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Topic: UPDATE: Blizzard Debunks Diablo III Release Date
"For now, Blizzard hasn't announced when Diablo III will be coming out, so nothing is confirmed. Still, the fact that Best Buy is printing ads suggests that they're pretty confident about this release date. Blizzard hasn't commented on the display, but we've reached out and will update with any information they provide."
surprising that they haven't nixed the Best Buy promo..
April 26th..the day the future will be known...NFL draft.
I'd rather be kicked in the face then be a Patriots fan!
Quazimortal Title:The One and Only Posts:17,806 Registered:Sep 18, '04
Extended Info (if available) Real Post Cnt: 17,157 User ID: 968,129
Subject:UPDATE: Blizzard Debunks Diablo III Release Date
I'd bet money that it'll be within 2 weeks of that date at the latest.
“A painter paints his pictures on canvas. But musicians paint their pictures on silence. We provide the music, and you provide the silence.†~Leopold Stokowski