Author Topic: Some random decal dev questions
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Subject: Some random decal dev questions
Like many, I have recently picked up AC again. In that, I also started looking into decal again as well. I have been working on porting an old plugin to the 3.0 model but have run into a few things I havent been able to figure out yet. I started just trying to recompile the C version, but it was too far gone that I didnt know how to fix it, so I started clean in C#.

First, I used to pop up when an event occured, so the UI could be closed normally. I don't see how to do that from the .Net interface.

Next, I see how to select and object, but I dont see how to select it in a way that it also shows in the game selected area (bottom right where it shows the selected object name). Any code samples?

Another issue I found is that I cannot get RawWriteToText to work like it used to. I see AddChatTextRaw, but it seems to add a line feed at the end. The point of the Raw originally was to not do that so you can have multi colored lines. Is this still possible?

Lastly, I don't see a way to change the color of the text in a list box like I could in C. Is that still possible?

Thanks for any help. I have scoured the net for code samples, but it seems decal plugin development is a dying art.


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Subject: Some random decal dev questions
Heysun_HG posted:

Another issue I found is that I cannot get RawWriteToText to work like it used to. I see AddChatTextRaw, but it seems to add a line feed at the end. The point of the Raw originally was to not do that so you can have multi colored lines. Is this still possible?

Nope. It would be great to be able to use multiple colors of text per line, but that's not possible anymore.

Heysun_HG posted:

Thanks for any help. I have scoured the net for code samples, but it seems decal plugin development is a dying art.

I don't have the links handy, but there is a plugin template originally done by Lonewolf and updated by Lino that works. Mag-nus also has a plugin template that he made to work with Virindi Views. Virindi has some samples of things on her website as well. Plus, there are other plugin developers who have their source code out there.

Sorry I can't help with your other questions, but I am still learning myself.


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Subject: Some random decal dev questions
Ya, I should mention I am thankful for the people who are posting code. I used Wolf's temple (nice work integrating with VS) to get started. Mag's source has also been very helpful as I have often refered to it in order to figure out how to convert what I used to know to the new interfaces.

I have avoided Views so far.. One thing at a time, and I am old school.

Once a get a little further, I will post my source as well. I just don't want to mislead others like me before I get it working.


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Subject: Some random decal dev questions
To make a view visible:
-With Adapter, ViewWrapper.Activated = true;
-With the VVS wrappers, IView.Visible = true;
-With VVS, HudView.Visible = true;


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