Author Topic: CoverItLive Q&A: Class Design -- (11/9)
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Subject: CoverItLive Q&A: Class Design -- (11/9)
Zarhym posted:
To follow up on our first World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria developer Q&A on the CoverItLive platform, we?re gathering the entire class design team to field your questions on the past, present, and future of World of Warcraft classes. Anyone is welcome to join in the live Q&A this Wednesday, November 9, beginning at approximately 10:45 a.m. and concluding around noon PST.

You can read along via the CoverItLive client embedded in the blog linked below while the Q&A is live. To participate, you just use your Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, or OpenID credentials, or simply sign in as a guest. If you?re on the go while the event?s underway on Wednesday, be sure to check out the free mobile apps available on the Android Market and iTunes Store.

We?ll see you on Wednesday morning!

Posted from WoW Vault


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Subject: CoverItLive Q&A: Class Design -- (11/9)
Waste of time.

It's just going to be the same ol' same ol' where the devs defend the OP classes while the classes that have to keep track of a dozen keybinds (or more) and only do about 3/4 the dps, or have to track a dozen (or more) keybinds to effectively tank against the facerollers, gets ignored.

Call it a prophecy.


I'm a lurker and I know it.
Post count just means you spend too much time reading and not enough playing. :P
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