventory before the bot complains -->
<!-- %MinPyreals% - Minimum amount of Pyreal Scarabs in inventory before the bot complains -->
<!-- %MinGolds% - Minimum amount of Gold Scarabs in inventory before the bot complains -->
<!-- %MinSilvers% - Minimum amount of Silver Scarabs in inventory before the bot complains -->
<!-- %MinCoppers% - Minimum amount of Copper Scarabs in inventory before the bot complains -->
<!-- %MinIrons% - Minimum amount of Iron Scarabs in inventory before the bot complains -->
<!-- %MinLeads% - Minimum amount of Lead Scarabs in inventory before the bot complains -->
<!-- %PrismaticTaperBurned% - Number of Prismatic Tapers used since bot was started -->
<!-- %ManaScarabBurned% - Number of Mana Scarabs used since bot was started -->
<!-- %PlatinumScarabBurned% - Number of Platinum Scarabs used since bot was started -->
<!-- %PyrealScarabBurned% - Number of Pyreal Scarabs used since bot was started -->
<!-- %GoldScarabBurned% - Number of Gold Scarabs used since bot was started -->
<!-- %SilverScarabBurned% - Number of Silver Scarabs used since bot was started -->
<!-- %CopperScarabBurned% - Number of Copper Scarabs used since bot was started -->
<!-- %IronScarabBurned% - Number of Iron Scarabs used since bot was started -->
<!-- %LeadScarabBurned% - Number of Lead Scarabs used since bot was started -->
<!-- %BotOwner% - Owner of the bot -->
<!-- %BotLandblock% - impfilter.PLAYER.Location.Landblock results -->
<!-- %BotInfo% - Castaway information -->
<!-- %BotVersion% - Castaway's version information -->
<!-- %MainPackSpaceLeft% - number of slots in main pack -->
<!-- %Burden% - % of burden -->
<!-- ************************************************************************************************* -->
<!-- These are internal replies the bot uses. Replies are chosen at random, so add as many <Text> sections as you'd like just don't edit the "Spoken" tag, nor insert any comments within the "Spoken" node. You can use variable names like %BotName%. See the documentation for a complete list -->
<!-- Advertise: What you spam aloud every 3 minutes to advertise your bot -->
<Spoken Bot="Myself" Type="Random" Name="Advertise">
<Emote>is a buff bot running %BotVersion%. Today I am tied to %Primary% and %Secondary%.</Emote>
<Text>You can leave me a message! Tell me message 'your message here'</Text>
<Emote>has %PrismaticLeft% Tapers and %PlatinumScarabsLeft% Platinum Scarabs left.</Emote>
<Emote>'s stats since last restart: %TotalRequest% Reqs, %TotalSpells% Spells, %TotalFizzle% Fizzles, %PrismaticTaperBurned% Prismatics, %PlatinumScarabBurned% Platinum Scarabs burned.</Emote>
<Text>Tell me %PrimaryWord% for a portal to %Primary% or %SecondaryWord% for a portal to %Secondary%</Text>
<Text> All new Profiles added! Edited by Tenra.</Text>
<Text>Current Comp status: %PrismaticLeft% [%MinPrismatics%] Prismatics, %PlatinumScarabsLeft% [%MinPlatinums%] Platinum Scarabs, %PyrealScarabsLeft% [%MinPyreals%] Pyreal Scarabs, %SilverScarabsLeft% [%MinSilvers%] Silver Scarabs.</Text>
<!-- Thanks: Your reply to "thank you" from customers -->
<Spoken Bot="Myself" Type="Random" Name="ThanksText">
<Text>You're welcome!</Text>
<!-- Gifts: Thank customers for any donations/gifts -->
<Spoken Bot="Myself" Type="Random" Name="ThanksForGift">
<Text>Thanks %GiftGiver% for the %GiftName%!</Text>
<!-- Reply if user has insufficient points to receive a buff -->
<Spoken Bot="Myself" Type="Sequential" Name="NotEnoughPoints">
<Text>You don't have enough points! '/t %BotName%, prices' to see my how much buffs cost. Allegiance members try asking again!</Text>
<!-- Reply if user has insufficient MinLevel for this command -->
<Spoken Bot="Myself" Type="Sequential" Name="NotEnoughLevel">
<Text>You are not sufficiently authorized to perform that command.</Text>
<!-- Told to PK's who request buffs -->
<Spoken Bot="Myself" Type="Random" Name="NoBuffPK">
<Text>I cannot buff Player Killers, removing you from my queue.</Text>
<!-- Told when an item cannot be buffed (eg: Gman Shield, Weeping Weapon -->
<Spoken Bot="Myself" Type="Random" Name="NoBuffItem">
<Text>I have found an item I cannot buff, removing the spells for that item.</Text>
<!-- Told when there is no weapon or shield wielded by the player being buffed-->
<Spoken Bot="Myself" Type="Random" Name="NoItemEquipped">
<Text>You forgot to equip something, removing the spells for that item.</Text>
<!-- Told to person in bot's queue that House Recalls -->
<Spoken Bot="Myself" Type="Random" Name="HouseRecall">
<Text>Recalling so soon? I'm removing your buffs from my queue.</Text>
<!-- Told to person in bot's queue that Mansion Recalls -->
<Spoken Bot="Myself" Type="Random" Name="AllegRecall">
<Text>Recalling so soon? I'm removing your buffs from my queue.</Text>
<!-- Told to person in bot's queue that Lifestone Recalls -->
<Spoken Bot="Myself" Type="Random" Name="LifestoneRecall">
<Text>Recalling so soon? I'm removing your buffs from my queue.</Text>
<!-- Told to person in bot's queue that Marketplace Recalls -->
<Spoken Bot="Myself" Type="Random" Name="MarketplaceRecall">
<Text>Recalling so soon? I'm removing your buffs from my queue.</Text>
<!-- Told to person in bot's queue that Portal Recalls -->
<Spoken Bot="Myself" Type="Random" Name="PortalRecall">
<Text>Recalling so soon? I'm removing your buffs from my queue.</Text>
<!-- Told to customer who already has 2 buffs in the queue -->
<Spoken Bot="Myself" Type="Random" Name="TooManyBuffsInQueue">
<Text>You have too many buffs in my queue. Wait a bit, then try again.</Text>
<!-- Told when I'm missing comps. You can chain many items together, such as a tell & aloud speech -->
<Spoken Bot="Myself" Type="Sequential" Name="CompMissingText">
<Text>Refill me? %PrismaticLeft% [min %MinPrismatics%] Prismatics, %PlatinumScarabsLeft% [min %MinPlatinums%] Platinum Scarabs, %PyrealScarabsLeft% [min %MinPyreals%] Pyreal Scarabs, %SilverScarabsLeft% [min %MinSilvers%] Silver Scarabs.</Text>
<!-- Told when I'm missing a spell. Use this to beg for scrolls? -->
<Spoken Bot="Myself" Type="Sequential" Name="UnknownSpellText">
<Text>I don't know %CurrentSpell%! You can help me be a better bot by finding a Scroll of %CurrentSpell% for me.</Text>
<!-- When all else fails, I didn't understand that command! -->
<Spoken Bot="Myself" Type="Random" Name="TextNotUnderstood">
<Text>I didn't understand that command! '/t %BotName%, help' for a list of valid commands.</Text>
<!-- Reply if user is not authorized to use the bot (eg: you checked "Only allow certain people" or "Only allow certain allegiances" -->
<Spoken Bot="Myself" Type="Sequential" Name="RestrictedBot">
<Text>I'm sorry, this is a restricted bot. You have no authorization.</Text>
<!-- ************************************************** -->
<!-- *************** General Commands ***************** -->
<!-- ************************************************** -->
<!-- These are replies to common commands. They are inserted at the TOP of the queue, so avoid being wordy, or your customers will wait days for buffs. Feel free to add more commands, for example adding Spoken type="heya" would reply to anyone telling you "heya". You can use variable names like %BotName%. See the documentation for a complete list -->
<Spoken Bot="Myself" Type="Sequential" Name="whereto">
<Text>I am tied to %Primary% and %Secondary%. '/t %BotName%, %PrimaryWord%' for %Primary% or '/t %BotName%, %SecondaryWord%' for %Secondary%.</Text>
<Spoken Bot="Myself" Type="Sequential" Name="botowner">
<Text>This bot is owned and operated by %BotOwner%</Text>
<Spoken Bot="Myself" Type="Sequential" Name="transfer">
<Text>You can transfer your points to other players. Take money out of your account and give to friends.</Text>
<Text>Usage: '/t %BotName%, transfer 400 points to TargetName'</Text>
<Spoken Bot="Myself" Type="Sequential" Name="help">
<Text>I am a buff bot, tied to %Primary% (%PrimaryWord%) and %Secondary% (%SecondaryWord%). Here are the commands you have access to:</Text>
<Text>Skills: 2hand,Light Weapon,Heavy Weapon,Finesse Weapon,Missile Weapon,Gear,mage</Text>
<Text>Add-Ons: 3school, weapon, shield, wand, trades, tinkers, protects, allrenew, xpchain, potions</Text>
<Text>Other: buffarmor, itembuffs, buffmule, megamule, line, singles, transfer, account, about, whereto, primary, secondary, gems</Text>
<Spoken Bot="Myself" Type="Sequential" Name="singles">
<Text>Tell me a single spell to get buffed with that spell. Example: Tell me Focus to get buffed with a Focus spell.</Text>
<Spoken Bot="Myself" Type="Sequential" Name="about">
<Spoken Bot="Myself" Type="Sequential" Name="coords">
<Text>I am at: %CurrCoords% (%BotLandblock%)</Text>
<Spoken Bot="Myself" Type="Sequential" Name="comps">
<Text>Comps I have: %PrismaticLeft% [min %MinPrismatics%] Prismatics, %PlatinumScarabsLeft% [min %MinPlatinums%] Platinum Scarabs, %PyrealScarabsLeft% [min %MinPyreals%] Pyreal Scarabs, %SilverScarabsLeft% [min %MinSilvers%] Silver Scarabs.</Text>
<Spoken Bot="Myself" Type="Sequential" Name="info">
<Spoken Bot="Myself" Type="Sequential" Name="stats">
<Text>%TotalRequest% Reqs, %TotalOutOfRange% OutofRange, %QueueSize% in Queue, %LineCount% in line, %TotalSpells% Spells, %TotalFizzle% Fizzles, %PrismaticTaperBurned% Prismatics, %PlatinumScarabBurned% Platinum Scarabs burned.</Text>
<Spoken Bot="Myself" Type="Sequential" Name="gems">
<Text>I can open the following portals by using gems, just /t town name</Text>
<Text>Yaraq, Shoushi, Holtburg, Yanshi, Samsur, Rithwic, Nanto, Al-Arqas, Linvak, Lytelthorpe, Sanamar, Xarabydun, Redspire, Silyun, Vissidal.</Text>
Mt- Weeping Fatih level 275 - Acclient Error Level 275 - Tinker Willow level 275 - Tenra level 275 Dt- Tenra Level 275 Ua, Blood Diamond Level 250 mage.
Link to this post
Jul 8, '04
Extended Info (if available)
Real Post Cnt: 7,361
User ID: 942,648
Castaway Buff bot profiles.
bot will only do one commands then stops working
Gones Clan Takada 30x275!
Link to this post
Extended Info (if available)
Real Post Cnt: 0
User ID: 0
Castaway Buff bot profiles.
I downloaded the profile twice and it has the old stuff still. COpy and pasting works.
Link to this post
May 4, '05
Extended Info (if available)
Real Post Cnt: 1,224
User ID: 1,047,109
Castaway Buff bot profiles.
that is odd did you turn it off then hit the reload xml then hit start again?
Mt- Weeping Fatih level 275 - Acclient Error Level 275 - Tinker Willow level 275 - Tenra level 275 Dt- Tenra Level 275 Ua, Blood Diamond Level 250 mage.
Link to this post
May 4, '05
Extended Info (if available)
Real Post Cnt: 1,224
User ID: 1,047,109
Castaway Buff bot profiles.
try the copy paste. Also i didnt add dual weild and all the other spells because i didnt have the names.
Mt- Weeping Fatih level 275 - Acclient Error Level 275 - Tinker Willow level 275 - Tenra level 275 Dt- Tenra Level 275 Ua, Blood Diamond Level 250 mage.
