Jan 19, '04
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User ID: 884,279
New Craftbot Post
Thanks to my guildy on HG we have craftbot working again he wanted me to post this for him all the info is here. PopaFizzle is working on a better one yet but this one is up and working for all the craftbot user and operators out there http://forums.ac.turbine.com/showthread.php?p=610317
Holtaburg Buffbot Stoner and Tradebot Jadefire Monarch of The KCrew Clan
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Oct 30, '03
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New Craftbot Post
The reason people stopped using Craftbot is because it would randomly ignore T#'s, not because of the salvage, which would blow peoples items up. Was the cause for that found and fixed?
Never! Never! Never! take a sleeping pill and a laxative at the same time.
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Jan 19, '04
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Real Post Cnt: 202
User ID: 884,279
New Craftbot Post
Its still a work inprogress CraftBot - New Version, Fixed Tinking w/ All Salvage -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello AC Community, I spent my Christmas vacation working on CraftBot. I disassembled the DLL with Reflector as Paraduck suggested in his VN Boards post and was able to rewrite it and fix the tinking of Salvage Because I disassembled the DLL, instead of using the original Source, I had to touch almost every line of code so there is a chance this new version has bugs introduced that the last version didn't have. Additionally, I added code to make salvage work, and I am not done with my work... One known issue is that the workmanship of your salvage is showing up incorrectly. The format of that text is kind of weird also. I am taking feedback in this forum post, please let me know of bugs and issues you run into. I am not aware of any of the old bugs, so it's OK to post those too. Any and all feedback is good and I am hoping to make some additions to the code once I get it's format finished. I will release the SourceCode when I am done renaming all of the objects and resolve any new bugs I created... ---Download/Install instructions--- (Note, you do not need to reinstall, if you already have this installed, skip the install step) Download the original installer here: http://www.firesickle.com/files/CraftBotInstaller.zip Download the new DLL here: http://www.firesickle.com/files/CraftBot.dll Download the new Recipe's file here: http://www.firesickle.com/files/recipes.xml (if the recipes file just opens in your web browser, go to File -> SaveAs in your web browser to save it) (Note, you do not need to reinstall, if you already have this installed, skip the install step) 1) Install CraftBot 2) Overwrite the CraftBot.dll file in your install directory Default(C:\Program Files\Paraduck\CraftBot\) 3) Overwrite the Recipes.xml file in your mydocuments folder Default(C:\Documents And Settings\Username\My Documents\Paraduck\CraftBpt) 4) Enjoy some good old tinking... ---- Your old settings should be saved if you already had this installed. I suggest backing everything up, because I am a stickler for that. Hope to hear back from you guys, Take care, FireSickle
Holtaburg Buffbot Stoner and Tradebot Jadefire Monarch of The KCrew Clan
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@Saloben_ign I have a really good idea what is causing that, and I will be making changes to fix it tonight (if my software launch at work goes smoothly today) or later this week if anything crazy is happening. The section of code which checks the T# that you entered has some really heinous code logic in it. I will do some testing over the next few days as I have 5 mules worth of salvage to burn through and several of my guildmates do as well. -I am going to post a new thread up here on the VN Boards to track known issues and suggestions. Until Papafizzle gets a new tinkbot working, I will continue to support Paraduck's old code. ----------UPDATE------------- I Just created a new thread to track bugs and feature suggestions: http://vnboards.ign.com/ac_utilities/b5432/115942234/p1/?0
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Oct 30, '03
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Real Post Cnt: 2,531
User ID: 851,114
New Craftbot Post
It seemed to happen mostly when it was seven tinks or more being done at one time. I hope you are prepared to lose a LOT of salvage Good luck on the bot. I used it up until it started having problems and look forward to it working again.
Never! Never! Never! take a sleeping pill and a laxative at the same time.
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Thanks for the heads up Saloben_ign. That will help while I am doing testing. I am fine with losing lots of salvage, gives me more room to hoarde it again :-) I will post update information and known issues in that other thread I linked to. Feel free to leave feedback and any other known bug stuff over there
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May 17, '02
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User ID: 680,348
New Craftbot Post
Actually the only reason I stopped using it was the PC I ran it on died, I only saw the runway tinking rarely. I would warn folks folk to NOT use the T# feature but to get their odds and then cancel and re-add only what they were comfortable with doing. Since I was running with @ the clan mansion this worked decently. Mind you I was set to be a public bot but was trying to minimize lag by not being in a town or MP.
Edits are for spelling :^) Trophy Compendium http://vnboards.ign.com/message.asp?topic=90389010 /a Devil's Saint says, "what we teach our Children we become" June 3, 2008
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