Author Topic: A little help for someone gone for a while
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Subject: A little help for someone gone for a while
I have been gone for a few years and just returned to AC.

I am slowly getting thing working again, but after patch I cannot get decal to work properly.

I am unable to get Alinco to work and BuffMe will not do any spells, or buffs.

Decal loads fine, and I have done the update on the decal link in my task bar.

I have confirmed that the Memlocs are current as well as doing a repair to decal

I am running with windows 7 64bit version and had worked without any issues until the patch

Can anyone give me some insight

Thank you


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Registered: May 17, '02
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Subject: A little help for someone gone for a while
Make sure your firewall allows ac's launcher and client thru and decal as well (stuff changes), also you are MUCH more likely to get GOOD help with an decal export...... opposed to me throwing ideas out from what is a likely sleep deprived mind atm.


Edits are for spelling :^)
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