Link to this post
May 4, '05
Extended Info (if available)
Real Post Cnt: 1,224
User ID: 1,047,109
Castaway Buff bot profiles.
there was a error in the top code for the mage profile
here is a better one:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Static array: put your Self Buffs here! -->
<!-- DO NOT change this SpellArray name or buffing will not work -->
<SpellArray Name="buffself" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Name="Adja's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Inner Calm"/>
<Spell Name="Mind Blossom"/>
<Spell Name="Celcynd's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Mystic's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Nuhmudira's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Perseverance"/>
<Spell Name="Harlune's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Unflinching Persistence"/>
<Spell Name="Battlemage's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Might of the Lugians"/>
<Spell Name="Ar-Pei's Blessing"/>
<!-- Static array: put your Stamina to Mana routine here! -->
<!-- DO NOT change this SpellArray name or Stamina to Mana will not work -->
<SpellArray Name="stam2mana" Security="Locked" Type="Any">
<Spell Name="Meditative Trance"/>
<Spell Name="Robustification"/>
<!-- DO NOT change this SpellArray name or Buff Lore will not work -->
<SpellArray Name="bufflore" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Name="Aliester's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Inner Calm"/>
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<!-- Every Profile ======================================================== -->
<!-- Used in all "Full" profiles for Self Buffing================================== -->
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<SpellArray Name="critterself" Security="Locked" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Adja's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Inner Calm"/>
<Spell Name="Mind Blossom"/>
<Spell Name="Harlune's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Celcynd's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Nuhmudira's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Perseverance"/>
<Spell Name="Might of the Lugians"/>
<Spell Name="Honed Control"/>
<Spell Name="Hastening"/>
<Spell Name="Odif's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Ar-Pei's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Aliester's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Jahannan's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Saladur's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Aura of Defense"/>
<Spell Name="Aura of Deflection"/>
<Spell Name="Aura of Resistance"/>
<Spell Name="Avalenne's Blessing"/>
<SpellArray Name="itemself" Security="Locked" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Mystic's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Cragstone's Will"/>
<Spell Name="Infected Spirit Caress"/>
<SpellArray Name="lifeself" Security="Locked" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Executor's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Blessing of the Blade Turner"/>
<Spell Name="Blessing of the Arrow Turner"/>
<Spell Name="Blessing of the Mace Turner"/>
<Spell Name="Fiery Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Caustic Blessing "/>
<Spell Name="Storm's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Robustify"/>
<Spell Name="Unflinching Persistence"/>
<Spell Name="Battlemage's Blessing"/>
<SpellArray Name="wandself" Security="Locked" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Mystic's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Cragstone's Will"/>
<Spell Name="Infected Spirit Caress"/>
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<!-- Self Buffing Spell Arrays Start here ====================================== -->
<!-- ==================================================================== -->
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<SpellArray Name="*Archer" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Array="critterself"/>
<Spell Array="itemself"/>
<Spell Array="lifeself"/>
<Spell Name="Strathelar's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Lilitha's Blessing"/>
<SpellArray Name="*Axe" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Array="critterself"/>
<Spell Array="itemself"/>
<Spell Array="lifeself"/>
<Spell Name="Reenigne's Blessing"/>
<SpellArray Name="*Dagger" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Array="critterself"/>
<Spell Array="itemself"/>
<Spell Array="lifeself"/>
<Spell Name="Gertarh's Blessing"/>
<SpellArray Name="*Mace" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Array="critterself"/>
<Spell Array="itemself"/>
<Spell Array="lifeself"/>
<Spell Name="Mi-Krauli's Blessing"/>
<SpellArray Name="*Mage" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Array="critterself"/>
<Spell Name="Hieromancer's Blessing"/>
<Spell Array="itemself"/>
<Spell Array="lifeself"/>
<SpellArray Name="*Spear" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Array="critterself"/>
<Spell Array="itemself"/>
<Spell Array="lifeself"/>
<Spell Name="Tibri's Blessing"/>
<SpellArray Name="*Staff" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Array="critterself"/>
<Spell Array="itemself"/>
<Spell Array="lifeself"/>
<Spell Name="Anadil's Blessing"/>
<SpellArray Name="*Sword" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Array="critterself"/>
<Spell Array="itemself"/>
<Spell Array="lifeself"/>
<Spell Name="MacNiall's Blessing"/>
<SpellArray Name="*Thrown" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Array="critterself"/>
<Spell Array="itemself"/>
<Spell Array="lifeself"/>
<Spell Name="Asmolum's Blessing"/>
<SpellArray Name="*UA" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Array="critterself"/>
<Spell Array="itemself"/>
<Spell Array="lifeself"/>
<Spell Name="Hamud's Blessing"/>
<SpellArray Name="*Xbow" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Array="critterself"/>
<Spell Array="itemself"/>
<Spell Array="lifeself"/>
<Spell Name="Barnar's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Lilitha's Blessing"/>
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<!-- Specialty Self Buffing Spell Arrays Start here ============================== -->
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<SpellArray Name="*3School" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Name="Nuhmudira's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Battlemage's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Adja's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Celcynd's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Harlune's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Inner Calm"/>
<Spell Name="Mind Blossom"/>
<SpellArray Name="*Lore" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Name="Aliester's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Inner Calm"/>
<SpellArray Name="*Potions" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Name="Honed Control"/>
<Spell Name="Inner Calm"/>
<Spell Name="Perseverance"/>
<Spell Name="Mind Blossom"/>
<Spell Name="Robustify"/>
<Spell Name="Battlemage's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Silencia's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Avalenne's Blessing"/>
<SpellArray Name="*Salvage" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Name="Arcanum Salvaging VII"/>
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<!-- NOTE: If you are using Salvaging spells from Nuhmidira's Quest, you -->
<!-- should comment out the 3 lines above that begin with SpellArray and -->
<!-- end with /SpellArray. Then uncomment the 3 lines below that begin and -->
<!-- end with the same thing =============================================-->
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<!-- <SpellArray Name="*Salvage" Security="Locked" Type="Self"> -->
<!-- <Spell Name="Nuhmudira's Wisdom VII"/> -->
<!-- </SpellArray> -->
<SpellArray Name="*Tinkers" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Name="Honed Control"/>
<Spell Name="Inner Calm"/>
<Spell Name="Yoshi's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Perseverance"/>
<Spell Name="Jibril's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Might of the Lugians"/>
<Spell Name="Koga's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Celdiseth's Blessing"/>
<SpellArray Name="*Trades" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Name="Honed Control"/>
<Spell Name="Inner Calm"/>
<Spell Name="Silencia's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Lilitha's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Morimoto's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Oswald's Blessing"/>
<!-- Static array: put your Summon Primary Portal routine here! -->
<!-- DO NOT change this SpellArray name or Summoning Portals will not work -->
<SpellArray Name="summon1" Security="Locked" Type="Any">
<Spell Speech="I will be opening a portal to %Primary% on my %PrimaryFaceLR% (to the %PrimaryFaceNSEW%)"/>
<Spell Text="Portal to %Primary% coming up!"/>
<Spell Heading="%PrimaryHeading%"/>
<Spell Delay="1200"/>
<Spell Name="Summon Primary Portal I"/>
<!-- Static array: put your Summon Secondary Portal routine here! -->
<!-- DO NOT change this SpellArray name or Summoning Portals will not work -->
<SpellArray Name="summon2" Security="Locked" Type="Any">
<Spell Speech="I will be opening a portal to %Secondary% on my %SecondaryFaceLR% (to the %SecondaryFaceNSEW%)"/>
<Spell Text="Portal to %Secondary% coming up!"/>
<Spell Heading="%SecondaryHeading%"/>
<Spell Delay="1200"/>
<Spell Name="Summon Secondary Portal I"/>
<!-- Static array: pause and beg for money if option enabled. Use Delay for pausing -->
<!-- DO NOT change this SpellArray name -->
<SpellArray Name="BegForMoney" Security="Locked" Type="Any">
<Spell Text="Pausing 5 seconds for any donations"/>
<Spell Delay="5000"/>
<!-- Static array: events you want to happen upon your death -->
<!-- DO NOT change this SpellArray name -->
<SpellArray Name="OnDeathEvent" Security="Locked" Type="Any">
<Spell Speech="Oh my god I died!"/>
<Spell TypeText="/permit add nobody_special"/>
<Spell TypeText="/t nobody_special,I died at %CorpseLocation% - come get my stuff?"/>
<Spell TypeText="/logout"/>
<Spell TypeText="/logout"/>
<Spell TypeText="/logout"/>
<!-- Static array: events you want to happen when you run below 50 scarabs, 1,000 tapers -->
<!-- DO NOT change this SpellArray name -->
<SpellArray Name="LowCompsEvent" Security="Locked" Type="Any">
<Spell Speech="Help! I'm low on comps! Tell me COMPS for more information!"/>
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<!-- BuffArmor Profiles ================================================ -->
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<!-- BuffArmor spells are different than regular spells, because we will be buffing armor while they're WEARING IT (yes I'm serious). Notice that these spells have "<Spell BuffArmor" instead of "<Spell Name". Never put Spell Name= on buffarmor commands, or your bot will fail. -->
<SpellArray Name="buffarmor" PointCost="1" Type="Other">
<Spell Text="I'm opening a trade window with you, enable trades now!"/>
<Spell Text="You have 10 seconds to stand on top of me. Come VERY close."/>
<Spell Stance="1"/>
<Spell Delay="9000"/>
<Spell OpenTrade="1"/>
<Spell Text="You have 25 seconds to add armor. DO NOT cancel the trade. DO NOT hand me armor."/>
<Spell Delay="22000"/>
<Spell Text="I found %colBuffArmor% pieces to buff. Equip it, then give me one of these commands:"/>
<Spell Text="Bane commands: allbane, minibane, tuskerbane, olthoibane"/>
<SpellArray Name="allbane" PointCost="50" Type="Armor">
<Spell BuffArmor="Brogard's Defiance"/>
<Spell BuffArmor="Swordsman's Bane"/>
<Spell BuffArmor="Tusker's Bane"/>
<Spell BuffArmor="Archer's Bane"/>
<Spell BuffArmor="Inferno's Bane"/>
<Spell BuffArmor="Gelidite's Bane"/>
<Spell BuffArmor="Olthoi's Bane"/>
<Spell BuffArmor="Astyrrian's Bane"/>
<SpellArray Name="minibane" PointCost="20" Type="Armor">
<Spell BuffArmor="Brogard's Defiance"/>
<SpellArray Name="tuskerbane" PointCost="30" Type="Armor">
<Spell BuffArmor="Brogard's Defiance"/>
<Spell BuffArmor="Tusker's Bane"/>
<SpellArray Name="olthoibane" Name1="bugbane" PointCost="30" Type="Armor">
<Spell BuffArmor="Brogard's Defiance"/>
<Spell BuffArmor="Archer's Bane"/>
<Spell BuffArmor="Swordsman's Bane"/>
<Spell BuffArmor="Olthoi's Bane"/>
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<!-- Every Profile ===================================================== -->
<!-- Used in all "Full" profiles ======================================= -->
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<SpellArray Name="critter" PointCost="50" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Might of the 5 Mules"/>
<Spell Name="Temeritous Touch"/>
<Spell Name="Boon of Refinement"/>
<Spell Name="Ogfoot"/>
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze"/>
<Spell Name="Bolstered Will"/>
<Spell Name="Odif's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Ar-Pei's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Aliester's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Jahannan's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Saladur's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Web of Defense"/>
<Spell Name="Web of Deflection"/>
<Spell Name="Web of Resistance"/>
<Spell Name="Avalenne's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Nuhmudira's Enlightenment"/>
<SpellArray Name="life" PointCost="50" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Executor's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Boon of the Blade Turner"/>
<Spell Name="Boon of the Arrow Turner"/>
<Spell Name="Boon of the Mace Turner"/>
<Spell Name="Fiery Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Icy Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Caustic Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Storm's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Hydra's Head"/>
<Spell Name="Tenaciousness"/>
<!-- ==================================================================== -->
<!-- Full Profiles ====================================================== -->
<!-- ==================================================================== -->
<SpellArray Name="Missile Weapon" Name1="Mw" Name2="fullMissile" Name3="allMissile" Name4="fullarcher" Name5="allarcher" PointCost="100" Type="Other">
<Spell Array="buffbow"/>
<Spell Array="itembuffs"/>
<Spell Name="Strathelar's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Missile Weapon Mastery Other VII"/>
<Spell Array="critter"/>
<Spell Array="life"/>
<SpellArray Name="Finesse Weapon" Name1="Fw" Name2="allfine" PointCost="100" Type="Other">
<Spell Array="buffweapon"/>
<Spell Array="buffshield"/>
<Spell Array="itembuffs"/>
<Spell Name="Finesse Weapon Mastery Other VII"/>
<Spell Array="critter"/>
<Spell Array="life"/>
<SpellArray Name="Light Weapons" Name1="lw" Name2="alllight" PointCost="100" Type="Other">
<Spell Array="buffweapon"/>
<Spell Array="buffshield"/>
<Spell Array="itembuffs"/>
<Spell Name="Light Weapon Mastery Other VII"/>
<Spell Array="critter"/>
<Spell Array="life"/>
<SpellArray Name="2H" Name1="2hand" Name2="2handed" PointCost="100" Type="Other">
<Spell Array="buffweapon"/>
<Spell Array="buffshield"/>
<Spell Array="itembuffs"/>
<Spell Name="Boon of T'ing"/>
<Spell Array="critter"/>
<Spell Array="life"/>
<SpellArray Name="Heavy Weapon" Name1="Hw" Name2="allheavy" Name3="hweapon" PointCost="100" Type="Other">
<Spell Array="buffweapon"/>
<Spell Array="buffshield"/>
<Spell Array="itembuffs"/>
<Spell Name="Heavy Weapon Mastery Other VII"/>
<Spell Array="critter"/>
<Spell Array="life"/>
<SpellArray Name="mage" Name1="fullmage" Name2="allmage" PointCost="100" Type="Other">
<Spell Array="buffwand"/>
<Spell Name="Nuhmudira's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Battlemage's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Adja's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Celcynd's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Harlune's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Hieromancer's Boon"/>
<Spell Array="critter"/>
<Spell Array="life"/>
<SpellArray Name="3school" Name1="magic" PointCost="50" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Nuhmudira's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Battlemage's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Adja's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Celcynd's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Harlune's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze"/>
<Spell Name="Bolstered Will"/>
<SpellArray Name="itembuffs" PointCost="30" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Nuhmudira's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Battlemage's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Celcynd's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze"/>
<Spell Name="Bolstered Will"/>
<SpellArray Name="trades" Name1="alltrades" Name2="fulltrades" Name3="trade" PointCost="50" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Boon of Refinement"/>
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze"/>
<Spell Name="Silencia's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Lilitha's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Morimoto's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Oswald's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="gear" Name1="gearcraft" Name2="tinkgear" Name3="trade" PointCost="50" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Boon of Refinement"/>
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze"/>
<Spell Name="Boon of Tristra"/>
<SpellArray Name="tinkers" Name1="tinker" Name2="fulltinker" Name3="alltinker" PointCost="50" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze"/>
<Spell Name="Boon of Refinement"/>
<Spell Name="Yoshi's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Temeritous Touch"/>
<Spell Name="Jibril's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Might of the 5 Mules"/>
<Spell Name="Koga's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Celdiseth's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="potions" PointCost="50" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Boon of Refinement"/>
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze"/>
<Spell Name="Temeritous Touch"/>
<Spell Name="Bolstered Will"/>
<Spell Name="Hydra's Head"/>
<Spell Name="Battlemage's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Silencia's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Avalenne's Boon"/>
<!-- ==================================================================== -->
<!-- Supplemental Profiles ============================================== -->
<!-- ==================================================================== -->
<SpellArray Name="buffweapon" Name1="weapon" PointCost="30" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Infected Caress"/>
<Spell Name="Elysa's Sight"/>
<Spell Name="Atlan's Alacrity"/>
<Spell Name="Cragstone's Will"/>
<SpellArray Name="buffbow" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Infected Caress"/>
<Spell Name="Cragstone's Will"/>
<SpellArray Name="buffwand" Name1="wand" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Mystic's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Cragstone's Will"/>
<Spell Name="Infected Spirit Caress"/>
<SpellArray Name="buffshieldmini" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Brogard's Defiance"/>
<SpellArray Name="buffshieldfull" Name1="shield" Name2="sheild" PointCost="50" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Brogard's Defiance"/>
<Spell Name="Swordsman's Bane"/>
