Title: 0110011010 Be Nice to Me I'm a Bot
Oct 18, '05
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The Great Item Squish (or Not) of Pandaria
Blizzard posted:
The lead designers were originally going to talk about this topic at BlizzCon, but it didn?t really match the content of the rest of our ?Intro to Pandaria? presentation, and seeing as how we finished our 90-minute slot with 93 seconds remaining, there wouldn?t have been room for it anyway. But several of us did bring up the issue with players and media we talked to, and it even ended up in at least one FAQ, so we figured we?d go ahead and get the information out there. Note that unlike much of what we presented for the upcoming Mists of Pandaria expansion, this is not an announcement. It?s more of a problem we?d like to address, and a couple of ways we potentially might do so. Feedback is certainly appreciated.
Big Number Syndrome
Hey, our stats are growing exponentially. If you look at everything from the Strength on a weapon to the damage being done by a Fireball crit or the amount of health the Morchok boss has, they look downright absurd compared to the numbers for level 60 characters in the original shipping version of World of Warcraft. It?s not exactly a surprise that we were going to end up here, and we knew where we were going every step of the way, yet regardless, here we are.
Fig. 1. Item level vs. character level. Brown = vanilla. Green = BC. Blue = LK. Red = Cat.
The numbers grew so much primarily because we wanted rewards to be compelling. Upgrading from a chestpiece that has 50 Strength into one that has 51 Strength is undeniably a DPS increase for the appropriate user, but it?s not a very exciting reward. Such negligible increases can drive players to do some weird things, such as skipping over tiers of gear or entire levels of content. This is particularly relevant when we?re talking about a new expansion. We don?t want level-85 players to have a reasonable shot at level-90 dungeons and raids (or PvP opponents) just because that content is balanced for gear that isn?t much better than what the level-85 players have.
So we arrived at this point in a logical fashion, and we don?t really think we should have handled things any differently. However, it?s still a weird place to be, and it?s about to get weirder. These aren?t real items, in that we don?t know for sure what the item levels will be in patch 5.3 and patch 6.3 (if only we planned that far ahead!) but they are reasonable guesses, and you can see just how ridiculous the items look.
Fig. 2. A theoretical item from patch 5.3.
Fig. 3. A theoretical item from patch 6.3.
So what do we do about it? There are two general categories of solutions. The first is to make the numbers appear more manageable and the second is to actually change the numbers.
Mega Damage
The first solution could include changes like adding commas and the like to large numbers. We could also compress all of those 1000s to Ks and all of those 1,000,000s to Ms, much like we do with boss health today. Internally, we have been calling this the ?Mega Damage solution? because instead of your Fireball hitting for 6,000,000 damage, it would hit for 6 MEGA DAMAGE (queue the Arcanite Ripper guitar solo).
Fig. 4. Mega Damage. Name/screenshot not to be taken seriously.
If we can make numbers such as floating combat text and boss health and item stats a little easier to read at a glance, then maybe we can endure numbers increasing exponentially for many digits to come. Now there are some very real computational limitations. PCs just can?t quickly perform math on very large numbers, so we?d have to solve all of those problems as well. Even today, tanks can hit the ten digit threat cap on some encounters.
Item Level Squish
The second solution actually involves compressing item levels, which is why we call it the ?item level squish solution.? If we can lower stats on items, then we can lower every other number in the game as well, such as how much damage a Fireball does or how much health a gronn has. If you look at the item level curves, you can see that most of the growth occurs at the maximum character levels for the various expansions. This is because we keep rewarding more and more powerful gear to make the new raid tier and PvP season in an expansion reward significantly better gear than the previous one. However, those huge item level jumps don?t accomplish a lot once the character level has increased again. Very few players notice or care how much of an upgrade the Black Temple loot is over the Serpentshrine Cavern loot when their characters are level 80.
With that in mind, we could go back and compress the big item level increases that occur at level 60, 70, 80 and 85. The Mists of Pandaria gear would still grow exponentially from patch to patch, but the baselines would be a lot lower. Health could go from 150,000 back down to something like 20,000. The big risk of this approach is that players will log into the new expansion and feel nerfed? even if all the other numbers are compressed as well.
In other words, your Fireball will still do the same percentage damage to a player or a creature that it does today, but the number would be smaller. Logically, this seems like it would work, and it does. But it feels weird. When we tried this internally, everyone agreed that it just felt off throwing a spell for hundreds of damage when you are used to it doing thousands of damage.
I came up with an analogy -- even though I know logically that people drive on the left side of the street in the UK (we drive on the right side of the street in the US) and wouldn?t be surprised to see it, it would still feel really disorienting if I was driving in the UK and had to make a right-hand turn.
