Author Topic: So im trying to play WOW...
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Subject: So im trying to play WOW...
And its telling me i dont have a wow account attached to my bnet acc, then i try to send a verification email and it never comes, is this a common problem or...?


~Lilmadem~ RR~11L5~LE~Heroine~
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Title: VN's Most Wanted
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Subject: So im trying to play WOW...
Sounds like you got jacked in some way. Is the email on the acct changed or anything? Is all the info the same as the last time you looked?



PvPing since 1977
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Subject: So im trying to play WOW...
Arcilite_I posted:
Sounds like you got jacked in some way. Is the email on the acct changed or anything? Is all the info the same as the last time you looked?

Iv never played wow lol, and ye info seems to be the same


~Lilmadem~ RR~11L5~LE~Heroine~
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Title: VN's Most Wanted
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Subject: So im trying to play WOW...
Oh, ummmm, you gotta add WoW to your bnet account or something. You can't just log in without an account.



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Subject: So im trying to play WOW...
Yes, you have create a BNET account and then attach your Wow account to it. If you're doing that and not getting verification emails, you may need to check your email spam settings.


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