<Spell Name="Archer's Bane"/>
<Spell Name="Tusker's Bane"/>
<Spell Name="Inferno's Bane"/>
<Spell Name="Gelidite's Bane"/>
<Spell Name="Olthoi's Bane"/>
<Spell Name="Astyrrian's Bane"/>
<SpellArray Name="buffshield" PointCost="30" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Brogard's Defiance"/>
<Spell Name="Swordsman's Bane"/>
<Spell Name="Archer's Bane"/>
<Spell Name="Tusker's Bane"/>
<Spell Name="Nuhmudira's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Battlemage's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Celcynd's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze"/>
<Spell Name="Bolstered Will"/>
<SpellArray Name="xpchain" Name1="allegiance" Name2="xp" PointCost="30" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Ar-Pei's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Odif's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="tinkarmor" PointCost="30" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Jibril's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Temeritous Touch"/>
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze"/>
<SpellArray Name="tinkitem" PointCost="30" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Yoshi's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze"/>
<Spell Name="Bolstered Will"/>
<SpellArray Name="tinkmagic" PointCost="30" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Celdiseth's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze"/>
<SpellArray Name="tinkweapon" PointCost="30" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Koga's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze"/>
<Spell Name="Might of the 5 Mules"/>
<SpellArray Name="allrenew" PointCost="30" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Hydra's Head"/>
<Spell Name="Tenaciousness"/>
<Spell Name="Battlemage's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="protects" PointCost="50" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Executor's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Boon of the Blade Turner"/>
<Spell Name="Boon of the Mace Turner"/>
<Spell Name="Boon of the Arrow Turner"/>
<Spell Name="Fiery Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Icy Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Caustic Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Storm's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="buffmule" Name1="buffgimp" Name2="supergimp" PointCost="25" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze"/>
<Spell Name="Bolstered Will"/>
<Spell Name="Temeritous Touch"/>
<Spell Name="Might of the 5 Mules"/>
<Spell Name="Celdiseth's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Ar-Pei's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Odif's Boon"/>
<!--Below is a VERY nice bit of work on the part of OZ-PK that he said we could steal. THANK YOU!-->
<SpellArray Name="megamule" Name1="SuperMule" PointCost="50" Type="Other">
<Spell Text="This is an All-inclusive Trade/Tinker mule profile"/>
<Spell Name="Might of the 5 Mules"/>
<Spell Name="Temeritous Touch"/>
<Spell Name="Boon of Refinement"/>
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze"/>
<Spell Name="Bolstered Will"/>
<Spell Name="Avalenne's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Morimoto's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Silencia's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Lilitha's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Oswald's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Jibril's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Yoshi's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Celdiseth's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Koga's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Celcynd's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Odif's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Ar-Pei's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Aliester's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Hydra's Head"/>
<Spell Name="Tenaciousness"/>
<Spell Name="Battlemage's Boon"/>
<!-- *********************************************** -->
<!-- ************** PORTAL GEMS ******************** -->
<!-- *********************************************** -->
<!-- Castaway can use portal gems to summon locations elsewhere. -->
<!-- This however can be bad if you use gems for death items. -->
<!-- Allow this section with caution. -->
<!-- Use portal gem to Summon to Master Mages-->
<SpellArray Name="sho master mage" Name1="shoyanen" Name2="mayoi mage" PointCost="2500">
<Spell Text="Using the master mage gem now!"/>
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Shoyanen Kenchu, master mage"/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Shoyanen's Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="gharu master mage" Name1="fadsahil" Name2="desert mage" PointCost="2500">
<Spell Text="Using the master mage gem now!"/>
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Fadsahil al-Tashbi, master mage"/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Fadsahil al-Tashbi's Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="aluvian master mage" Name1="celdiseth" Name2="north mage" PointCost="2500">
<Spell Text="Using the master mage gem now!"/>
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Celdiseth, master mage"/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Celdiseth's Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="summon nanto" Name1="nanto" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!"/>
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Nanto"/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Nanto Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="summon yanshi" Name1="yanshi" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!"/>
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Yanshi"/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Yanshi Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="summon shoushi" Name1="shoushi" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!"/>
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Shoushi"/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Shoushi Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="summon yaraq" Name1="yaraq" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!"/>
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Yaraq"/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Yaraq Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="summon rithwic" Name1="summon rith" Name2="rith" Name3="rithwic" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!"/>
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Rithwic"/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Rithwic Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="summon al-arqas" Name1="al-araqas" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!"/>
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Al-Arqas"/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Al-Arqas Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="summon samsur" Name1="samsur" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!"/>
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Samsur"/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Samsur Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="summon holtburg" Name1="summon holt" Name2="holt" Name3="holtburg" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!"/>
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Holtburg"/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Holtburg Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="summon lytelthorpe" Name1="lytelthorpe" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!"/>
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Lytelthorpe"/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Lytelthorpe Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="summon xarabydun" Name1="summon xara" Name2="xara" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!"/>
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Xarabydun"/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Xarabydun Portal Summoning Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="summon silyun" Name1="silyun" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!"/>
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Silyun"/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Silyun Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="summon sanamar" Name1="sanamar" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!"/>
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Sanamar"/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Sanamar Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="summon vissidal" Name1="vissidal" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!"/>
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Vissidal Island"/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Vissidal Island Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="summon redspire" Name1="redspire" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!"/>
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Redspire"/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Redspire Portal Gem"/>
<!-- 7 Life Protects -->
<SpellArray Name="armor" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Executor's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="bladep" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Boon of the Blade Turner"/>
<SpellArray Name="bludgep" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Boon of the Mace Turner"/>
<SpellArray Name="piercep" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Boon of the Arrow Turner"/>
<SpellArray Name="firep" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Fiery Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="coldp" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Icy Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="acidp" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Caustic Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="electp" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Storm's Boon"/>
<!-- 7 Life Regens -->
<SpellArray Name="regen" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Hydra's Head"/>
<SpellArray Name="rejuv" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Tenaciousness"/>
<SpellArray Name="manar" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Battlemage's Boon"/>
<!-- 7 Critter Base Attribs -->
<SpellArray Name="strength" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Might of the 5 Mules"/>
<SpellArray Name="endurance" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Temeritous Touch"/>
<SpellArray Name="coord" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Boon of Refinement"/>
<SpellArray Name="quick" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Ogfoot"/>
<SpellArray Name="focus" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze"/>
<SpellArray Name="self" Name1="willpower" Name2="will" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Bolstered Will"/>
<!-- 7 Critter Skills -->
<SpellArray Name="loyalty" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Odif's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="leadership" Name1="leader" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Ar-Pei's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="jump" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Jahannan's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="run" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Saladur's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="meleed" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Web of Defense"/>
<SpellArray Name="missiled" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Web of Deflection"/>
<SpellArray Name="magicd" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Web of Resistance"/>
<SpellArray Name="lore" Name1="arcane" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Aliester's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="healing" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Avalenne's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="manac" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Nuhmudira's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="axem" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Reenigne's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="bowm" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Strathelar's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="xbowm" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Barnar's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="thrownm" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Asmolum's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="daggerm" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Gertarh's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="macem" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Mi-Krauli's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="spearm" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Tibri's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="staffm" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Anadil's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="swordm" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="MacNiall's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="uam" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Hamud's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="critterm" Name1="creaturem" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Adja's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="lifem" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Harlune's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="warm" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Hieromancer's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="itemm" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Celcynd's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="fletch" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Lilitha's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="alchey" Name1="alchemy" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Silencia's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="cooking" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Morimoto's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="lockpick" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Oswald's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="itemt" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Yoshi's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="armort" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Jibril's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="weapont" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Koga's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="magict" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Celdiseth's Boon"/>
<!-- 7 Item Weapons -->
<SpellArray Name="bd" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Infected Caress"/>
<SpellArray Name="sk" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Atlan's Alacrity"/>
<SpellArray Name="defender" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Cragstone's Will"/>
<SpellArray Name="hs" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Elysa's Sight"/>
<SpellArray Name="hl" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Mystic's Blessing"/>
<!-- 7 Item Armor -->
<SpellArray Name="imp" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Brogard's Defiance"/>
<SpellArray Name="bladeb" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Swordsman's Bane"/>
<SpellArray Name="bludgeb" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Tusker's Bane"/>
<SpellArray Name="pierceb" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Archer's Bane"/>
<SpellArray Name="fireb" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Inferno's Bane"/>
<SpellArray Name="coldb" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Gelidite's Bane"/>
<SpellArray Name="acidb" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Olthoi's Bane"/>
<SpellArray Name="electb" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Astyrrian's Bane"/>
<SpellArray Name="salvage" Name1="salvaging" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Arcanum Enlightenment VII"/>
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<!-- NOTE: If you are using Salvaging spells from Nuhmidira's Quest, you -->
<!-- should comment out the 3 lines above that begin with SpellArray and -->
<!-- end with /SpellArray. Then uncomment the 3 lines below that begin and -->
<!-- end with the same thing =============================================-->
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<!-- <SpellArray Name="salvage" Name1="salvaging" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> -->
<!-- <Spell Name="Nuhmudira's Enlightenment"/> -->
<!-- </SpellArray> -->
Mt- Weeping Fatih level 275 - Acclient Error Level 275 - Tinker Willow level 275 - Tenra level 275 Dt- Tenra Level 275 Ua, Blood Diamond Level 250 mage.
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May 4, '05
Extended Info (if available)
Real Post Cnt: 1,224
User ID: 1,047,109
Castaway Buff bot profiles.
Here is a D/l for new files
*removed repost in a few for new bug*
Mt- Weeping Fatih level 275 - Acclient Error Level 275 - Tinker Willow level 275 - Tenra level 275 Dt- Tenra Level 275 Ua, Blood Diamond Level 250 mage.
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May 4, '05
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Real Post Cnt: 1,224
User ID: 1,047,109
Castaway Buff bot profiles.
Ok here it is!
It has dual wield and all the new classes
I havent found out how to get it to not bane the 2nd weapon so for the time being you have to say buffweapon and put your 2nd weapon in your main hand!
Mt- Weeping Fatih level 275 - Acclient Error Level 275 - Tinker Willow level 275 - Tenra level 275 Dt- Tenra Level 275 Ua, Blood Diamond Level 250 mage.
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May 4, '05
Extended Info (if available)
Real Post Cnt: 1,224
User ID: 1,047,109
Castaway Buff bot profiles.
Let me know if there is any problems im taking a break for the night lol.
it should be more then enough for now.
Mt- Weeping Fatih level 275 - Acclient Error Level 275 - Tinker Willow level 275 - Tenra level 275 Dt- Tenra Level 275 Ua, Blood Diamond Level 250 mage.
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Real Post Cnt: 0
User ID: 0
Castaway Buff bot profiles.
Thanks for this file!
Link to this post
May 4, '05
Extended Info (if available)
Real Post Cnt: 1,224
User ID: 1,047,109
Castaway Buff bot profiles.
No Problem!
If there is an issue post here or pm me.
also im Tenra on:
Mt- Weeping Fatih level 275 - Acclient Error Level 275 - Tinker Willow level 275 - Tenra level 275 Dt- Tenra Level 275 Ua, Blood Diamond Level 250 mage.
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User ID: 0
Castaway Buff bot profiles.
Not sure what I did wrong, but bot does not recognize new commands. I unzipped and replaced the bot speech and bot spells with your files. Do I need to do anything else? Thanks
Link to this post
May 4, '05
Extended Info (if available)
Real Post Cnt: 1,224
User ID: 1,047,109
Castaway Buff bot profiles.
did you add them to your toons file?
like mine is:
Mt- Weeping Fatih level 275 - Acclient Error Level 275 - Tinker Willow level 275 - Tenra level 275 Dt- Tenra Level 275 Ua, Blood Diamond Level 250 mage.
Link to this post
Jul 20, '00
Extended Info (if available)
Real Post Cnt: 3,049
User ID: 35,843
Castaway Buff bot profiles.
