Author Topic: Xpender...anyone have an alternative?
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Subject: Xpender...anyone have an alternative?
I don't like clicking hundreds of times when I'm letting my toons leech under my main since I have alternate accounts and was wondering if there is a updated version of Xpender or an alternative version of it?

Currently it isnt detecting but up to 190 in a stat... i dunno if its suppose to or not since the max is 290 in a stat...
Maybe someone can clarify if it is or isn't able to be used atm... due to that... its a little confusing and so far hasn't been working for me...

Anyways.. I would like to request for it to be updated or ported over to virindi version or something of the sort...

Really hate it when you have say.. (example) 10billion xp worth of xp to spend and your wearing your buttons out across multiple toons...

Anyways, let me know if anyone is able to help.. it wouldn't just benefit me but everyone who has multiple toons or just hate wearing out a high dollar mouse/keyboard on by clicking points into skills.. let alone if you're on a laptop where you cannot replace the keys without sending it into the manufacturer...


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Subject: Xpender...anyone have an alternative?

Sorry, I can't help with an alternative. I just wanted to laugh at your post. You have so much XP on your toons that you're afraid of wearing out a 'high dollar' mouse/keyboard??? OMG! Too funny! I guess that I should stop saying that I've seen -all- possible silliness on this forum. You people are getting more imaginative by the minute!

Maybe if you were at the kb while collecting XP, you could use spend it as it comes in and not have to do a marathon arrow clicking. LOL

Hound the developer of Vtank, maybe she can add this. Think of all the money people would save if they never had to use their mouse and keyboard for anything!!! LOL LOL LOL


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Subject: Xpender...anyone have an alternative?
its so sad to see someone make fun of another without knowing a thing about them. very sad.

Too bad for you, the joke is on you because I'm always at the keyboard unless I have something to do. Which then I log out, I have time on my hands because I'm disabled so that's why I can spend so much time at the keys.


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Subject: Xpender...anyone have an alternative?
Umm.. you can only put 190 into a stat....


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Subject: Xpender...anyone have an alternative?
ok, thanks for an honest reply.
I guess it was my miss conception of what i thought it was suppose to be viewed as.. I guess it doesn't count the base stat but instead only the points you can put into a stat so instead of it counting say... 100 into say... coordination it wont say 290 but instead 190 because like you said, only 190 can go into a stat...

Thanks for the clarification. happy


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