Fig. 5. Item level vs. character level before and after ?squish?. Brown = vanilla. Green = BC. Blue = LK. Red = Cat
So Now What?
As I type this today, we haven?t decided on which if either solution we want to try. Maybe we?ll come up with yet another solution. Maybe it?s the kind of thing we can put off for another expansion so that players don?t have to adjust to the new talent system and a drastic item level compression at the same time. Or maybe it?s better just to pull the Band-Aid off fast and fix everything at once. Time will tell. I did, however, want to outline the problem lest any of you believe we don?t think there is a problem. There is. We?re just not sure of the best solution yet. If your answer is that stat budgets don?t have to grow so much in order for players to still want the gear, our experience says otherwise, and thus these proposed solutions exist. Your thoughts on the matter are valuable.
Greg ?Ghostcrawler? Street is the lead systems designer for World of Warcraft. The last time he used ?Fig. 5? in an article, it related fish predation to estuarine hydrocarbon contamination.
Posted from WoW Vault
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Apr 7, '02
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The Great Item Squish (or Not) of Pandaria
If they keep going in the direction they have been going for the last year +, they won't have to worry about patch 6.3!
I need a new hobby . . Ten level 85's (one of each class) in WoW Back to try out the Feb patch in AC
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Title: Sith Lord
Dec 17, '02
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The Great Item Squish (or Not) of Pandaria
NukeMage posted: If they keep going in the direction they have been going for the last year +, they won't have to worry about patch 6.3!
Right, because WoW is a ghost land these days. Oh wait... WoW still has the mmo market cornered. Where's wow's competition these days? Struggling to keep 1 million users? Interesting.
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Title: I has title now!
Sep 10, '03
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The Great Item Squish (or Not) of Pandaria
i'm all for ilvl squashing it has to be done tanks are going to be at 250k+ hp soon
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Title: Sith Lord
Dec 17, '02
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The Great Item Squish (or Not) of Pandaria
Elaok posted: i'm all for ilvl squashing it has to be done tanks are going to be at 250k+ hp soon
OMG a tank with 250k HP! The sky is falling... that sky is falling!
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Title: WoW Vault Staff Teh Pyckles!
Mar 4, '03
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The Great Item Squish (or Not) of Pandaria
Elaok posted: i'm all for ilvl squashing
it has to be done tanks are going to be at 250k+ hp soon
They already have it?
"Pallys are simply self healing rocks." - IndridCole
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Jun 17, '01
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The Great Item Squish (or Not) of Pandaria
the item squish is a necessity that i feel they fail to focus on. fact of the matter is if you keep the curve from vanilla you wouldn't have people upgrading gear at any point until maybe the last raid or two of the next expansion. they have to lower the number on the stats of items and increase their value to you or just keep adding numbers or do this item squish to force people out of their raid purples into greens/blues from quests/instances and then let them upgrade again. and since the main focus for wow is purple gear this is very much the easiest sollution for them.... otherwise they'd have to redo a ton of math for stats to fix the problem.
"...and they'll say "Hey, Look at him!, I'll never live that way". And that's ok they couldn't anyway..."
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Jan 27, '01
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The Great Item Squish (or Not) of Pandaria
So they messed up and want to do a redo of what they messed up on?
WoW - Archimonde - Ner'Zhul All people have evil thoughts, its those that act on these thoughts, that make them evil I can accept failure. What I cannot accept is not trying.
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Title: VN Sensei
Dec 16, '06
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The Great Item Squish (or Not) of Pandaria
vn_vigilante66 posted: So they messed up and want to do a redo of what they messed up on?
yep....waiting for incoming by Kewk.
April 26th..the day the future will be known...NFL draft. I'd rather be kicked in the face then be a Patriots fan!
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Title: Sith Lord
Dec 17, '02
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The Great Item Squish (or Not) of Pandaria
Liquid741 posted:
vn_vigilante66 posted: So they messed up and want to do a redo of what they messed up on?
yep....waiting for incoming by Kewk.
I will if they squish. It's a horrible solution for the players.
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Title: Board Manager Anime Aikousha
Dec 21, '01
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The Great Item Squish (or Not) of Pandaria
the numbers don't matter to me if everything remains essentially the same. i've always thought the huge number jumps we've been going through were stupid. why should any of us care if our damage drops to 100 on average instead of 10,000 on average if a typical mob still dies in the same amount of time? po ta to, po tah to. its all the same.
MyAnimeList - - Chaotic Neutral - El Psy Congroo
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Title: Now With Extra Baldness
May 23, '01
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The Great Item Squish (or Not) of Pandaria
GrimTempest posted: the numbers don't matter to me if everything remains essentially the same. i've always thought the huge number jumps we've been going through were stupid. why should any of us care if our damage drops to 100 on average instead of 10,000 on average if a typical mob still dies in the same amount of time? po ta to, po tah to. its all the same.