Daki/ Opossum/ Rosemary/Shashi/ Dakiri
Link to this post
Title: Moderator Dragon Wrangler
Jun 19, '04
Extended Info (if available)
Real Post Cnt: 12,912
User ID: 935,853
Castaway Buff bot profiles.
here is the version xay uses on FF... added sneak attack, recklessness, and dirty fighting to single buffs all profiles include lockpick and 3 school missile profile also includes dirty fighting, sneak attack, and recklessness melee profiles also include shield, dirty fighting, recklessness, and sneak attack mage and void profiles also include sneak attack melee profile updates: either the written out version or the abbreviated version work. light weapon-lw heavy weapon-hw finesse weapon-fw dual wield finesse-dwf dual wield heavy-dwh dual wield light-dwl below is the xml, feel free to copy whatever sections you feel benefit you and be sure to update your botspeech file with the fixes so people know... <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> - <intensity> - <!-- YOU MUST CHANGE THIS FILE TO MEET YOUR NEEDS TO RUNNING YOUR BOT! --> - <!-- THIS DEALS WITH SPELLS & SPEECH YOU OFFER TO PUBLIC (LOCALLY) --> - <spells> - <!-- Static array: put your Self Buffs here! --> - <!-- DO NOT change this SpellArray name or buffing will not work --> - <SpellArray Name="buffself" Security="Locked" Type="Self"> <Spell Name="Adja's Blessing" /> <Spell Name="Inner Calm" /> <Spell Name="Mind Blossom" /> <Spell Name="Celcynd's Blessing" /> <Spell Name="Mystic's Blessing" /> <Spell Name="Nuhmudira's Blessing" /> <Spell Name="Perseverance" /> <Spell Name="Harlune's Blessing" /> <Spell Name="Unflinching Persistence" /> <Spell Name="Might of the Lugians" /> </SpellArray> - <!-- Static array: put your Stamina to Mana routine here! --> - <!-- DO NOT change this SpellArray name or Stamina to Mana will not work --> - <SpellArray Name="stam2mana" Security="Locked" Type="Any"> <Spell Name="Meditative Trance" /> <Spell Name="Robustification" /> </SpellArray> - <!-- DO NOT change this SpellArray name or Buff Lore will not work --> - <SpellArray Name="bufflore" Security="Locked" Type="Self"> <Spell Name="Aliester's Blessing" /> <Spell Name="Inner Calm" /> </SpellArray> - <!-- =================================================================== --> - <!-- Every Profile ======================================================== --> - <!-- Used in all "Full" profiles for Self Buffing================================== --> - <!-- =================================================================== --> - <SpellArray Name="critterself" Security="Locked" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Might of the Lugians" /> <Spell Name="Perseverance" /> <Spell Name="Honed Control" /> <Spell Name="Hastening" /> <Spell Name="Inner Calm" /> <Spell Name="Mind Blossom" /> <Spell Name="Odif's Blessing" /> <Spell Name="Ar-Pei's Blessing" /> <Spell Name="Aliester's Blessing" /> <Spell Name="Jahannan's Blessing" /> <Spell Name="Saladur's Blessing" /> <Spell Name="Aura of Defense" /> <Spell Name="Aura of Deflection" /> <Spell Name="Aura of Resistance" /> <Spell Name="Avalenne's Blessing" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="itemself" Security="Locked" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Nuhmudira's Blessing" /> <Spell Name="Battlemage's Blessing" /> <Spell Name="Celcynd's Blessing" /> <Spell Name="Inner Calm" /> <Spell Name="Mind Blossom" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="lifeself" Security="Locked" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Executor's Blessing" /> <Spell Name="Blessing of the Blade Turner" /> <Spell Name="Blessing of the Arrow Turner" /> <Spell Name="Blessing of the Mace Turner" /> <Spell Name="Fiery Blessing" /> <Spell Name="Caustic Blessing" /> <Spell Name="Storm's Blessing" /> <Spell Name="Robustify" /> <Spell Name="Unflinching Persistence" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="wandself" Security="Locked" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Mystic's Blessing" /> <Spell Name="Cragstone's Will" /> <Spell Name="Infected Spirit Caress" /> </SpellArray> - <!-- =================================================================== --> - <!-- Self Buffing Spell Arrays Start here ====================================== --> - <!-- ==================================================================== --> - <!-- =================================================================== --> - <SpellArray Name="*Archer" Security="Locked" Type="Self"> <Spell Array="itemself" /> <Spell Array="critterself" /> <Spell Array="lifeself" /> <Spell Name="Strathelar's Blessing" /> <Spell Name="Lilitha's Blessing" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="*Axe" Security="Locked" Type="Self"> <Spell Array="itemself" /> <Spell Array="critterself" /> <Spell Array="lifeself" /> <Spell Name="Reenigne's Blessing" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="*Dagger" Security="Locked" Type="Self"> <Spell Array="itemself" /> <Spell Array="critterself" /> <Spell Array="lifeself" /> <Spell Name="Gertarh's Blessing" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="*Mace" Security="Locked" Type="Self"> <Spell Array="itemself" /> <Spell Array="critterself" /> <Spell Array="lifeself" /> <Spell Name="Mi-Krauli's Blessing" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="*Mage" Security="Locked" Type="Self"> <Spell Name="Nuhmudira's Blessing" /> <Spell Name="Battlemage's Blessing" /> <Spell Name="Adja's Blessing" /> <Spell Name="Celcynd's Blessing" /> <Spell Name="Harlune's Blessing" /> <Spell Name="Hieromancer's Blessing" /> <Spell Array="wandself" /> <Spell Array="lifeself" /> <Spell Array="critterself" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="*Spear" Security="Locked" Type="Self"> <Spell Array="itemself" /> <Spell Array="critterself" /> <Spell Array="lifeself" /> <Spell Name="Tibri's Blessing" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="*Staff" Security="Locked" Type="Self"> <Spell Array="itemself" /> <Spell Array="critterself" /> <Spell Array="lifeself" /> <Spell Name="Anadil's Blessing" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="*Sword" Security="Locked" Type="Self"> <Spell Array="itemself" /> <Spell Array="critterself" /> <Spell Array="lifeself" /> <Spell Name="MacNiall's Blessing" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="*Thrown" Security="Locked" Type="Self"> <Spell Array="itemself" /> <Spell Array="critterself" /> <Spell Array="lifeself" /> <Spell Name="Asmolum's Blessing" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="*UA" Security="Locked" Type="Self"> <Spell Array="itemself" /> <Spell Array="critterself" /> <Spell Array="lifeself" /> <Spell Name="Hamud's Blessing" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="*Xbow" Security="Locked" Type="Self"> <Spell Array="itemself" /> <Spell Array="critterself" /> <Spell Array="lifeself" /> <Spell Name="Barnar's Blessing" /> <Spell Name="Lilitha's Blessing" /> </SpellArray> - <!-- =================================================================== --> - <!-- Specialty Self Buffing Spell Arrays Start here ============================== --> - <!-- =================================================================== --> - <!-- =================================================================== --> - <SpellArray Name="*3School" Security="Locked" Type="Self"> <Spell Name="Nuhmudira's Blessing" /> <Spell Name="Battlemage's Blessing" /> <Spell Name="Adja's Blessing" /> <Spell Name="Celcynd's Blessing" /> <Spell Name="Harlune's Blessing" /> <Spell Name="Inner Calm" /> <Spell Name="Mind Blossom" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="*Lore" Security="Locked" Type="Self"> <Spell Name="Aliester's Blessing" /> <Spell Name="Inner Calm" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="*Potions" Security="Locked" Type="Self"> <Spell Name="Honed Control" /> <Spell Name="Inner Calm" /> <Spell Name="Perseverance" /> <Spell Name="Mind Blossom" /> <Spell Name="Robustify" /> <Spell Name="Battlemage's Blessing" /> <Spell Name="Silencia's Blessing" /> <Spell Name="Avalenne's Blessing" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="*Salvage" Security="Locked" Type="Self"> <Spell Name="Arcanum Salvaging VII" /> </SpellArray> - <!-- =================================================================== --> - <!-- NOTE: If you are using Salvaging spells from Nuhmidira's Quest, you --> - <!-- should comment out the 3 lines above that begin with SpellArray and --> - <!-- end with /SpellArray. Then uncomment the 3 lines below that begin and --> - <!-- end with the same thing ============================================= --> - <!-- =================================================================== --> - <!-- <SpellArray Name="*Salvage" Security="Locked" Type="Self"> --> - <!-- <Spell Name="Nuhmudira's Wisdom VII"/> --> - <!-- </SpellArray> --> - <SpellArray Name="*Tinkers" Security="Locked" Type="Self"> <Spell Name="Honed Control" /> <Spell Name="Inner Calm" /> <Spell Name="Yoshi's Blessing" /> <Spell Name="Perseverance" /> <Spell Name="Jibril's Blessing" /> <Spell Name="Might of the Lugians" /> <Spell Name="Koga's Blessing" /> <Spell Name="Celdiseth's Blessing" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="*Trades" Security="Locked" Type="Self"> <Spell Name="Honed Control" /> <Spell Name="Nuhmudira's Enlightenment" /> <Spell Name="Inner Calm" /> <Spell Name="Silencia's Blessing" /> <Spell Name="Lilitha's Blessing" /> <Spell Name="Morimoto's Blessing" /> <Spell Name="Oswald's Blessing" /> </SpellArray> - <!-- Static array: put your Summon Primary Portal routine here! --> - <!-- DO NOT change this SpellArray name or Summoning Portals will not work --> - <SpellArray Name="summon1" Security="Locked" Type="Any"> <Spell Speech="I will be opening a portal to %Primary% on my %PrimaryFaceLR% (to the %PrimaryFaceNSEW%)" /> <Spell Text="Portal to %Primary% coming up!" /> <Spell Heading="%PrimaryHeading%" /> <Spell Delay="1200" /> <Spell Name="Summon Primary Portal I" /> </SpellArray> - <!-- Static array: put your Summon Secondary Portal routine here! --> - <!-- DO NOT change this SpellArray name or Summoning Portals will not work --> - <SpellArray Name="summon2" Security="Locked" Type="Any"> <Spell Speech="I will be opening a portal to %Secondary% on my %SecondaryFaceLR% (to the %SecondaryFaceNSEW%)" /> <Spell Text="Portal to %Secondary% coming up!" /> <Spell Heading="%SecondaryHeading%" /> <Spell Delay="1200" /> <Spell Name="Summon Secondary Portal I" /> </SpellArray> - <!-- Static array: pause and beg for money if option enabled. Use Delay for pausing --> - <!-- DO NOT change this SpellArray name --> - <SpellArray Name="BegForMoney" Security="Locked" Type="Any"> <Spell Text="Pausing 5 seconds for any donations" /> <Spell Delay="5000" /> </SpellArray> - <!-- Static array: events you want to happen upon your death --> - <!-- DO NOT change this SpellArray name --> - <SpellArray Name="OnDeathEvent" Security="Locked" Type="Any"> <Spell Speech="Oh my god I died!" /> <Spell TypeText="/permit add nobody_special" /> <Spell TypeText="/t nobody_special,I died at %CorpseLocation% - come get my stuff?" /> <Spell TypeText="/logout" /> <Spell TypeText="/logout" /> <Spell TypeText="/logout" /> </SpellArray> - <!-- Static array: events you want to happen when you run below 50 scarabs, 1,000 tapers --> - <!-- DO NOT change this SpellArray name --> - <SpellArray Name="LowCompsEvent" Security="Locked" Type="Any"> <Spell Speech="Help! I'm low on comps! Tell me COMPS for more information!" /> </SpellArray> - <!-- =================================================================== --> - <!-- BuffArmor Profiles ================================================ --> - <!-- =================================================================== --> - <!-- BuffArmor spells are different than regular spells, because we will be buffing armor while they're WEARING IT (yes I'm serious). Notice that these spells have "<Spell BuffArmor" instead of "<Spell Name". Never put Spell Name= on buffarmor commands, or your bot will fail. --> - <SpellArray Name="buffarmor" PointCost="1" Type="Other"> <Spell Text="I'm opening a trade window with you, enable trades now!" /> <Spell Text="You have 10 seconds to stand next to me. Come VERY close." /> <Spell Stance="1" /> <Spell Delay="9000" /> <Spell OpenTrade="1" /> <Spell Text="You have 25 seconds to add armor. DO NOT cancel the trade. DO NOT hand me armor." /> <Spell Delay="22000" /> <Spell Text="I found %colBuffArmor% pieces to buff. Equip it, then give me one of these commands:" /> <Spell Text="Bane commands: allbane, minibane, tuskerbane, eaterbane, olthoibane" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="allbane" PointCost="50" Type="Armor"> <Spell BuffArmor="Brogard's Defiance" /> <Spell BuffArmor="Swordsman's Bane" /> <Spell BuffArmor="Tusker's Bane" /> <Spell BuffArmor="Archer's Bane" /> <Spell BuffArmor="Inferno's Bane" /> <Spell BuffArmor="Gelidite's Bane" /> <Spell BuffArmor="Olthoi's Bane" /> <Spell BuffArmor="Astyrrian's Bane" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="minibane" PointCost="20" Type="Armor"> <Spell BuffArmor="Brogard's Defiance" /> <Spell BuffArmor="Swordsman's Bane" /> <Spell BuffArmor="Tusker's Bane" /> <Spell BuffArmor="Archer's Bane" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="elementalbane" PointCost="20" Type="Armor"> <Spell BuffArmor="Brogard's Defiance" /> <Spell BuffArmor="Inferno's Bane" /> <Spell BuffArmor="Gelidite's Bane" /> <Spell BuffArmor="Olthoi's Bane" /> <Spell BuffArmor="Astyrrian's Bane" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="tuskerbane" PointCost="30" Type="Armor"> <Spell BuffArmor="Brogard's Defiance" /> <Spell BuffArmor="Tusker's Bane" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="olthoibane" Name1="eaterbane" PointCost="30" Type="Armor"> <Spell BuffArmor="Brogard's Defiance" /> <Spell BuffArmor="Archer's Bane" /> <Spell BuffArmor="Swordsman's Bane" /> <Spell BuffArmor="Tusker's Bane" /> <Spell BuffArmor="Olthoi's Bane" /> </SpellArray> - <!-- =================================================================== --> - <!-- Every Profile ===================================================== --> - <!-- Used in all "Full" profiles ======================================= --> - <!-- =================================================================== --> - <SpellArray Name="critter" PointCost="50" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Might of the 5 Mules" /> <Spell Name="Temeritous Touch" /> <Spell Name="Boon of Refinement" /> <Spell Name="Arcanum Enlightenment VII" /> <Spell Name="Ogfoot" /> <Spell Name="Calming Gaze" /> <Spell Name="Bolstered Will" /> <Spell Name="Odif's Boon" /> <Spell Name="Ar-Pei's Boon" /> <Spell Name="Aliester's Boon" /> <Spell Name="Jahannan's Boon" /> <Spell Name="Saladur's Boon" /> <Spell Name="Web of Defense" /> <Spell Name="Web of Deflection" /> <Spell Name="Web of Resistance" /> <Spell Name="Avalenne's Boon" /> <Spell Name="Oswald's Boon" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="life" Name1="lifes" PointCost="50" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Executor's Boon" /> <Spell Name="Boon of the Blade Turner" /> <Spell Name="Boon of the Arrow Turner" /> <Spell Name="Boon of the Mace Turner" /> <Spell Name="Fiery Boon" /> <Spell Name="Icy Boon" /> <Spell Name="Caustic Boon" /> <Spell Name="Storm's Boon" /> <Spell Name="Hydra's Head" /> <Spell Name="Tenaciousness" /> </SpellArray> - <!-- ==================================================================== --> - <!-- Full Profiles ====================================================== --> - <!