Title: 0110011010 Be Nice to Me I'm a Bot
Oct 18, '05
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Real Post Cnt: 42,467
User ID: 1,086,234
New Poll - The Monk
The Monk will be the newest class added to the World of Warcraft in the next expansion. There will also be a new race of Panadrens who are the most notable monks-- as displayed at BlizzCon. But all races (except the unfortunate goblins and worgen) will be able to roll up as the brand new class. What race will you pick for your monk? Vote now in our new poll!
You can view all the results of past polls here.
Posted from WoW Vault
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Nov 20, '03
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Real Post Cnt: 358
User ID: 860,145
New Poll - The Monk
Maybe once the final player models are released I might (and it's a big might) choose pandas. But I kinda doubt it....
I'm a lurker and I know it. Post count just means you spend too much time reading and not enough playing. :P
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Title: Ooo...bouncy!
Jun 17, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 5,446
User ID: 689,383
New Poll - The Monk
And the results are coming in... #1 = Pandaren (duh) #2 = Don't care about monks/MoP ...rofl...
WoW and DAoC - Too many alts to count Charter Member - Altaholics Anonymous
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Nov 1, '04
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Real Post Cnt: 898
User ID: 984,980
New Poll - The Monk
Pandas have much greater detail than the other races,more moving parts or something.They want to bring all the other races up to the standard of the pandas in the future. I doubt i'll be playing wow,just really hate the gameplay, raid or bad pvp balance.Open beta to strat(15 man raid) and BRS collecting my Paladins buzz light year set was my favourite times.I dont think I really enjoyed the game as much when I was collecting my 6th 7th 8th tier sets. Im hoping Guild wars will be a success,and a little diablo3 at other times.
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May 13, '08
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Real Post Cnt: 285
User ID: 1,296,786
New Poll - The Monk
I try and try and try to drum up ANY emotion/interest in anything coming in MOP... and I just can't. Then I look at Guild Wars 2, then back at WoW, then GW2, then back at WoW. Someone seems to be listening to what the players want, and it ain't Blizzard Entertainment. I have been playing since release, so about 7 years. I run 2 accounts. I have filled two servers with high level toons and am working on a third. I no longer raid. What's the point? I no longer PvP. What's the point? I try and try to feel something, ANYTHING about canceling the accounts that I have spent YEARS building up... and I just don't care. Did you know that GW2 is free to play after initial purchase? What is my monthly sub getting me from WoW? A complete redesign of the talent system? Again? A stagnant world for yet another 24 months? Even more content that "The One Percent" will see and the rest of us 99% are considered not worthy? As long as a game relies on the holy trinity (tank/healer/DPS), with their attendant huge waits for "the right class" to happen to want to play... your game is doomed.
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Title: Lieker of Cheese
Jan 9, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 21,166
User ID: 601,475
New Poll - The Monk
Here's to hoping that GW2 completely destroys blizzard (so that future companies will stop trying to copy WoW and do something actually new and fun)
I liek cheese Pirates > Ninjas .....................................
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Title: The One and Only
Sep 18, '04
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Real Post Cnt: 17,157
User ID: 968,129
New Poll - The Monk
Spookysheep posted: Here's to hoping that GW2 completely destroys blizzard (so that future companies will stop trying to copy WoW and do something actually new and fun)
I think your faith in the gaming industry is too much Spook. Obviously once GW2 completely destroys Blizzard everyone will start copying them instead.
“A painter paints his pictures on canvas. But musicians paint their pictures on silence. We provide the music, and you provide the silence.†~Leopold Stokowski
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Title: Lieker of Cheese
Jan 9, '02
Extended Info (if available)
Real Post Cnt: 21,166
User ID: 601,475
New Poll - The Monk
Quazimortal posted:
Spookysheep posted: Here's to hoping that GW2 completely destroys blizzard (so that future companies will stop trying to copy WoW and do something actually new and fun)
I think your faith in the gaming industry is too much Spook. Obviously once GW2 completely destroys Blizzard everyone will start copying them instead.
True that, but if GW2 is teh gud instead of teh suq like WoW, then we want them to copy GW2
I liek cheese Pirates > Ninjas .....................................
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