Exactly, if a mob had 100 health and I do 1 damage per swing, it's 1% of it's health. If a mob has 100,000, and I do 1000 damage per swing, it's still 1% of it's health. I think the problem with Cata was that health pools jumped by 1000%, yet our damage remained close to the same.
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Title: Sith Lord
Dec 17, '02
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User ID: 749,729
The Great Item Squish (or Not) of Pandaria
GrimTempest posted: the numbers don't matter to me if everything remains essentially the same. i've always thought the huge number jumps we've been going through were stupid. why should any of us care if our damage drops to 100 on average instead of 10,000 on average if a typical mob still dies in the same amount of time? po ta to, po tah to. its all the same.
Because big numbers are cool and make me feel special.
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Title: Drill, Fill, Bill
Mar 17, '02
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The Great Item Squish (or Not) of Pandaria
You crit for 2.03 x10^7 !!!
PvPing since 1975
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Title: King of the Futons
Jul 9, '02
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The Great Item Squish (or Not) of Pandaria
I like the idea that our characters are way more powerful than we were in Vanilla. Considering we're taking on bosses like Rag in the plane of fire, and Deathwing now, I would expect the champions doing it were epic geared and had lots of health/damage, etc... However, the exponential rise in stats definitely got out of hand, and I'm for a squish. As long as they do it right, that is.
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Apr 7, '02
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The Great Item Squish (or Not) of Pandaria
_Kewk_ posted:
NukeMage posted: If they keep going in the direction they have been going for the last year +, they won't have to worry about patch 6.3!
Right, because WoW is a ghost land these days. Oh wait... WoW still has the mmo market cornered. Where's wow's competition these days? Struggling to keep 1 million users? Interesting.
Never said it was currently a ghostland, nice try though. It is a fact that World of Warcraft has lost a LOT of subscriptions in the past year. Doubtful an expansion about pandas are going to help the cause (after the first few month the xpac comes out) either. I am still playing myself, however I am not quite happy with a lot of the changes that came with this xpac and I am really unhappy about the next xpac and most of the proposed changes at this point. Now, if you can make a post without getting all butthurt because someone says something negative about your "precious lil' WoW", come back to the thread. Otherwise sit in the corner with your 10k posts and keep telling yourself that you are special.
I need a new hobby . . Ten level 85's (one of each class) in WoW Back to try out the Feb patch in AC
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Title: Lieker of Cheese
Jan 9, '02
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The Great Item Squish (or Not) of Pandaria
Am I the only one who noticed that Blizzard has announced an xpac with tons of changes, yet they STILL have no idea how they are going to deal with the massive numbers due to gearflation? More proof that Street is a complete retard. This is an issue they should have addressed and should have had a solution before xpac development even began. There is NO WAY IN HELL blizzard stands a chance of getting this right. Mark my words, Tuskers WILL be hitting harder next xpac
I liek cheese Pirates > Ninjas .....................................
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Title: VN Sensei
Dec 16, '06
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The Great Item Squish (or Not) of Pandaria
_Kewk_ posted:
Liquid741 posted:
vn_vigilante66 posted: So they messed up and want to do a redo of what they messed up on?
yep....waiting for incoming by Kewk.
I will if they squish. It's a horrible solution for the players.
Completely agree with you my friend! I haven't read any news on how the squish would effect lower lvl raids that a lot of us solo? Would like I take a monk in the old content and knock the $hit out of it.
April 26th..the day the future will be known...NFL draft. I'd rather be kicked in the face then be a Patriots fan!
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Title: Ooo...bouncy!
Jun 17, '02
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The Great Item Squish (or Not) of Pandaria
_Kewk_ posted:
NukeMage posted: If they keep going in the direction they have been going for the last year +, they won't have to worry about patch 6.3!
Right, because WoW is a ghost land these days. Oh wait... WoW still has the mmo market cornered. Where's wow's competition these days? Struggling to keep 1 million users? Interesting.
Right, because it's a zero-sum game. Oh wait...
WoW and DAoC - Too many alts to count Charter Member - Altaholics Anonymous
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Jul 20, '08
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The Great Item Squish (or Not) of Pandaria
If they squish everything or continue the gear/mob inflation it doesn't matter since if they do, it will be a wash. The problem will lie in that they will most likely selectively squish/inflate which will create a very large balancing act which will most likely span at least a year.
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Title: straightface
Dec 27, '02
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The Great Item Squish (or Not) of Pandaria
_Warlucky_ posted: If they squish everything or continue the gear/mob inflation it doesn't matter since if they do, it will be a wash. The problem will lie in that they will most likely selectively squish/inflate which will create a very large balancing act which will most likely span at least a year.