-- ==================================================================== --> - <SpellArray Name="archer" Name1="bow" Name2="fullbow" Name3="allbow" Name4="fullarcher" Name5="allarcher" PointCost="100" Type="Other"> <Spell Array="buffbow" /> <Spell Array="itembuffs" /> <Spell Name="Missile Weapon Mastery Other VII" /> <Spell Name="Dirty Fighting Mastery Other VII" /> <Spell Name="Recklessness Mastery Other VII" /> <Spell Name="Sneak Attack Mastery Other VII" /> <Spell Array="critter" /> <Spell Array="life" /> <Spell Array="3School" /> <Spell Name="Lilitha's Boon" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="xbow" Name1="fullxbow" Name2="allxbow" Name3="crossbow" PointCost="100" Type="Other"> <Spell Array="buffbow" /> <Spell Array="itembuffs" /> <Spell Name="Missile Weapon Mastery Other VII" /> <Spell Name="Dirty Fighting Mastery Other VII" /> <Spell Name="Recklessness Mastery Other VII" /> <Spell Name="Sneak Attack Mastery Other VII" /> <Spell Array="critter" /> <Spell Array="life" /> <Spell Array="3School" /> <Spell Name="Lilitha's Boon" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="thrown" Name1="fullthrown" Name2="allthrown" PointCost="100" Type="Other"> <Spell Array="buffbow" /> <Spell Array="itembuffs" /> <Spell Name="Missile Weapon Mastery Other VII" /> <Spell Name="Dirty Fighting Mastery Other VII" /> <Spell Name="Recklessness Mastery Other VII" /> <Spell Name="Sneak Attack Mastery Other VII" /> <Spell Array="critter" /> <Spell Array="life" /> <Spell Array="3School" /> <Spell Name="Lilitha's Boon" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="heavy" Name1="hw" Name2="heavy weapon" PointCost="100" Type="Other"> <Spell Array="buffweapon" /> <Spell Array="buffshield" /> <Spell Array="itembuffs" /> <Spell Name="Shield Mastery Other VII" /> <Spell Name="Dirty Fighting Mastery Other VII" /> <Spell Name="Recklessness Mastery Other VII" /> <Spell Name="Sneak Attack Mastery Other VII" /> <Spell Name="Heavy Weapon Mastery Other VII" /> <Spell Array="critter" /> <Spell Array="life" /> <Spell Array="3School" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="dual wield heavy" Name1="dwh" Name2="dual wield heavy weapon" PointCost="100" Type="Other"> <Spell Array="buffweapon" /> <Spell Array="buffshield" /> <Spell Array="itembuffs" /> <Spell Name="Heavy Weapon Mastery Other VII" /> <Spell Name="Dual Wield Mastery Other VII" /> <Spell Array="critter" /> <Spell Name="Shield Mastery Other VII" /> <Spell Name="Dirty Fighting Mastery Other VII" /> <Spell Name="Recklessness Mastery Other VII" /> <Spell Name="Sneak Attack Mastery Other VII" /> <Spell Array="life" /> <Spell Array="3School" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="mage" Name1="fullmage" Name2="allmage" PointCost="100" Type="Other"> <Spell Array="buffwand" /> <Spell Name="Nuhmudira's Boon" /> <Spell Name="Battlemage's Boon" /> <Spell Name="Sneak Attack Mastery Other VII" /> <Spell Name="Adja's Boon" /> <Spell Name="Celcynd's Boon" /> <Spell Name="Harlune's Boon" /> <Spell Name="Hieromancer's Boon" /> <Spell Name="Harlune's Boon" /> <Spell Array="critter" /> <Spell Array="life" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="void" Name1="fullvoid" PointCost="100" Type="Other"> <Spell Array="buffwand" /> <Spell Name="Nuhmudira's Boon" /> <Spell Name="Battlemage's Boon" /> <Spell Name="Void Magic Mastery Other VII" /> <Spell Name="Adja's Boon" /> <Spell Name="Sneak Attack Mastery Other VII" /> <Spell Name="Celcynd's Boon" /> <Spell Name="Harlune's Boon" /> <Spell Name="Harlune's Boon" /> <Spell Array="critter" /> <Spell Array="life" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="3school" Name1="magic" PointCost="50" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Nuhmudira's Boon" /> <Spell Name="Battlemage's Boon" /> <Spell Name="Adja's Boon" /> <Spell Name="Celcynd's Boon" /> <Spell Name="Harlune's Boon" /> <Spell Name="Calming Gaze" /> <Spell Name="Bolstered Will" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="itembuffs" PointCost="30" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Nuhmudira's Boon" /> <Spell Name="Battlemage's Boon" /> <Spell Name="Celcynd's Boon" /> <Spell Name="Calming Gaze" /> <Spell Name="Bolstered Will" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="trades" Name1="alltrades" Name2="fulltrades" Name3="trade" PointCost="50" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Boon of Refinement" /> <Spell Name="Calming Gaze" /> <Spell Name="Silencia's Boon" /> <Spell Name="Lilitha's Boon" /> <Spell Name="Morimoto's Boon" /> <Spell Name="Oswald's Boon" /> <Spell Name="Ogfoot" /> <Spell Name="Saladur's Boon" /> <Spell Name="Might of the 5 Mules" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="tinkers" Name1="tinker" Name2="fulltinker" Name3="alltinker" PointCost="50" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Calming Gaze" /> <Spell Name="Boon of Refinement" /> <Spell Name="Yoshi's Boon" /> <Spell Name="Temeritous Touch" /> <Spell Name="Jibril's Boon" /> <Spell Name="Might of the 5 Mules" /> <Spell Name="Koga's Boon" /> <Spell Name="Celdiseth's Boon" /> <Spell Name="Boon of Refinement" /> <Spell Name="Boon of Trista" /> <Spell Name="Ogfoot" /> <Spell Name="Saladur's Boon" /> <Spell Name="Might of the 5 Mules" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="light" Name1="lw" Name2="light weapon" PointCost="100" Type="Other"> <Spell Array="buffweapon" /> <Spell Array="buffshield" /> <Spell Array="itembuffs" /> <Spell Name="Light Weapon Mastery Other VII" /> <Spell Array="critter" /> <Spell Name="Shield Mastery Other VII" /> <Spell Name="Dirty Fighting Mastery Other VII" /> <Spell Name="Recklessness Mastery Other VII" /> <Spell Name="Sneak Attack Mastery Other VII" /> <Spell Array="life" /> <Spell Array="3School" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="dual wield light" Name1="dwl" Name2="dual wield light weapon" PointCost="100" Type="Other"> <Spell Array="buffweapon" /> <Spell Array="buffshield" /> <Spell Array="itembuffs" /> <Spell Name="Light Weapon Mastery Other VII" /> <Spell Name="Dual Wield Mastery Other VII" /> <Spell Name="Shield Mastery Other VII" /> <Spell Name="Dirty Fighting Mastery Other VII" /> <Spell Name="Recklessness Mastery Other VII" /> <Spell Name="Sneak Attack Mastery Other VII" /> <Spell Array="critter" /> <Spell Array="life" /> <Spell Array="3School" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="finesse" Name1="finesse weapon" Name2="fw" PointCost="100" Type="Other"> <Spell Array="buffweapon" /> <Spell Array="buffshield" /> <Spell Array="itembuffs" /> <Spell Name="Finesse Weapon Mastery Other VII" /> <Spell Name="Shield Mastery Other VII" /> <Spell Name="Dirty Fighting Mastery Other VII" /> <Spell Name="Recklessness Mastery Other VII" /> <Spell Name="Sneak Attack Mastery Other VII" /> <Spell Array="critter" /> <Spell Array="life" /> <Spell Array="3School" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="dual wield finesse" Name1="dual Wield finesse weapon" Name2="dwf" PointCost="100" Type="Other"> <Spell Array="buffweapon" /> <Spell Array="buffshield" /> <Spell Array="itembuffs" /> <Spell Name="Dual Wield Mastery Other VII" /> <Spell Name="Finesse Weapon Mastery Other VII" /> <Spell Name="Shield Mastery Other VII" /> <Spell Name="Dirty Fighting Mastery Other VII" /> <Spell Name="Recklessness Mastery Other VII" /> <Spell Name="Sneak Attack Mastery Other VII" /> <Spell Array="critter" /> <Spell Array="life" /> <Spell Array="3School" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="2h" Name1="Twohand" Name2="two handed" Name3="2hand" PointCost="100" Type="Other"> <Spell Array="buffweapon" /> <Spell Array="itembuffs" /> <Spell Name="Boon of T'ing" /> <Spell Array="critter" /> <Spell Array="life" /> <Spell Array="3School" /> <Spell Name="Shield Mastery Other VII" /> <Spell Name="Dirty Fighting Mastery Other VII" /> <Spell Name="Recklessness Mastery Other VII" /> <Spell Name="Sneak Attack Mastery Other VII" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="missile weapon" Name1="mw" Name2="missile" PointCost="100" Type="Other"> <Spell Array="buffbow" /> <Spell Array="itembuffs" /> <Spell Name="Missile Weapon Mastery Other VII" /> <Spell Name="Dirty Fighting Mastery Other VII" /> <Spell Name="Recklessness Mastery Other VII" /> <Spell Name="Sneak Attack Mastery Other VII" /> <Spell Array="critter" /> <Spell Array="life" /> <Spell Array="3School" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="potions" PointCost="50" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Boon of Refinement" /> <Spell Name="Calming Gaze" /> <Spell Name="Temeritous Touch" /> <Spell Name="Bolstered Will" /> <Spell Name="Hydra's Head" /> <Spell Name="Battlemage's Boon" /> <Spell Name="Silencia's Boon" /> <Spell Name="Avalenne's Boon" /> </SpellArray> - <!-- ==================================================================== --> - <!-- Supplemental Profiles ============================================== --> - <!-- ==================================================================== --> - <SpellArray Name="buffweapon" Name1="weapon" PointCost="30" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Infected Caress" /> <Spell Name="Elysa's Sight" /> <Spell Name="Atlan's Alacrity" /> <Spell Name="Cragstone's Will" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="buffbow" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Infected Caress" /> <Spell Name="Atlan's Alacrity" /> <Spell Name="Cragstone's Will" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="buffwand" Name1="wand" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Mystic's Blessing" /> <Spell Name="Infected Spirit Caress" /> <Spell Name="Cragstone's Will" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="buffshieldmini" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Brogard's Defiance" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="buffshieldfull" Name1="shield" Name2="sheild" PointCost="50" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Brogard's Defiance" /> <Spell Name="Swordsman's Bane" /> <Spell Name="Archer's Bane" /> <Spell Name="Tusker's Bane" /> <Spell Name="Inferno's Bane" /> <Spell Name="Olthoi's Bane" /> <Spell Name="Gelidite's Bane" /> <Spell Name="Astyrrian's Bane" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="buffshield" PointCost="30" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Brogard's Defiance" /> <Spell Name="Swordsman's Bane" /> <Spell Name="Archer's Bane" /> <Spell Name="Tusker's Bane" /> <Spell Name="Inferno's Bane" /> <Spell Name="Olthoi's Bane" /> <Spell Name="Gelidite's Bane" /> <Spell Name="Astyrrian's Bane" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="xpchain" Name1="allegiance" PointCost="30" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Ar-Pei's Boon" /> <Spell Name="Odif's Boon" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="tinkarmor" PointCost="30" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Jibril's Boon" /> <Spell Name="Temeritous Touch" /> <Spell Name="Calming Gaze" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="tinkitem" PointCost="30" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Yoshi's Boon" /> <Spell Name="Calming Gaze" /> <Spell Name="Bolstered Will" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="tinkmagic" PointCost="30" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Celdiseth's Boon" /> <Spell Name="Calming Gaze" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="tinkweapon" PointCost="30" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Koga's Boon" /> <Spell Name="Calming Gaze" /> <Spell Name="Might of the 5 Mules" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="allrenew" PointCost="30" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Hydra's Head" /> <Spell Name="Tenaciousness" /> <Spell Name="Battlemage's Boon" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="protects" PointCost="50" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Executor's Boon" /> <Spell Name="Boon of the Blade Turner" /> <Spell Name="Boon of the Mace Turner" /> <Spell Name="Boon of the Arrow Turner" /> <Spell Name="Fiery Boon" /> <Spell Name="Icy Boon" /> <Spell Name="Caustic Boon" /> <Spell Name="Storm's Boon" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="buffmule" Name1="buffgimp" Name2="supergimp" PointCost="25" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Calming Gaze" /> <Spell Name="Bolstered Will" /> <Spell Name="Temeritous Touch" /> <Spell Name="Might of the 5 Mules" /> <Spell Name="Celdiseth's Boon" /> <Spell Name="Ar-Pei's Boon" /> <Spell Name="Odif's Boon" /> </SpellArray> - <!-- Below is a VERY nice bit of work on the part of OZ-PK that he said we could steal. THANK YOU! --> - <SpellArray Name="megamule" Name1="SuperMule" PointCost="50" Type="Other"> <Spell Text="This is an All-inclusive Trade/Tinker mule profile" /> <Spell Name="Might of the 5 Mules" /> <Spell Name="Temeritous Touch" /> <Spell Name="Boon of Refinement" /> <Spell Name="Calming Gaze" /> <Spell Name="Bolstered Will" /> <Spell Name="Avalenne's Boon" /> <Spell Name="Morimoto's Boon" /> <Spell Name="Silencia's Boon" /> <Spell Name="Lilitha's Boon" /> <Spell Name="Oswald's Boon" /> <Spell Name="Jibril's Boon" /> <Spell Name="Yoshi's Boon" /> <Spell Name="Celdiseth's Boon" /> <Spell Name="Koga's Boon" /> <Spell Name="Celcynd's Boon" /> <Spell Name="Odif's Boon" /> <Spell Name="Ar-Pei's Boon" /> <Spell Name="Aliester's Boon" /> <Spell Name="Hydra's Head" /> <Spell Name="Tenaciousness" /> <Spell Name="Battlemage's Boon" /> <Spell Name="Boon of Tristra" /> <Spell Name="Ogfoot" /> <Spell Name="Saladur's Boon" /> </SpellArray> - <!-- *********************************************** --> - <!-- ************** PORTAL GEMS ******************** --> - <!-- *********************************************** --> - <!-- Castaway can use portal gems to summon locations elsewhere. --> - <!-- This however can be bad if you use gems for death items. --> - <!-- Allow this section with caution. --> - <!