Author Topic: Tip of the Day - Dig It!
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Subject: Tip of the Day - Dig It!

"There is a daily quest in Zul'Drak called "Can You Dig It?". You have to dig in piles of dirt, and 1/3 of the time, you?ll get a small box which contains both silver and a grey item, worth at least 3 gold at the vendor. As long as you don?t turn in the quest, you can continue to dig. It's something to do that makes a bit of gold while you're waiting in the dungeon queue and bored of questing."

Submitted by: Faithinator

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Subject: Tip of the Day - Dig It!
I hope someone does a "gold per hour" test on this. Anything under 200 is useless if you cannot be doing something else. As he said, doing it while waiting for queue is a good idea. Unless you have some dailies worth more this will do.


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Title: Orderly Randomizer
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Subject: Tip of the Day - Dig It!
If I remember that quest correctly, it also spawns mobs, which can get rather annoying unless they're grey to you.


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