They will likely fail to "correct" a couple of pieces and/or mobs resulting in hilarious youtube postings of total ownage trying to convince someone at Blizzard that "oh no you didn't!"
The obvious answer is to use the iconic 1960's TV Batman series comic flashes above player's heads in combat with "Whiff", "Bam", "Pow" and "Pwnd!" for the various levels of damage, instead of real numbers.
There are those who play tank classes, and those that tank. The weapon is only as good as the person wielding it. Free advice is often worth what you pay for it: nothing.
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Title: Old Fart
Feb 21, '01
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The Great Item Squish (or Not) of Pandaria
Don't think it really matters so much dispute the fact there will be much multidimensional nerd rage what ever the decision.
I use Recount to get an idea how well I'm doing in dungeons and if I need to address gem's, enchants, etc. If I only see 1k dps instead of 20k it will not matter that much as long as I am competitive with other members of the party. If I sign on as dps, I consider it my role/obligation to to deliver and be number 1 or 2 in 5 man parties and at least in the top 5-6 in larger raids. If I can do that I consider my self competitive. I don't really care if the final number is 1k or 100k. What does matter is I can be competitive and do my fair share in, with, and for the group.
AiL is the current popular gauge of armor/weapon level. I would think that would or could remain the same. It is nothing more than an average and something of a guesstimate since it doesn't include gems, enchants, reforging, it's effectiveness for the class, role, PvE or PvP, etc. This gauge has already proved to be transient as we went from nothing, to gear score, to AiL. Who is to say what might be the next gauge of gear.
On line game players are fickle at best. What they like, or what is popular today, may be old news tomorrow. How many times have the dev's changed or "upgraded" the game already. I've lost count of how many times my talent tree has been reset or reinvented. I've lost count on how many times I have had to re-learn how to play a particular class due to a major dev overhaul. I've lost count on how much gold I have spent on gems, enchants and so on because suddenly the effectiveness of one talent spec has been superseded by another. Every time, I have adapted along with millions of other people.
What ever the dev's change, those of us that continue to play, will also continue to adapt and change. It's Blizzards game, we just pay for the privilege to play it. As long as Blizzard continues to provide an online environment people enjoy (or can make a buck at) they will continue to do so, regardless of the changes.
AC and WoW: Tired and Retired Paramedic, Swift Water Rescue, Public Safety Diver Registered Nurse Viet Nam Vet 1972-73
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May 25, '02
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The Great Item Squish (or Not) of Pandaria
never understood why 80-85 the hps jumped so much
Forever waiting for a "pvp" game
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Title: I has title now!
Sep 10, '03
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The Great Item Squish (or Not) of Pandaria
PallyDog posted:
Elaok posted: i'm all for ilvl squashing it has to be done tanks are going to be at 250k+ hp soon
They already have it?
I haven't seen it I'd die if i had to heal a stam stacking tank
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Title: The One and Only
Sep 18, '04
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The Great Item Squish (or Not) of Pandaria
I've seen a lot of 200k+ tanks but I don't think I've seen 250k+.
“A painter paints his pictures on canvas. But musicians paint their pictures on silence. We provide the music, and you provide the silence.†~Leopold Stokowski
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The Great Item Squish (or Not) of Pandaria
Blizzard posted: I came up with an analogy -- even though I know logically that people drive on the left side of the street in the UK (we drive on the right side of the street in the US) and wouldn’t be surprised to see it, it would still feel really disorienting if I was driving in the UK and had to make a right-hand turn.
This bit made me laugh. However does he think all those UK people holidaying in the US (or mainland Europs come to that) cope with driving on the other side of the road?
Or is he trying to say it isn't a big deal really?
BTW LoTRO addressed the itemisation inflation problem with the Mines of Moria expansion onwards. They went for tiny increments. The result is that you can complete all the quests in the latest expansion (Rise of Isenguard) in the same gear you got from Mines of Moria (two expansions earlier). Something I found depressing ...
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Sep 28, '01
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The Great Item Squish (or Not) of Pandaria
The numbers do look stupid, its like a bunch of eight years old sitting around playing Gods and Galaxies. Then again, I always though boss fights which were more than five minutes to be equally stupid
. . . For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven . Cows go moo, Dogs go woof and MMO players go ''PVP is imbalanced'' . "I’m as horny as the hat rack at a Viking bar.", Ann Coulter
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Title: WoW Vault Staff
Mar 22, '01
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The Great Item Squish (or Not) of Pandaria
Vault_News posted: We don't want level-85 players to have a reasonable shot at level-90 dungeons and raids (or PvP opponents) just because that content is balanced for gear that isn't much better than what the level-85 players have.
And this is the problem. They go so very far to make certain that those pesky little sub-players have no sort of shot at all.
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