-- Use portal gem to Summon to Master Mages --> - <SpellArray Name="master mage" Name1="shoyanen" Name2="mayoi mage" PointCost="2500"> <Spell Text="Using the master mage gem now!" /> <Spell Emote="is now summoning Mayoi master mage" /> <Spell Delay="1000" /> <Spell UseItem="Shoyanen's Portal Gem" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="summon sanamar" Name1="sanamar" PointCost="500"> <Spell Text="Using the City Gem gem now!" /> <Spell Emote="is now summoning Sanamar" /> <Spell Delay="1000" /> <Spell UseItem="Sanamar Portal Gem" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="summon Silyun" Name1="silyun" PointCost="500"> <Spell Text="Using the City gem now!" /> <Spell Emote="is now summoning Silyun" /> <Spell Delay="1000" /> <Spell UseItem="Silyun Portal Gem" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="summon tn" Name1="town network" Name2="townnetwork" Name3="tn" PointCost="500"> <Spell Text="Using the City gem now!" /> <Spell Emote="is now summoning Town Network" /> <Spell Delay="1000" /> <Spell UseItem="Town Network Portal Gem" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="summon nanto" Name1="nanto" PointCost="500"> <Spell Text="Using the city gem now!" /> <Spell Emote="is now summoning Nanto" /> <Spell Delay="1000" /> <Spell UseItem="Nanto Portal Gem" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="summon yanshi" Name1="yanshi" PointCost="500"> <Spell Text="Using the city gem now!" /> <Spell Emote="is now summoning Yanshi" /> <Spell Delay="1000" /> <Spell UseItem="Yanshi Portal Gem" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="summon forth tethana" Name1="tethana" Name2="teth" PointCost="500"> <Spell Text="Using the city gem now!" /> <Spell Emote="is now summoning Fort Tethana" /> <Spell Delay="1000" /> <Spell UseItem="Fort Tethana Portal Gem" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="summon vissidal" Name1="vissy" Name2="viss" PointCost="500"> <Spell Text="Using the island gem now!" /> <Spell Emote="is now summoning Vissidal Island" /> <Spell Delay="1000" /> <Spell UseItem="Vissidal Island Portal Gem" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="summon shoushi" Name1="shoushi" PointCost="500"> <Spell Text="Using the city gem now!" /> <Spell Emote="is now summoning Shoushi" /> <Spell Delay="1000" /> <Spell UseItem="Shoushi Portal Gem" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="summon yaraq" Name1="yaraq" PointCost="500"> <Spell Text="Using the city gem now!" /> <Spell Emote="is now summoning Yaraq" /> <Spell Delay="1000" /> <Spell UseItem="Yaraq Portal Gem" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="summon rithwic" Name1="summon rith" Name2="rith" Name3="rithwic" PointCost="500"> <Spell Text="Using the city gem now!" /> <Spell Emote="is now summoning Rithwic" /> <Spell Delay="1000" /> <Spell UseItem="Rithwic Portal Gem" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="summon al-arqas" Name1="al-araqas" PointCost="500"> <Spell Text="Using the city gem now!" /> <Spell Emote="is now summoning Al-Arqas" /> <Spell Delay="1000" /> <Spell UseItem="Al-Arqas Portal Gem" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="summon samsur" Name1="samsur" PointCost="500"> <Spell Text="Using the city gem now!" /> <Spell Emote="is now summoning Samsur" /> <Spell Delay="1000" /> <Spell UseItem="Samsur Portal Gem" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="summon holtburg" Name1="summon holt" Name2="holt" Name3="holtburg" PointCost="500"> <Spell Text="Using the city gem now!" /> <Spell Emote="is now summoning Holtburg" /> <Spell Delay="1000" /> <Spell UseItem="Holtburg Portal Gem" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="summon lytelthorpe" Name1="lytelthorpe" PointCost="500"> <Spell Text="Using the city gem now!" /> <Spell Emote="is now summoning Lytelthorpe" /> <Spell Delay="1000" /> <Spell UseItem="Lytelthorpe Portal Gem" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="summon xarabydun" Name1="summon xara" Name2="xara" PointCost="500"> <Spell Text="Using the city gem now!" /> <Spell Emote="is now summoning Xarabydun" /> <Spell Delay="1000" /> <Spell UseItem="Xarabydun Portal Summoning Gem" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="summon linvak tukal" Name1="linvak" PointCost="500"> <Spell Text="Using the city gem now!" /> <Spell Emote="is now summoning Linvak Tukal" /> <Spell Delay="1000" /> <Spell UseItem="Linvak Tukal Portal Gem" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="summon redspire" Name1="redspire" PointCost="500"> <Spell Text="Using the city gem now!" /> <Spell Emote="is now summoning Redspire" /> <Spell Delay="1000" /> <Spell UseItem="Redspire Portal Gem" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="summon fadsahil" Name1="faddy" PointCost="500"> <Spell Text="Using the city gem now!" /> <Spell Emote="is now summoning Fadsahil Master Mage" /> <Spell Delay="1000" /> <Spell UseItem="Fadsahil's Portal Gem" /> </SpellArray> - <!-- 7 Life Protects --> - <SpellArray Name="armor" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Executor's Boon" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="bladep" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Boon of the Blade Turner" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="bludgep" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Boon of the Mace Turner" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="piercep" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Boon of the Arrow Turner" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="firep" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Fiery Boon" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="coldp" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Icy Boon" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="acidp" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Caustic Boon" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="electp" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Storm's Boon" /> </SpellArray> - <!-- 7 Life Regens --> - <SpellArray Name="regen" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Hydra's Head" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="rejuv" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Tenaciousness" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="manar" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Battlemage's Boon" /> </SpellArray> - <!-- 7 Critter Base Attribs --> - <SpellArray Name="strength" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Might of the 5 Mules" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="endurance" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Temeritous Touch" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="coord" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Boon of Refinement" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="quick" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Ogfoot" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="focus" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Calming Gaze" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="self" Name1="willpower" Name2="will" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Bolstered Will" /> </SpellArray> - <!-- 7 Critter Skills --> - <SpellArray Name="loyalty" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Odif's Boon" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="mana" PointCost="10" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Gift of Essence" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="leadership" Name1="leader" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Ar-Pei's Boon" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="jump" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Jahannan's Boon" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="run" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Saladur's Boon" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="meleed" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Web of Defense" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="missiled" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Web of Deflection" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="magicd" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Web of Resistance" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="lore" Name1="arcane" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Aliester's Boon" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="healing" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Avalenne's Boon" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="manac" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Nuhmudira's Boon" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="axem" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Reenigne's Boon" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="bowm" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Strathelar's Boon" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="xbowm" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Barnar's Boon" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="thrownm" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Asmolum's Boon" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="daggerm" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Gertarh's Boon" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="macem" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Mi-Krauli's Boon" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="spearm" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Tibri's Boon" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="staffm" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Anadil's Boon" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="swordm" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="MacNiall's Boon" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="uam" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Hamud's Boon" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="critterm" Name1="creaturem" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Adja's Boon" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="lifem" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Harlune's Boon" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="warm" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Hieromancer's Boon" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="itemm" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Celcynd's Boon" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="fletch" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Lilitha's Boon" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="alchey" Name1="alchemy" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Silencia's Boon" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="cooking" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Morimoto's Boon" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="lockpick" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Oswald's Boon" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="itemt" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Yoshi's Boon" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="armort" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Jibril's Boon" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="weapont" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Koga's Boon" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="magict" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Celdiseth's Boon" /> </SpellArray> - <!-- 7 Item Weapons --> - <SpellArray Name="bd" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Infected Caress" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="sk" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Atlan's Alacrity" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="defender" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Cragstone's Will" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="hs" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Elysa's Sight" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="hl" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Mystic's Blessing" /> </SpellArray> - <!-- 7 Item Armor --> - <SpellArray Name="imp" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Brogard's Defiance" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="bladeb" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Swordsman's Bane" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="bludgeb" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Tusker's Bane" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="pierceb" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Archer's Bane" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="fireb" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Inferno's Bane" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="coldb" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Gelidite's Bane" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="acidb" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Olthoi's Bane" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="electb" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Astyrrian's Bane" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="sneak" Name1="sneak attack" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Sneak Attack Mastery Other VII" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="recklessness" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Recklessness Mastery Other VII" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="dirty" Name1="dirty fighting" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Dirty Fighting Mastery Other VII" /> </SpellArray> - <SpellArray Name="salvage" Name1="salvaging" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> <Spell Name="Arcanum Enlightenment VII" /> </SpellArray> - <!-- =================================================================== --> - <!-- NOTE: If you are using Salvaging spells from Nuhmidira's Quest, you --> - <!-- should comment out the 3 lines above that begin with SpellArray and --> - <!-- end with /SpellArray. Then uncomment the 3 lines below that begin and --> - <!-- end with the same thing ============================================= --> - <!-- =================================================================== --> - <!-- <SpellArray Name="salvage" Name1="salvaging" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> --> - <!-- <Spell Name="Nuhmudira's Enlightenment"/> --> - <!-- </SpellArray> --> </spells> </intensity>
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Title: Moderator Dragon Wrangler
Jun 19, '04
Extended Info (if available)
Real Post Cnt: 12,912
User ID: 935,853
Castaway Buff bot profiles.
and in the bot speech file under the section you edit when someone tells you help: here is the section i also updated when you tell the bot help: <Text>DUAL WEILD BUFFS: Please Equip second weapon in main hand and tell me weapon to buff the dual weapon</Text> <Text>FIXES: All proflies include 3school and lockpick. Added heavy, finesse, light, dual heavy, dual light, dual finess and missle profiles.</Text> <Text>I am tied to %Primary% (%PrimaryWord%) and %Secondary% (%SecondaryWord%).</Text> <Text>Skills: light weapon-lw, dual wield light weapon-dwl, heavy weapon-hw, dual wield heavy weapon-dwh, finesse weapon-fw, dual wield finess weapon-dwf, missile weapon-mw, mage, void</Text> <Text>Add-Ons: 3school, weapon, shield, wand, trades, tinkers, megamule, protects, allrenew, xpchain, potions</Text> <Text>Other: gems, buffarmor, itembuffs, buffmule, megamule, line, about, whereto, primary, secondary</Text>
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Real Post Cnt: 0
User ID: 0
Castaway Buff bot profiles.
Tika, you spelled "wield" wrong there.
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Title: Moderator Dragon Wrangler
Jun 19, '04
Extended Info (if available)
Real Post Cnt: 12,912
User ID: 935,853
Castaway Buff bot profiles.
I'll check it. I had someone give me the spelling so they may have and posed the e and I... If its wrong I'll repost. Oh I see it in the speech file... Lol.. I r not guut speeeler!
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Real Post Cnt: 0
User ID: 0
Castaway Buff bot profiles.
Link to file on Mediafire is no longer valid. EDIT: NM, tried updated link, http://www.mediafire.com/?w04mspkmtb7gvqy
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Real Post Cnt: 0
User ID: 0
Castaway Buff bot profiles.
Thanks, that worked. Though the bot seems to crash a bit more than it used to. Perhaps it is my ISP or an overloaded router :-).
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Jul 8, '04
Extended Info (if available)
Real Post Cnt: 7,361
User ID: 942,648
Castaway Buff bot profiles.
anyone having the bot not doing all the arrays in the requested profiles? example.....the Mage profile gets 7 spells and only part of the "life" array. Does the same thing to several others. The bot says it is missing a spell when the bot knows the spell. Any ideas why this is happening?
Gones Clan Takada 30x275!
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Real Post Cnt: 0
User ID: 0
Castaway Buff bot profiles.
Could it be salvaging spell it says missing? SL
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Aug 23, '02
Extended Info (if available)
Real Post Cnt: 156
User ID: 708,569
Castaway Buff bot profiles.
I need help. keep getting this message.. Castaway: Fatal error loading C:\Documents and Settings\Gnugut\My Documents\Castaway\Settings\Frostfell\Kon\BotSpells.xml at line 1028 position 4 - End tag 'spells' does not match the start tag 'SpellArray'.
