Author Topic: Vtclassic looter: looting -200 damage cloaks
Title: AC Vault Staff
I am batman!

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Subject: Vtclassic looter: looting -200 damage cloaks
Trying to figure this out...

Here is a dump of a cloak i have now with -200

20:19:16 [VTank] Has Identify Data: True
20:19:16 [VTank] ID: A39D0EA9
20:19:16 [VTank] ObjectClass: Clothing
20:19:16 [VTank] (S) Name: Silk Chevron Cloak
20:19:16 [VTank] (S) FullDescription: Chevron Cloak
20:19:16 [VTank] (B) Dyeable: False
20:19:16 [VTank] (I) CreateFlags1: -1054523240
20:19:16 [VTank] (I) Type: 44850
20:19:16 [VTank] (I) Icon: 28829
20:19:16 [VTank] (I) Category: 4
20:19:16 [VTank] (I) Behavior: 18
20:19:16 [VTank] (I) Value: 6962
20:19:16 [VTank] (I) Unknown10: 1
20:19:16 [VTank] (I) IconOutline: 1
20:19:16 [VTank] (I) Container: 1342753073
20:19:16 [VTank] (I) EquipableSlots: 134217728
20:19:16 [VTank] (I) Coverage: 131072
20:19:16 [VTank] (I) Burden: 75
20:19:16 [VTank] (I) IconOverlay: 27702
20:19:16 [VTank] (I) Material: 6
20:19:16 [VTank] (I) PhysicsDataFlags: 137217
20:19:16 [VTank] (I) 320: 2
20:19:16 [VTank] (I) WieldReqValue: 90
20:19:16 [VTank] (I) 352: 2
20:19:16 [VTank] (I) Unenchantable: 9999
20:19:16 [VTank] (I) Workmanship: 8
20:19:16 [VTank] (I) ArmorSet: 53
20:19:16 [VTank] (I) DescriptionFormat: 3
20:19:16 [VTank] (I) ArmorLevel: 0
20:19:16 [VTank] (I) WieldReqType: 7
20:19:16 [VTank] (I) 319: 3
20:19:16 [VTank] (I) WieldReqAttribute: 1
20:19:16 [VTank] (Q) ItemCurrentExperience: 7000000000
20:19:16 [VTank] (Q) ItemLevelExperienceIncrement: 1000000000
20:19:16 [VTank] (D) SalvageWorkmanship: 8
20:19:16 [VTank] (D) SlashProt: 0.800000011920929
20:19:16 [VTank] (D) PierceProt: 0.800000011920929
20:19:16 [VTank] (D) BludgeonProt: 1
20:19:16 [VTank] (D) ColdProt: 0.200000002980232
20:19:16 [VTank] (D) FireProt: 0.200000002980232
20:19:16 [VTank] (D) AcidProt: 0.100000001490116
20:19:16 [VTank] (D) LightningProt: 1

The line i bolded is the one that stands out to me after doing a few dumps on cloaks.

On a side note, it seems like 319 is item level(verified on aetheria and my rare axe), not certain what 320 is, but each cloak i ID'd has it at 2, 1 on the axe.

I don't see an option in classic looter for any of these 3 values, just trying to find a way to differentiate cloaks as not to loot junk.


ImmortalBob, Axer Extraordinaire
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Subject: Vtclassic looter: looting -200 damage cloaks
I can't get in game at the moment, but if I recall correctly, spell names are not on the propertydump. Have you tried a rule based on spell names?

Right now I'm looting based on set numbers and just tossing the ones that don't have a surge I want. I haven't experimented with the spell names yet myself.


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Title: AC Vault Staff
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Subject: Vtclassic looter: looting -200 damage cloaks
the -200 proc is not a spell.


ImmortalBob, Axer Extraordinaire
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Subject: Vtclassic looter: looting -200 damage cloaks
immortalbob posted:
the -200 proc is not a spell.

Are the other surges spells? Because you could eliminate the other spells by name (8 rings, 3 shrouds, cloaked in skill) if all but the -200 dmg count as spells.


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Title: AC Vault Staff
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Subject: Vtclassic looter: looting -200 damage cloaks
that's a good thought, i'll see if that works. remind me to +1 you on the turbine forums for this if so, haha


ImmortalBob, Axer Extraordinaire
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Title: AC Vault Staff
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Subject: Vtclassic looter: looting -200 damage cloaks
no go, this is the rule i tried, just trying to even ID a -200, no level requirement. Maybe i'm doing it wrong?

C - Cloak (-200)



ImmortalBob, Axer Extraordinaire
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Subject: Vtclassic looter: looting -200 damage cloaks
If we had a Spell Count == option it would work.

using >= 0 will ID cloaks with -200, however it'll also ID any with spells.


ImmortalBob, Axer Extraordinaire
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Subject: Vtclassic looter: looting -200 damage cloaks
longvaluekey <= spellcount 0


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Title: AC Vault Staff
I am batman!

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Subject: Vtclassic looter: looting -200 damage cloaks
immortalbob posted:
If we had a Spell Count == option it would work.

using &gt;= 0 will ID cloaks with -200, however it'll also ID any with spells.

Mag-nus posted:
longvaluekey &lt;= spellcount 0

tried it, still flags cloaks with spells. Guess my previous post is not correct.


ImmortalBob, Axer Extraordinaire
+Turbine Sappho tells you, "I am starting to think you are immortal"
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Title: AC Vault Staff
I am batman!

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Subject: Vtclassic looter: looting -200 damage cloaks
Thanks to Virindi here is a rule to loot -200 cloaks, it's set to the bow set right now, but you can change that to whichever you're interested in. just copy and paste the rule below:

C - Cloak (3+ Bow/-200)



ImmortalBob, Axer Extraordinaire
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Subject: Vtclassic looter: looting -200 damage cloaks
where do i find the different set numbers? they seem different than the ones on the bottom


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