Title: Moderator Lynx Mod
Nov 22, '99
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I got into an almost arguement with my roommate over fantasy novels
I kept telling him in my opinion the forgotten realms and D&D based novels were young adult/teen books, the writing style, character developement and story arcs were for the most part easy to follow and simplistic, that I considered them hack and slash books. I said books like Lord of the Rings, Memory Sorrow and Thorn, The Wheel of Time, The Way of Kings, were better developed with intricacy lacking in the D&D style books (He kept referring to the ones I listed as "Big tit small brain books." He kept telling me that I was wrong, that the D&D books allowed one to fill in the missing details with their own imagination and as such were more advanced in style than the ones I provided as examples. I told him I couldn't be wrong it was my opinion. Just like he couldn't be wrong of his view of D&D books because they were his opinion of them. Then I blew his mind by saying that though Tolkien was the grandfather of modern fantasy literature I did not believe him to be the best writer for it, that I held others above him in story and writing style. I gave him the example of the difference between the Iron Tower Series by McKiernan and LoTR by Tolkien, The Iron Tower was out and out a homage to LOTR but I felt the writing was so much better than Tolkiens. he again said I was wrong, and I again said literally "Dude, I can't be wrong it's an opinion, it is just different than what you might think. You might disagree, but that is the what I think about those subjects."
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Title: Moderator
Dec 23, '01
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I got into an almost arguement with my roommate over fantasy novels
I loved the Forgotten Realms, Dragonlance, and other D&D books as a kid. But there is no doubt in my mind those are young adult books.
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Title: RUSH > ALL
Feb 28, '02
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I got into an almost arguement with my roommate over fantasy novels
The AD&D books are very clearly aimed at teens. There is no sex, the violence is toned down, there is no moral ambiguity, etc. I would entertain the argument that some of them are aimed at adults who have never read before and thus don't know what they are missing with the simplistic narratives but there is very definitely something shallow and hackneyed about the majority of AD&D novels.
If I have burnt my bridges I will walk on water. If you're on the shore, then you're sure not me, oh My seething wrath and urge for blood is fueled by searing hate. I'm X X X bitch, triple X rated.
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Jan 10, '02
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I got into an almost arguement with my roommate over fantasy novels
I love the Forgotten Realm series. RA Salvatore had a summer home in Ponce Inlet down here in Florida. He had nice statues of his charectors in his lawn inside the gates. He sold it to the wrestler Kevin Nash.
GM of Piracy & Fallen Eagles GM of Unguilded
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Title: Insolent Insomniac
Dec 20, '01
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I got into an almost arguement with my roommate over fantasy novels
Yossarian_42 posted: The AD&D books are very clearly aimed at teens.
There is no sex, the violence is toned down, there is no moral ambiguity, etc.
I would entertain the argument that some of them are aimed at adults who have never read before and thus don't know what they are missing with the simplistic narratives but there is very definitely something shallow and hackneyed about the majority of AD&D novels.
Have to agree, but I wanted to say that out of what you listed it is the lack of moral ambiguity that clearly sets the AD&D/Forgotten Realms books into the teen/young adult category. Everything is cut and dry, the good guys are the good guys and the bad guys are the bad guys. Imagine how Drizt would have turned out if GRRM had written him...eesh.
And as for the OP's friend reference to tits, tell him to grow up. In stories aimed at adults sometimes sex happens.
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Title: Moderator
Dec 23, '01
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I got into an almost arguement with my roommate over fantasy novels
After thinking about it, I blame Twilight. I can fully understand how any fan of D&D books would be very upset and defensive about their books being mentioned in the same category as that series.
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Title: IGN Vault Staff Reziztance iz Futile
Jun 28, '02
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I got into an almost arguement with my roommate over fantasy novels
^ haha true dat, although I consider Twilight more teen then young adult
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Title: Camelot Vault Staff Assistant SM
Jun 27, '06
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I got into an almost arguement with my roommate over fantasy novels
He kept telling me that I was wrong, that the D&D books allowed one to fill in the missing details with their own imagination and as such were more advanced in style than the ones I provided as examples.
So do choose your own adventure books, but you don't see us touting them as awesome examples of adult fantasy literature
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Title: IGN Vault Staff Reziztance iz Futile
Jun 28, '02
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I got into an almost arguement with my roommate over fantasy novels
Mirkwood MUD, OneEye IvoryFang, Lord of the VampireZ (Retired) AC Frostfell, Clan Z - Lvl 239 Grief Dagger (Retired) WoW Lightbringer Alliance, Z Guild - Lvl 85 Combat Rogue (Retired) Making iOS Apps these days at
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Jan 10, '02
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I got into an almost arguement with my roommate over fantasy novels
Great pic.
GM of Piracy & Fallen Eagles GM of Unguilded
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Title: I've always wanted a title.
Feb 13, '01
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I got into an almost arguement with my roommate over fantasy novels
When assaying Tolien's works, one has to remember that Tolkien wrote with a distinct style that mimicked a lot of tales from norse and celtic and saxon folk stories. Before being a writer of his own fiction, he was a scholar of these languages and translated several stories from them. As a result, several of his own works, including most of the middle earth books are written in a similar primitive style.
"Mmmmrmmrrrmrrmrmrrrrmrmrrmrmrmrrmrr" -GinsuWife
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Title: Moderator Lynx Mod
Nov 22, '99
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I got into an almost arguement with my roommate over fantasy novels
Onslaught. posted: When assaying Tolien's works, one has to remember that Tolkien wrote with a distinct style that mimicked a lot of tales from norse and celtic and saxon folk stories. Before being a writer of his own fiction, he was a scholar of these languages and translated several stories from them. As a result, several of his own works, including most of the middle earth books are written in a similar primitive style.
yes I knew that My university offered a Tolkien Course that gave me an english credit, guess who has two thumbs and aced it, without having to re-read any of the books. this guy!
Moderator I am not a Dev!
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Title: I've always wanted a title.
Feb 13, '01
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Real Post Cnt: 55,112
User ID: 68,094
I got into an almost arguement with my roommate over fantasy novels
Nice. I had a similar course over the summer with the same results. hehe It was actually a "writing intensive" credit called "enjoying literature." Apparently every professor teaching the course could decide their own theme. Our class got very luck. I saw what the other classes were based on after I was already in this one. Of the ones I remember, there was modern law drama(lots of Grisham apparently) and Victorian romance. There were several others that were about as equally appealing, but I was fortunate enough to fall in to origins of modern fantasy. =]
"Mmmmrmmrrrmrrmrmrrrrmrmrrmrmrmrrmrr" -GinsuWife
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