Title: Scrub Buster
Jul 17, '01
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Real Post Cnt: 21,292
User ID: 255,861
I really don't understand Blizzard (or BlizTard?) anymore...
Yeah, it's no longer "Blizzard", it really looks more like "BlizTard" every new announcement... First, there is this: 4.3 Battleground Conquest Rewards Blizzard posted: In patch 4.3 we’re changing the daily battleground (BG) to reward 100 conquest for a win (up from 25). In addition, every non-rated BG that you win will also give you 50 conquest. There is no limit to how many BGs you can run this way, up to the normal conquest cap. Our intent is to start acting even more on our Mists of Pandaria philosophies of encouraging players to approach the content they want to, how they want to, and be able to work toward meaningful player progression. Arenas and rated battlegrounds will still earn Conquest faster, but with this change you can now work your way up by running normal BGs, if you so choose.
Now that's a great change. Amazing. One is no longer forced into crappy "PvP in a Bowl" or even forced grouping to get geared for PvP! That would be the "Blizzard" side of things. But then comes "BlizTard": VP Changes to 4.3 PTR BlizTard posted: We've made slight adjustments to the Valor Point (VP) drops on the 4.3 PTR which testers can now see. In both 10- and 25-player raids, bosses will now drop 100 VP each (down from 115 and 135 respectively). We’ll also be changing Firelands raid bosses to drop 50 VP per kill upon release of the patch. This change is being made to further emphasize the desire to kill bosses for the items they drop. In the 4.3 raid, tier sets can only be earned from boss drops, and as Raid Finder will allow for just about anyone to get a chance to kill bosses, we think there will be less need for Valor overall. We want to try to match the lower desire for VP with a slightly slower acquisition rate. We appreciate your thoughts and constructive discussion on how these changes may affect you and your guild once 4.3 is released.
Yeah, remove anything the "casual" non-raiders could look forward to. Let's forget why WotLK was so successful. Let's forget we just lost close to 2 million players. Let's do more retarded stuff, and this JUST before SW:TOR (and GW2 soon) is released. God forbid the people who only have time for a dungeon or two could eventually win some set pieces and the associated bonus. Not to mention what was said by Blizzard above: "Our intent is to start acting even more on our Mists of Pandaria philosophies of encouraging players to approach the content they want to, how they want to, and be able to work toward meaningful player progression.". Looks like BlizTard missed that memo... And the part about the raid finder... PUG raids... don't make me laugh, please. People here know I'm not the kind to "cater to the dumb", and I still believe the dungeons in Cataclysm aren't that hard. But to remove more and more rewards from them to force people to raid will be Blizzard's doom. They should have learned in WotLK that they make people happy by catering to everybody. Bioware must be laughing and opening champaign at each new WoW patch note lately.
SWTOR: 50 Jedi Shadow (Tank), 50 Sith Marauder (Annihilation). LOTRO: Lifetime account, playing very casually. WoW: Both accounts canceled for now. GW2: Future Warrior.
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Apr 12, '10
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User ID: 1,390,814
I really don't understand Blizzard (or BlizTard?) anymore...
OK, who hacked Korrigan's account and is posting for him? I agree 100% with you though.
-----signature----- Deepstrike Server Milkman - Guardian Bard
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Nov 12, '02
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User ID: 737,408
I really don't understand Blizzard (or BlizTard?) anymore...
I agree as well.
"The reason why I have killed you was simply because.... ..... you pointed your blade at my pride."- Byakuya
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Mar 28, '03
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Real Post Cnt: 477
User ID: 784,400
I really don't understand Blizzard (or BlizTard?) anymore...
It's sad that once again Korrigan’s posts cater to the "holier than thou" politically correct whining crowd...
In the heat and the rain,
With whips and chains,
To see him fly.
So many die.
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Apr 7, '02
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I really don't understand Blizzard (or BlizTard?) anymore...
steveC91 posted: It's sad that once again Korrigan’s posts cater to the "holier than thou" politically correct whining crowd...
Dude, he started the thread, how is it that his posts are "again catering" to anyone?! If anything, they mark a steep change in what he would of posted a year ago about Blizzard/WoW. . But back on topic, yeah it does kind of suck that VP is becoming less worthwhile, however I guess it all depends on how well the PUG raids are implemented for the more casual crowd as to whether this will have much of an effect or not. Plus this will probably be the last tier of gear before MOP, so I guess they want to stretch the progression out as long as they can lol.
I need a new hobby . . Ten level 85's (one of each class) in WoW Back to try out the Feb patch in AC
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Title: Scrub Buster
Jul 17, '01
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Real Post Cnt: 21,292
User ID: 255,861
I really don't understand Blizzard (or BlizTard?) anymore...
Back a year ago, I was supporting the ability for "non-raiders" to earn the same gear through dungeon points. Same two years ago. I always have. I think the WotLK system was the best. Me being against dumbing down the whole game for the lesser common denominator is a totally different topic. Heroic modes are there for that. Raids too, since they require a time commitment and scheduling. Those should NOT be dumbed down. But "casuals/non-raiders" SHOULD have access to better gear, including set items. I've also always said that I couldn't care less if Mister John Casual wears gear similar to mine at the mailbox, I was never that kind of player. And again, there's heroic modes too. That's why I think that move is one more stupid move in the long line of stupid moves BlizTard made since the release of Cataclysm.