Castaway: CastAway Bot - Enter the Buffer Zone. Version (Beta Release)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Static array: put your Self Buffs here! -->
<!-- DO NOT change this SpellArray name or buffing will not work -->
<SpellArray Name="buffself" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Name="Adja's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Inner Calm"/>
<Spell Name="Mind Blossom"/>
<Spell Name="Celcynd's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Mystic's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Nuhmudira's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Perseverance"/>
<Spell Name="Harlune's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Unflinching Persistence"/>
<Spell Name="Battlemage's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Might of the Lugians"/>
<Spell Name="Ar-Pei's Blessing"/>
<!-- Static array: put your Stamina to Mana routine here! -->
<!-- DO NOT change this SpellArray name or Stamina to Mana will not work -->
<SpellArray Name="stam2mana" Security="Locked" Type="Any">
<Spell Name="Meditative Trance"/>
<Spell Name="Robustification"/>
<!-- DO NOT change this SpellArray name or Buff Lore will not work -->
<SpellArray Name="bufflore" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Name="Aliester's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Inner Calm"/>
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<!-- Every Profile ======================================================== -->
<!-- Used in all "Full" profiles for Self Buffing================================== -->
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<SpellArray Name="critterself" Security="Locked" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Might of the Lugians"/>
<Spell Name="Perseverance"/>
<Spell Name="Honed Control"/>
<Spell Name="Hastening"/>
<Spell Name="Inner Calm"/>
<Spell Name="Mind Blossom"/>
<Spell Name="Odif's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Ar-Pei's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Aliester's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Jahannan's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Saladur's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Aura of Defense"/>
<Spell Name="Aura of Deflection"/>
<Spell Name="Aura of Resistance"/>
<Spell Name="Avalenne's Blessing"/>
<SpellArray Name="itemself" Security="Locked" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Nuhmudira's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Battlemage's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Celcynd's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Inner Calm"/>
<Spell Name="Mind Blossom"/>
<SpellArray Name="lifeself" Security="Locked" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Executor's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Blessing of the Blade Turner"/>
<Spell Name="Blessing of the Arrow Turner"/>
<Spell Name="Blessing of the Mace Turner"/>
<Spell Name="Fiery Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Caustic Blessing "/>
<Spell Name="Storm's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Robustify"/>
<Spell Name="Unflinching Persistence"/>
<SpellArray Name="wandself" Security="Locked" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Mystic's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Cragstone's Will"/>
<Spell Name="Infected Spirit Caress"/>
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<!-- Self Buffing Spell Arrays Start here ====================================== -->
<!-- ==================================================================== -->
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<SpellArray Name="*Archer" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Array="itemself"/>
<Spell Array="critterself"/>
<Spell Array="lifeself"/>
<Spell Name="Strathelar's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Lilitha's Blessing"/>
<SpellArray Name="*Axe" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Array="itemself"/>
<Spell Array="critterself"/>
<Spell Array="lifeself"/>
<Spell Name="Reenigne's Blessing"/>
<SpellArray Name="*Dagger" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Array="itemself"/>
<Spell Array="critterself"/>
<Spell Array="lifeself"/>
<Spell Name="Gertarh's Blessing"/>
<SpellArray Name="*Mace" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Array="itemself"/>
<Spell Array="critterself"/>
<Spell Array="lifeself"/>
<Spell Name="Mi-Krauli's Blessing"/>
<SpellArray Name="*Mage" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Name="Nuhmudira's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Battlemage's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Adja's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Celcynd's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Harlune's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Hieromancer's Blessing"/>
<Spell Array="wandself"/>
<Spell Array="lifeself"/>
<Spell Array="critterself"/>
<SpellArray Name="*Spear" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Array="itemself"/>
<Spell Array="critterself"/>
<Spell Array="lifeself"/>
<Spell Name="Tibri's Blessing"/>
<SpellArray Name="*Staff" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Array="itemself"/>
<Spell Array="critterself"/>
<Spell Array="lifeself"/>
<Spell Name="Anadil's Blessing"/>
<SpellArray Name="*Sword" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Array="itemself"/>
<Spell Array="critterself"/>
<Spell Array="lifeself"/>
<Spell Name="MacNiall's Blessing"/>
<SpellArray Name="*Thrown" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Array="itemself"/>
<Spell Array="critterself"/>
<Spell Array="lifeself"/>
<Spell Name="Asmolum's Blessing"/>
<SpellArray Name="*UA" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Array="itemself"/>
<Spell Array="critterself"/>
<Spell Array="lifeself"/>
<Spell Name="Hamud's Blessing"/>
<SpellArray Name="*Xbow" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Array="itemself"/>
<Spell Array="critterself"/>
<Spell Array="lifeself"/>
<Spell Name="Barnar's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Lilitha's Blessing"/>
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<!-- Specialty Self Buffing Spell Arrays Start here ============================== -->
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<SpellArray Name="*3School" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Name="Nuhmudira's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Battlemage's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Adja's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Celcynd's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Harlune's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Inner Calm"/>
<Spell Name="Mind Blossom"/>
<SpellArray Name="*Lore" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Name="Aliester's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Inner Calm"/>
<SpellArray Name="*Potions" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Name="Honed Control"/>
<Spell Name="Inner Calm"/>
<Spell Name="Perseverance"/>
<Spell Name="Mind Blossom"/>
<Spell Name="Robustify"/>
<Spell Name="Battlemage's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Silencia's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Avalenne's Blessing"/>
<SpellArray Name="*Salvage" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Name="Arcanum Salvaging VII"/>
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<!-- NOTE: If you are using Salvaging spells from Nuhmidira's Quest, you -->
<!-- should comment out the 3 lines above that begin with SpellArray and -->
<!-- end with /SpellArray. Then uncomment the 3 lines below that begin and -->
<!-- end with the same thing =============================================-->
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<!-- <SpellArray Name="*Salvage" Security="Locked" Type="Self"> -->
<!-- <Spell Name="Nuhmudira's Wisdom VII"/> -->
<!-- </SpellArray> -->
<SpellArray Name="*Tinkers" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Name="Honed Control"/>
<Spell Name="Inner Calm"/>
<Spell Name="Yoshi's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Perseverance"/>
<Spell Name="Jibril's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Might of the Lugians"/>
<Spell Name="Koga's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Celdiseth's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Arcanum Enlightenment VII"/>
<SpellArray Name="*Trades" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Name="Honed Control"/>
<Spell Name="Inner Calm"/>
<Spell Name="Silencia's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Lilitha's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Morimoto's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Oswald's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Arcanum Enlightenment VII"/>
<!-- Static array: put your Summon Primary Portal routine here! -->
<!-- DO NOT change this SpellArray name or Summoning Portals will not work -->
<SpellArray Name="summon1" Security="Locked" Type="Any">
<Spell Speech="I will be opening a portal to %Primary% if anyone else wants a ride."/>
<Spell Text="Portal to %Primary% coming up!"/>
<Spell Heading="%PrimaryHeading%"/>
<Spell Delay="1200"/>
<Spell Name="Summon Primary Portal I"/>
<!-- Static array: put your Summon Secondary Portal routine here! -->
<!-- DO NOT change this SpellArray name or Summoning Portals will not work -->
<SpellArray Name="summon2" Security="Locked" Type="Any">
<Spell Speech="I will be opening a portal to %Secondary% if anyone else wants a ride."/>
<Spell Text="Portal to %Secondary% coming up!"/>
<Spell Heading="%SecondaryHeading%"/>
<Spell Delay="1200"/>
<Spell Name="Summon Secondary Portal I"/>
<!-- Static array: pause and beg for money if option enabled. Use Delay for pausing -->
<!-- DO NOT change this SpellArray name -->
<SpellArray Name="BegForMoney" Security="Locked" Type="Any">
<Spell Text="Pausing 5 seconds for any donations"/>
<Spell Delay="5000"/>
<!-- Static array: events you want to happen upon your death -->
<!-- DO NOT change this SpellArray name -->
<SpellArray Name="OnDeathEvent" Security="Locked" Type="Any">
<Spell Speech="Dead again!"/>
<Spell TypeText="/permit add nobody_special"/>
<Spell TypeText="/t nobody_special,I died at %CorpseLocation% - come get my stuff?"/>
<Spell TypeText="/logout"/>
<Spell TypeText="/logout"/>
<Spell TypeText="/logout"/>
<!-- Static array: events you want to happen when you run below 50 scarabs, 1,000 tapers -->
<!-- DO NOT change this SpellArray name -->
<SpellArray Name="LowCompsEvent" Security="Locked" Type="Any">
<Spell Speech="Help! I'm low on comps! Tell me COMPS for more information!"/>
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<!-- BuffArmor Profiles ================================================ -->
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<!-- BuffArmor spells are different than regular spells, because we will be buffing armor while they're WEARING IT (yes I'm serious). Notice that these spells have "<Spell BuffArmor" instead of "<Spell Name". Never put Spell Name= on buffarmor commands, or your bot will fail. -->
<SpellArray Name="buffarmor" PointCost="1" Type="Other">
<Spell Text="I'm opening a trade window with you, enable trades now!"/>
<Spell Text="You have 10 seconds to stand on top of me. Come VERY close."/>
<Spell Stance="1"/>
<Spell Delay="9000"/>
<Spell OpenTrade="1"/>
<Spell Text="You have 25 seconds to add armor. DO NOT cancel the trade. DO NOT hand me armor."/>
<Spell Delay="22000"/>
<Spell Text="I found %colBuffArmor% pieces to buff. Equip these items, then give me one of these commands:"/>
<Spell Text="Bane commands: allbane, minibane, tuskerbane, olthoibane"/>
<SpellArray Name="allbane" PointCost="50" Type="Armor">
<Spell BuffArmor="Brogard's Defiance"/>
<Spell BuffArmor="Swordsman's Bane"/>
<Spell BuffArmor="Tusker's Bane"/>
<Spell BuffArmor="Archer's Bane"/>
<Spell BuffArmor="Inferno's Bane"/>
<Spell BuffArmor="Gelidite's Bane"/>
<Spell BuffArmor="Olthoi's Bane"/>
<Spell BuffArmor="Astyrrian's Bane"/>
<SpellArray Name="minibane" PointCost="20" Type="Armor">
<Spell BuffArmor="Brogard's Defiance"/>
<SpellArray Name="tuskerbane" PointCost="30" Type="Armor">
<Spell BuffArmor="Brogard's Defiance"/>
<Spell BuffArmor="Tusker's Bane"/>
<SpellArray Name="olthoibane" Name1="bugbane" PointCost="30" Type="Armor">
<Spell BuffArmor="Brogard's Defiance"/>
<Spell BuffArmor="Archer's Bane"/>
<Spell BuffArmor="Swordsman's Bane"/>
<Spell BuffArmor="Olthoi's Bane"/>
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<!-- Every Profile ===================================================== -->
<!-- Used in all "Full" profiles ======================================= -->
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<SpellArray Name="critter" PointCost="50" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Might of the 5 Mules"/>
<Spell Name="Temeritous Touch"/>
<Spell Name="Boon of Refinement"/>
<Spell Name="Ogfoot"/>
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze"/>
<Spell Name="Bolstered Will"/>
<Spell Name="Odif's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Ar-Pei's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Aliester's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Jahannan's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Saladur's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Web of Defense"/>
<Spell Name="Web of Deflection"/>
<Spell Name="Web of Resistance"/>
<Spell Name="Avalenne's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Ketnan's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Adja's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Harlune's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Celcynd's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Arcanum Enlightenment VII"/>
<Spell Name="Topheron's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Kaluhc's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="life" PointCost="50" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Executor's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Boon of the Blade Turner"/>
<Spell Name="Boon of the Arrow Turner"/>
<Spell Name="Boon of the Mace Turner"/>
<Spell Name="Fiery Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Icy Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Caustic Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Storm's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Hydra's Head"/>
<Spell Name="Tenaciousness"/>
<!-- ==================================================================== -->
<!-- Full Profiles ====================================================== -->
<!-- ==================================================================== -->
<SpellArray Name="axe" Name1="fullaxe" Name2="allaxe" PointCost="100" Type="Other">
<Spell Array="buffweapon"/>
<Spell Array="buffshieldfull"/>
<Spell Array="itembuffs"/>
<Spell Name="Reenigne's Boon"/>
<Spell Array="critter"/>
<Spell Array="life"/>
<SpellArray Name="archer" Name1="bow" Name2="fullbow" Name3="allbow" Name4="fullarcher" Name5="allarcher" PointCost="100" Type="Other">
<Spell Array="buffbow" />
<Spell Array="itembuffs" />
<Spell Name="Missile Weapon Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Dirty Fighting Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Recklessness Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Sneak Attack Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Array="critter" />
<Spell Array="life" />
<Spell Array="3School" />
<Spell Name="Lilitha's Boon" />
<SpellArray Name="xbow" Name1="fullxbow" Name2="allxbow" Name3="crossbow" PointCost="100" Type="Other">
<Spell Array="buffbow" />
<Spell Array="itembuffs" />
<Spell Name="Missile Weapon Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Dirty Fighting Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Recklessness Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Sneak Attack Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Array="critter" />
<Spell Array="life" />
<Spell Array="3School" />
<Spell Name="Lilitha's Boon" />
<SpellArray Name="thrown" Name1="fullthrown" Name2="allthrown" PointCost="100" Type="Other">
<Spell Array="buffbow" />
<Spell Array="itembuffs" />
<Spell Name="Missile Weapon Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Dirty Fighting Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Recklessness Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Sneak Attack Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Array="critter" />
<Spell Array="life" />
<Spell Array="3School" />
<Spell Name="Lilitha's Boon" />
<SpellArray Name="heavy" Name1="hw" Name2="heavy weapon" PointCost="100" Type="Other">
<Spell Array="buffweapon" />
<Spell Array="buffshield" />
<Spell Array="itembuffs" />
<Spell Name="Shield Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Dirty Fighting Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Recklessness Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Sneak Attack Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Heavy Weapon Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Array="critter" />
<Spell Array="life" />
<Spell Array="3School" />
<SpellArray Name="dual wield heavy" Name1="dwh" Name2="dual wield heavy weapon" PointCost="100" Type="Other">
<Spell Array="buffweapon" />
<Spell Array="buffshield" />
<Spell Array="itembuffs" />
<Spell Name="Heavy Weapon Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Dual Wield Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Array="critter" />
<Spell Name="Shield Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Dirty Fighting Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Recklessness Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Sneak Attack Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Array="life" />
<Spell Array="3School" />
<SpellArray Name="mage" Name1="fullmage" Name2="allmage" PointCost="100" Type="Other">
<Spell Array="buffwand" />
<Spell Name="Nuhmudira's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Battlemage's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Sneak Attack Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Adja's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Celcynd's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Harlune's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Hieromancer's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Harlune's Boon" />
<Spell Array="critter" />
<Spell Array="life" />
<SpellArray Name="void" Name1="fullvoid" PointCost="100" Type="Other">
<Spell Array="buffwand" />
<Spell Name="Nuhmudira's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Battlemage's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Void Magic Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Adja's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Sneak Attack Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Celcynd's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Harlune's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Harlune's Boon" />
<Spell Array="critter" />
<Spell Array="life" />
<SpellArray Name="3school" Name1="magic" PointCost="50" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Nuhmudira's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Battlemage's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Adja's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Celcynd's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Harlune's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze" />
<Spell Name="Bolstered Will" />
<SpellArray Name="itembuffs" PointCost="30" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Nuhmudira's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Battlemage's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Celcynd's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze" />
<Spell Name="Bolstered Will" />
<SpellArray Name="trades" Name1="alltrades" Name2="fulltrades" Name3="trade" PointCost="50" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Boon of Refinement" />
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze" />
<Spell Name="Silencia's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Lilitha's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Morimoto's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Oswald's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Ogfoot" />
<Spell Name="Saladur's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Might of the 5 Mules" />
<SpellArray Name="tinkers" Name1="tinker" Name2="fulltinker" Name3="alltinker" PointCost="50" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze" />
<Spell Name="Boon of Refinement" />
<Spell Name="Yoshi's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Temeritous Touch" />
<Spell Name="Jibril's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Might of the 5 Mules" />
<Spell Name="Koga's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Celdiseth's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Boon of Refinement" />
<Spell Name="Boon of Trista" />
<Spell Name="Ogfoot" />
<Spell Name="Saladur's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Might of the 5 Mules" />
<SpellArray Name="light" Name1="lw" Name2="light weapon" PointCost="100" Type="Other">
<Spell Array="buffweapon" />
<Spell Array="buffshield" />
<Spell Array="itembuffs" />
<Spell Name="Light Weapon Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Array="critter" />
<Spell Name="Shield Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Dirty Fighting Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Recklessness Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Sneak Attack Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Array="life" />
<Spell Array="3School" />
<SpellArray Name="dual wield light" Name1="dwl" Name2="dual wield light weapon" PointCost="100" Type="Other">
<Spell Array="buffweapon" />
<Spell Array="buffshield" />
<Spell Array="itembuffs" />
<Spell Name="Light Weapon Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Dual Wield Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Shield Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Dirty Fighting Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Recklessness Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Sneak Attack Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Array="critter" />
<Spell Array="life" />
<Spell Array="3School" />
<SpellArray Name="finesse" Name1="finesse weapon" Name2="fw" PointCost="100" Type="Other">