SWTOR: 50 Jedi Shadow (Tank), 50 Sith Marauder (Annihilation). LOTRO: Lifetime account, playing very casually. WoW: Both accounts canceled for now. GW2: Future Warrior.
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Title: Caveat Lector
Feb 2, '05
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I really don't understand Blizzard (or BlizTard?) anymore...
steveC91 posted: It's sad that once again Korrigan’s posts cater to the "holier than thou" politically correct whining crowd...
Proof that people are stupid and post without reading or caring what was originally posted.
SWTOR, Maybe in a year. Back to WoW for now. With a lil f2p CoH.
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Title: Moderator Bad Moogle
Jul 9, '02
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User ID: 695,821
I really don't understand Blizzard (or BlizTard?) anymore...
I am going to check the IP of Korrigan to see if it is really him!
Currently in the MMO unemployment line. Can I get $15/month for not playing them?
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Jul 7, '10
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Real Post Cnt: 365
User ID: 1,397,686
I really don't understand Blizzard (or BlizTard?) anymore...
Totally agree with the OP. Forcing casual players to raid in order to get tier pieces is a mistake. Further, LFR has the potential to be one of the most frustrating gaming experiences ever. Considering how few LFD groups are d-bag free, the odds that you can get into a group with 6x as many random people without a d-bag or two is pretty slim.
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Title: The One and Only
Sep 18, '04
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I really don't understand Blizzard (or BlizTard?) anymore...
Nakal posted: I am going to check the IP of Korrigan to see if it is really him!
Ha! That is kinda what I was thinking. I said it before about one of Korrigan's posts, when even your diehard fans are bitching about the game you know for a fact something is wrong.
“A painter paints his pictures on canvas. But musicians paint their pictures on silence. We provide the music, and you provide the silence.†~Leopold Stokowski
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Title: Ooo...bouncy!
Jun 17, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 5,446
User ID: 689,383
I really don't understand Blizzard (or BlizTard?) anymore...
Welcome to the club, Korrigan. Here's hoping they start listening to us again sometime soon. What makes me groan, then chuckle, then shake my head and go back to playing EVE and Rift is when the same Blizzard rep makes two statements on the same day that seem to directly contradict each other (in spirit, not necessarily in facts). Makes me think GC's comments about listening to recent player complaints are all just smoke and mirrors, while he sends out Bashiok and the others to announce the same silly-ass changes he's been getting flak for over the last few years.
WoW and DAoC - Too many alts to count Charter Member - Altaholics Anonymous
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Title: Caveat Lector
Feb 2, '05
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Real Post Cnt: 3,155
User ID: 1,024,262
I really don't understand Blizzard (or BlizTard?) anymore...
Oh I have seen GC directly contradict himself, but I can't link it anymore becuz they changed boards and the old boards had hard proof.
SWTOR, Maybe in a year. Back to WoW for now. With a lil f2p CoH.
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Title: VN Sensei
Dec 16, '06
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User ID: 1,191,724
I really don't understand Blizzard (or BlizTard?) anymore...
-Peo- posted:
steveC91 posted: It's sad that once again Korrigan’s posts cater to the "holier than thou" politically correct whining crowd...
Proof that people are stupid and post without reading or caring what was originally posted.
April 26th..the day the future will be known...NFL draft. I'd rather be kicked in the face then be a Patriots fan!
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Feb 22, '05
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Real Post Cnt: 20,667
User ID: 1,030,445
I really don't understand Blizzard (or BlizTard?) anymore...
-Peo- posted:
steveC91 posted: It's sad that once again Korrigan’s posts cater to the "holier than thou" politically correct whining crowd...
Proof that people are stupid and post without reading or caring what was originally posted.
It's not like there is any additional proof needed (because it's a daily occurrence here on this board), but it is entertaining to keep bringing this up to hopefully shame the knuckledragger who probably also isn't reading the rest of this either lol.
If ignorance were painful, half the posters here would be on morphine drips. Everyone playing WoW knows everything about playing two classes: 1) their own and 2) Hunters
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Title: Lieker of Cheese
Jan 9, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 21,166
User ID: 601,475
I really don't understand Blizzard (or BlizTard?) anymore...
Nakal posted: I am going to check the IP of Korrigan to see if it is really him!
You should. No way even he would backtrack all the butthurt defenses he has posted on blizzard's behalf, unless he was hacked or he truly finally grew a brain cell. Which is more likely?
I liek cheese Pirates > Ninjas .....................................
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Mar 28, '03
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Real Post Cnt: 477
User ID: 784,400
I really don't understand Blizzard (or BlizTard?) anymore...
Sorry guys I have been having problems with the new login system.
Thanks for the comments about my post
Watch the video and you may understand the humour of it.
If you have to explain it then its not as funny and that is funny to me if you get my drift.
In the heat and the rain,
With whips and chains,
To see him fly.
So many die.
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Title: I has title now!
Sep 10, '03
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Real Post Cnt: 9,208
User ID: 837,259
I really don't understand Blizzard (or BlizTard?) anymore...
I just want to chime in and say, the new LFR is STUPID easy everyone will still have a chance at tier gear with this new setup edit: but it is still very dumb and is a step backwards for removing tier gear off valor point.
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Title: Lieker of Cheese
Jan 9, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 21,166
User ID: 601,475
I really don't understand Blizzard (or BlizTard?) anymore...
Blizzard still thinks they can force people to raid
I liek cheese Pirates > Ninjas .....................................
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