<Spell Array="buffweapon" />
<Spell Array="buffshield" />
<Spell Array="itembuffs" />
<Spell Name="Finesse Weapon Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Shield Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Dirty Fighting Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Recklessness Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Sneak Attack Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Array="critter" />
<Spell Array="life" />
<Spell Array="3School" />
<SpellArray Name="dual wield finesse" Name1="dual Wield finesse weapon" Name2="dwf" PointCost="100" Type="Other">
<Spell Array="buffweapon" />
<Spell Array="buffshield" />
<Spell Array="itembuffs" />
<Spell Name="Dual Wield Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Finesse Weapon Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Shield Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Dirty Fighting Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Recklessness Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Sneak Attack Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Array="critter" />
<Spell Array="life" />
<Spell Array="3School" />
<SpellArray Name="2h" Name1="Twohand" Name2="two handed" Name3="2hand" PointCost="100" Type="Other">
<Spell Array="buffweapon" />
<Spell Array="itembuffs" />
<Spell Name="Boon of T'ing" />
<Spell Array="critter" />
<Spell Array="life" />
<Spell Array="3School" />
<Spell Name="Shield Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Dirty Fighting Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Recklessness Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Sneak Attack Mastery Other VII" />
<SpellArray Name="missile weapon" Name1="mw" Name2="missile" PointCost="100" Type="Other">
<Spell Array="buffbow" />
<Spell Array="itembuffs" />
<Spell Name="Missile Weapon Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Dirty Fighting Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Recklessness Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Name="Sneak Attack Mastery Other VII" />
<Spell Array="critter" />
<Spell Array="life" />
<Spell Array="3School" />
<SpellArray Name="potions" PointCost="50" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Boon of Refinement" />
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze" />
<Spell Name="Temeritous Touch" />
<Spell Name="Bolstered Will" />
<Spell Name="Hydra's Head" />
<Spell Name="Battlemage's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Silencia's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Avalenne's Boon" />
<!-- ==================================================================== -->
<!-- Supplemental Profiles ============================================== -->
<!-- ==================================================================== -->
<SpellArray Name="buffweapon" Name1="weapon" PointCost="30" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Infected Caress"/>
<Spell Name="Elysa's Sight"/>
<Spell Name="Atlan's Alacrity"/>
<Spell Name="Cragstone's Will"/>
<SpellArray Name="buffbow" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Infected Caress"/>
<Spell Name="Cragstone's Will"/>
<Spell Name="Atlan's Alacrity"/>
<SpellArray Name="buffwand" Name1="wand" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Mystic's Blessing"/>
<Spell Name="Cragstone's Will"/>
<Spell Name="Infected Spirit Caress"/>
<SpellArray Name="buffshieldmini" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Brogard's Defiance"/>
<SpellArray Name="buffshieldfull" Name1="shield" Name2="sheild" PointCost="50" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Brogard's Defiance"/>
<Spell Name="Swordsman's Bane"/>
<Spell Name="Archer's Bane"/>
<Spell Name="Tusker's Bane"/>
<Spell Name="Inferno's Bane"/>
<Spell Name="Gelidite's Bane"/>
<Spell Name="Olthoi's Bane"/>
<Spell Name="Astyrrian's Bane"/>
<SpellArray Name="buffshield" PointCost="30" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Brogard's Defiance"/>
<Spell Name="Swordsman's Bane"/>
<Spell Name="Archer's Bane"/>
<Spell Name="Tusker's Bane"/>
<SpellArray Name="xpchain" Name1="allegiance" PointCost="30" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Ar-Pei's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Odif's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="tinkarmor" PointCost="30" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Jibril's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Temeritous Touch"/>
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze"/>
<SpellArray Name="tinkitem" PointCost="30" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Yoshi's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze"/>
<Spell Name="Bolstered Will"/>
<SpellArray Name="tinkmagic" PointCost="30" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Celdiseth's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze"/>
<SpellArray Name="tinkweapon" PointCost="30" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Koga's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze"/>
<Spell Name="Might of the 5 Mules"/>
<SpellArray Name="gearcraft" PointCost="30" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Yoshi's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze"/>
<Spell Name="Boon of Refinement"/>
<SpellArray Name="allrenew" PointCost="30" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Hydra's Head"/>
<Spell Name="Tenaciousness"/>
<Spell Name="Battlemage's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="protects" PointCost="50" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Executor's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Boon of the Blade Turner"/>
<Spell Name="Boon of the Mace Turner"/>
<Spell Name="Boon of the Arrow Turner"/>
<Spell Name="Fiery Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Icy Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Caustic Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Storm's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="buffmule" Name1="buffgimp" Name2="supergimp" PointCost="25" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze"/>
<Spell Name="Bolstered Will"/>
<Spell Name="Temeritous Touch"/>
<Spell Name="Might of the 5 Mules"/>
<Spell Name="Celdiseth's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Ar-Pei's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Odif's Boon"/>
<!--Below is a VERY nice bit of work on the part of OZ-PK that he said we could steal. THANK YOU!-->
<SpellArray Name="megamule" Name1="SuperMule" PointCost="50" Type="Other">
<Spell Text="This is an All-inclusive Trade/Tinker mule profile."/>
<Spell Name="Might of the 5 Mules"/>
<Spell Name="Temeritous Touch"/>
<Spell Name="Boon of Refinement"/>
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze"/>
<Spell Name="Bolstered Will"/>
<Spell Name="Avalenne's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Morimoto's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Silencia's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Lilitha's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Oswald's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Jibril's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Yoshi's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Celdiseth's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Koga's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Celcynd's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Odif's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Ar-Pei's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Aliester's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Hydra's Head"/>
<Spell Name="Tenaciousness"/>
<Spell Name="Battlemage's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Arcanum Enlightenment VII"/>
<SpellArray Name="botpro" Name1="TradeBot" Type="Other">
<Spell Text="This was slapped together by Hemenucha of Frostfell. Feel free to use it on your buffbot."/>
<Spell Text="These are physical protections and melee defense buffs."/>
<Spell Name="Might of the 5 Mules"/>
<Spell Name="Temeritous Touch"/>
<Spell Name="Ogfoot"/>
<Spell Name="Boon of Refinement"/>
<Spell Name="Executor's Boon"/>
<Spell Name="Boon of the Blade Turner"/>
<Spell Name="Boon of the Mace Turner"/>
<Spell Name="Boon of the Arrow Turner"/>
<Spell Name="Hydra's Head"/>
<Spell Name="Tenaciousness"/>
<Spell Name="Web of Defense"/>
<!-- *********************************************** -->
<!-- ************** PORTAL GEMS ******************** -->
<!-- *********************************************** -->
<!-- Castaway can use portal gems to summon locations elsewhere. -->
<!-- This however can be bad if you use gems for death items. -->
<!-- Allow this section with caution. -->
<!-- Use portal gem to Summon to Master Mages-->
<SpellArray Name="sho master mage" Name1="shoyanen" Name2="mayoi mage" PointCost="2500">
<Spell Text="Lemme see if I've got a gem to pop."/>
<Spell Emote="rummages around for a Sho master mage gem."/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Shoyanen's Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="gharu master mage" Name1="fadsahil" Name2="desert mage" PointCost="2500">
<Spell Text="Lemme see if I've got a gem to pop."/>
<Spell Text="From this drop, run to 40.3S 11.2E."/>
<Spell Emote="rummages around for a Gharu master mage gem."/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Fadsahil's Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="aluvian master mage" Name1="celdiseth" Name2="north mage" PointCost="2500">
<Spell Text="Lemme see if I've got a gem to pop."/>
<Spell Emote="rummages around for an Aluvian master mage gem."/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Celdiseth's Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="summon nanto" Name1="nanto" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!"/>
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Nanto."/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Nanto Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="summon yanshi" Name1="yanshi" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!"/>
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Yanshi."/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Yanshi Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="summon shoushi" Name1="shoushi" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!"/>
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Shoushi."/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Shoushi Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="summon yaraq" Name1="yaraq" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!"/>
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Yaraq."/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Yaraq Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="summon rithwic" Name1="summon rith" Name2="rith" Name3="rithwic" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!"/>
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Rithwic."/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Rithwic Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="summon al-arqas" Name1="al-araqas" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!"/>
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Al-Arqas."/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Al-Arqas Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="summon samsur" Name1="samsur" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!"/>
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Samsur."/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Samsur Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="summon holtburg" Name1="summon holt" Name2="holt" Name3="holtburg" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!"/>
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Holtburg."/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Holtburg Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="summon lytelthorpe" Name1="lytelthorpe" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!"/>
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Lytelthorpe."/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Lytelthorpe Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="summon xarabydun" Name1="summon xara" Name2="xara" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!"/>
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Xarabydun."/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Xarabydun Portal Summoning Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="summon silyun" Name1="silyun" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!"/>
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Silyun."/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Silyun Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="summon sanamar" Name1="sanamar" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!"/>
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Sanamar."/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Sanamar Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="summon vissidal" Name1="vissidal" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Lemme see if I've got a gem to pop."/>
<Spell Emote="rummages around for a Viss gem."/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Vissidal Island Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="summon redspire" Name1="redspire" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!"/>
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Redspire."/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Redspire Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="summon ahruenga" Name1="ahruenga" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!"/>
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Ahurenga."/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Ahruenga Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="summon linvak tukal" Name1="linvak tukal" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!"/>
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Linvak Tukal."/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Linvak Tukal Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="summon fort tethana" Name1="fort tethana" Name2="fort teth" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!"/>
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Fort Tethana."/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Fort Tethana Portal Gem"/>
<SpellArray Name="summon town network" Name1="town network" Name2="network" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Lemme see if I've got a gem to pop."/>
<Spell Emote="rummages around for a Town Network gem."/>
<Spell Delay="1000"/>
<Spell UseItem="Town Network Portal Gem"/>
<!-- 7 Life Protects -->
<SpellArray Name="armor" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Executor's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="bladep" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Boon of the Blade Turner"/>
<SpellArray Name="bludgep" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Boon of the Mace Turner"/>
<SpellArray Name="piercep" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Boon of the Arrow Turner"/>
<SpellArray Name="firep" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Fiery Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="coldp" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Icy Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="acidp" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Caustic Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="electp" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Storm's Boon"/>
<!-- 7 Life Regens -->
<SpellArray Name="regen" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Hydra's Head"/>
<SpellArray Name="rejuv" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Tenaciousness"/>
<SpellArray Name="manar" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Battlemage's Boon"/>
<!-- 7 Critter Base Attribs -->
<SpellArray Name="strength" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Might of the 5 Mules"/>
<SpellArray Name="endurance" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Temeritous Touch"/>
<SpellArray Name="coord" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Boon of Refinement"/>
<SpellArray Name="quick" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Ogfoot"/>
<SpellArray Name="focus" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze"/>
<SpellArray Name="self" Name1="willpower" Name2="will" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Bolstered Will"/>
<!-- 7 Critter Skills -->
<SpellArray Name="loyalty" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Odif's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="leadership" Name1="leader" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Ar-Pei's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="jump" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Jahannan's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="run" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Saladur's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="meleed" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Web of Defense"/>
<SpellArray Name="missiled" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Web of Deflection"/>
<SpellArray Name="magicd" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Web of Resistance"/>
<SpellArray Name="lore" Name1="arcane" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Aliester's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="healing" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Avalenne's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="manac" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Nuhmudira's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="axem" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Reenigne's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="bowm" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Strathelar's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="xbowm" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Barnar's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="thrownm" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Asmolum's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="daggerm" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Gertarh's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="macem" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Mi-Krauli's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="spearm" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Tibri's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="staffm" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Anadil's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="swordm" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="MacNiall's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="uam" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Hamud's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="critterm" Name1="creaturem" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Adja's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="lifem" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Harlune's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="warm" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Hieromancer's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="itemm" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Celcynd's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="fletch" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Lilitha's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="alchey" Name1="alchemy" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Silencia's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="cooking" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Morimoto's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="lockpick" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Oswald's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="itemt" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Yoshi's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="armort" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Jibril's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="weapont" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Koga's Boon"/>
<SpellArray Name="magict" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Celdiseth's Boon"/>
<!-- 7 Item Weapons -->
<SpellArray Name="bd" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Infected Caress"/>
<SpellArray Name="sk" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Atlan's Alacrity"/>
<SpellArray Name="defender" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Cragstone's Will"/>
<SpellArray Name="hs" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Elysa's Sight"/>
<SpellArray Name="hl" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Mystic's Blessing"/>
<!-- 7 Item Armor -->
<SpellArray Name="imp" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Brogard's Defiance"/>
<SpellArray Name="bladeb" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Swordsman's Bane"/>
<SpellArray Name="bludgeb" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Tusker's Bane"/>
<SpellArray Name="pierceb" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Archer's Bane"/>
<SpellArray Name="fireb" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Inferno's Bane"/>
<SpellArray Name="coldb" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Gelidite's Bane"/>
<SpellArray Name="acidb" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Olthoi's Bane"/>
<SpellArray Name="electb" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Astyrrian's Bane"/>
<SpellArray Name="salvage" Name1="salvaging" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Arcanum Enlightenment VII"/>
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<!-- NOTE: If you are using Salvaging spells from Nuhmidira's Quest, you -->
<!-- should comment out the 3 lines above that begin with SpellArray and -->
<!-- end with /SpellArray. Then uncomment the 3 lines below that begin and -->
<!-- end with the same thing =============================================-->
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<!-- <SpellArray Name="salvage" Name1="salvaging" PointCost="20" Type="Other"> -->
<!-- <Spell Name="Nuhmudira's Enlightenment"/> -->
<!-- </SpellArray> -->
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